
San Diego Monkeys: Mid-Higher end bars downtown


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
The Acropolis! Ha, ha, I've been there, and well...it's nasty. There is something about eating meat while some chick spreads her meat curtains in front of you that really makes you feel like a low life. The scenery is fine, just leave the dining to a seperate outing! The Portland area does have an amazing amount of full nude strip joints in a relatively concentrated area...more than anywhere else I've been.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
The Acropolis! Ha, ha, I've been there, and well...it's nasty. There is something about eating meat while some chick spreads her meat curtains in front of you that really makes you feel like a low life. The scenery is fine, just leave the dining to a seperate outing!
A low life? For eating a good steak, drinking good beer, and enjoying the show? We'll have to disagree on that one. It is what it is: You're there to stare at naked chicks, and they're there to take off their clothes for money. It's no more or less disrespectful to eat at the same time, and it won't make them like you more or less.

Let go of the guilt and dig in!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
something dave chappelle said about strip club/sh!t stains on shirts.....enter with caution.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The Acropolis! Ha, ha, I've been there, and well...it's nasty. There is something about eating meat while some chick spreads her meat curtains in front of you that really makes you feel like a low life. The scenery is fine, just leave the dining to a seperate outing! The Portland area does have an amazing amount of full nude strip joints in a relatively concentrated area...more than anywhere else I've been.
I've never tried to eat at the stage, I usually sit at a table. :rofl:

FYI: Portland holds the record for strip clubs per capita.

The peelers are not making the food, so I was gonna say no, but the truth is I've never seen the kitchen. :D
I don't think I would want to. Sorta like I've never seen the inside of a taco truck, but I've eaten at many and continue to do so.