
Riding in Burundi


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
A grenade costs about $1.50 here. It's tragic what uses they're put to. We had one go off in the central market just after Xmas...then again, it used to happen ALL the time. It's the pre-election tensions that are getting weird here; that's what got them going there in 2005 from what I understand.

Mostly people chuck them into each other's houses at night or into their cousins' weddings to settle "land disputes," or robbers use them to cover their escape from a home invasion scene.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi

Lower-quality vid to allow me to actually upload it in less than 8 hours.

More riding, this time on actual singletrack! It's on my F/S, but we're still going pretty slow. This isn't a place you want to be hurt or run over one of the kids. My friend is trying my rigid singlespeed for the first time, and this is a pretty rough track in places, even though it doesn't look it on the vid. I'd only ridden this way once before, so you get to hear me asking the kids for directions a few times.

Excuse the banter. I'm not using music to drown it out just yet, as I'm still learning iMovie. And excuse the annoying rattle, which I think is the leash clip tapping on the mount. Gonna have to tape that down next time.

Just ordered the proper vented helmet mount, which I hope smoothes out some of the jiggling and tilted perspective.

A kid hopped a ride--pretty much hijacked me, in fact--on my top tube after this was all over, but you can't see him in the vid I took of it, except for him getting on and off. I'll try to get some of that up later.


Dec 20, 2001
damn MD, this is an excellent thread! you're a good man for letting the local kids play around on your bike and such; like dump said, you probably were the highlight of their week.

on a separate note, what made you decide to do what you do? i mean, you obviously have a passion for it and the subsequent travel...



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Thanks; glad you're enjoying it.

As to the job, well, I was unemployed and they were hiring...

But this job offered me some of what I liked about the military without some of the things I didn't like, and the wife (then fiance) and I thought moving around the world would be a great way to raise a family of interesting kids. Job fits my skillset and likes/dislikes, and I was fortunate to be competitive for the hiring process.

Plus they pay reasonably well...


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
OK, now you see the evils of desperation here. Watch as I'm ruthlessly bent to the will of a merciless Burundian warlord.


valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Poor little bastard had probably spent all day climbing that hill. I bet he was going to get water for the goat too. *shakes head*


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Took the road down to a lakefront resort the other week. 60k, tons of fun except for the fact that one freeride bike was in the mix. Ended up swapping out between two other riders to ensure no one had to push the pig for too long. Did my turn and got to spend about 10k on the boss's CX bike, which was much nicer.

The locals here all have the same Chinese bike. It's kinda crazy, with a rear foot brake (edit--not a coaster brake, an actual pedal which actuates a lever for a rear drum brake) and a two-handed front brake on the handlebar (for more leverage, I assume...) They put a rebar rack on it and carry people, bananas, whatever.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
cool update mike. What's the name of the bike? India has similar-looking rides.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
The al-Shabaab saga will continue in central Africa for a long time to come...