
***Saturday GMT***


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Good lord, I walked in yesterday and was told "Shits broke, you're in charge, peace out!" by the night shift supervisor. What a goat rope, I'm still :twitch:. Nice to be reminded every once in a while why I stepped away from a leadership position.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Had the work party/dinner last night. God I'm such an introvert.

Ordered up some stuff for the car just now. I went for the louder option, instead of plain old loud for the exhaust. We'll see how that works out...

Sitting here waiting for one of my windows to be retinted. I need coffee right meow.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
Fucking snowing after the local weather tarot card readers totally bungled the forecast (something they're doing regularly as of late).

No riding, but at some least some minor digging and moderate woodland drinking will happen.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Trying to get myself to go out and ride my bike in the cold. Nose bleed from the cold dry air this morning and that is even with 4 humidifiers pumping out mist all day. Can't wait to fly to Miami on Tuesday.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
Trying to get myself to go out and ride my bike in the cold. Nose bleed from the cold dry air this morning and that is even with 4 humidifiers pumping out mist all day. Can't wait to fly to Miami on Tuesday.

How long is your stay? I'm going to go riding fellow trail rider is going to leave Christmas and work at Specialized.
Cut wood for solstice bonfire with a couple of friends; got all we need from trees across the trail carried down by heavy wet snow. Put the tools back in the van and decided to drag out the Moonlander and go for a ride; Addison County Sheriff pulled into the parking lot and asked friendly and curious questions about the bike. I offered him a ride but he didn't take me up on it. Followed the tracks of a couple of other bicyclists, wound up somewhat pissed by the fact that they obviously never once got off their bikes to clear branches from the trail. Did some of that, finished the ride, cleared the snow off the top of the van, then spent an hour swearing and knocking things down while trying to slide three spare garage door panels into a storage rack on the ceiling.

Pretty good day, all in all.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Howdy all. I am in Seattle now through the 27th. Remind me to avoid flying the weekend before Christmas in the future.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
squeeb....why is it cheaper to fly to san francisco than to fly to denver?

straight up bullsheeiiiiiiiiiiiit.