

Underwater monkey
Mar 9, 2005
I'm considering it...

It's fockin hot and humid here though, and I was just thinking about shaving everything off.
Fall or winter would be waaay better time to do this.


Apr 11, 2002
Wellington - NZ
I'm considering it...

It's fockin hot and humid here though, and I was just thinking about shaving everything off.
Fall or winter would be waaay better time to do this.
You are the manliest man on all of RM if you have been rocking facial hair around Seoul these days. I am going through 4 shirts a day and the humidity has me permanently in a homicidal rage. Sweated. Through. Pre-8am. I am so happy to be heading out Friday morning.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
30 days?? WTF!

A MAN can grow one in under a week.
Dude, you're my odds on favorite to win the thing. You have a 5 o'clock shadow by noon it looks like in your pics. You probably scraped up your mothers thighs with stubble when you were born.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
So who's in so far?

BS, since you called it, I expect you to track who's in. Is there an RM Paypal account we can use to gather the funds?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
So who's in so far?

BS, since you called it, I expect you to track who's in. Is there an RM Paypal account we can use to gather the funds?
I figure if people would just PM me, it would be a good way to get a decent list going, but there needs to be some way to relate who says they're IN with who has paid.
We could use my paypal account, but Im not sure if people are really comfortable with me in charge of their money.

Also, anyone out there got an "IN" with a trophy shop at any level? I could craft together some kind of trophy also.

And then there's the matter of the charity.

And there's WILL JBP accept his role as judge.

$10 a head, due by Aug. 1, before you can post a pre-stache pic.
Also, anyone wishing to simply donate to the account, but not participate may do so... ahem ladies.
What's the judging criteria JBP? Looks most like a member of the Village People? 70's pornstar? Cop? Child molestor? Hitler?....what are we aiming for?
Jesus god, you expect rules? The idea is to get swilled and see where the hatchet lands when you throw it, yes? :clue:

I'm looking right through you gang of Marys
No extra points for the lazy eye.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Alright, get this thing started. This should be some solid entertainment.

Cant really see it in the picture, but I shaved a sweet stache for a race earlier in the season. 2nd place even pointed at it. Yes, that is also a sandwich in my other hand.

Last edited:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Alright awesome.

Can I get some suggestions as far as which charity we should donate to?

Sierra Club?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
At the risk of being a killjoy....what about a "real" charity? A childrens' hospital, or the hair club for men?
Well, I don't have a problem giving money to little bald kids, but this is a cycling site after all, and we all have an interest in promoting cycling. Some here (not mentioning names) seem to be against advancing modern medicine.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Or maybe there's some sort of "bikes for kids" type of organization....While I don't have an issue with IMBA or anything, but when it's for people that are typically riding bikes that are worth thousands of dollars, there has to be SOMETHING more in need and still in keeping with the theme....


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
...like this for instance

(know nothing of them. I just found them with a quick google search)
Um, those kids are canadian. They're going to end up with bikes no matter what. But I wouldnt be against giving to something like that.

The main thing is, I want the donation to be made in the name of Ridemonkey.com, so maybe the head monkey has some sort of strategic charity that will result in a little PR or something?


in a galaxy far, far away
right. i'll toss down my ten Dollarinos.

very convenient of this contest to start on Aug 1st when we the Vermont Monkeyfest will be boozing up East Burke, VT.

i wonder how the new girlfiend will react to this li'l adventure in cosmetic adornment? :bonk:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Or maybe there's some sort of "bikes for kids" type of organization....
I would rather RM pick. Stinky has his own agenda on the bikes for kids that seems to work quite well. His Paypal account would be good, too.

DirtyDog to the white courtesy phone, please.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Alright Everyone Listen Up!

Here is what I need from anyone who is going to participate.

#1. Paypal $10 to Burlyshirley@yahoo.com

#2. Send me a PM after your transaction has been completed, and in the PM let me know what email adress you've used to send the money so I can verify who has paid. And add your name to mah list.

#3. Post a pic of yourself, freshly shorn (at least your upper lip) in THIS thread ON AUG 1. I'm going to assume no one here would be shallow enough to try and cheat this thing, but if you could somehow get an image of the current date in your photo, it'd eliminate all doubt.

If people want to sign up after Aug. 1, I suppose that is fine, but you will still have to post a pic of your final mustache by Aug. 31. In other words, you don't get any extra time. If anyone simply wants to add to the donation that we're giving to the yet-to-be-determined charity, that's fine as well.

A new thread will be started on Aug. 30/31 in which people can post their final staches for judgement by JBP.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Full Trucker has already won this contest... :D
Actually, I already STARTED this contest!

So... I will be officially judging the Mustache Cup 2008 at the Bike Park at SolVista at Granby Ranch on August 2nd. Although I am not a participant in that contest, I will most likely have a solid stash going. I will shave clean the following day (Sunday August 3rd) and start anew for the Ridemonkey Mustache Contest.

Attached is a picture of the "ice block" that will be chiseled into a work of art for the Mustache Cup 2008. I'm riding RAGBRAI next week so I am thinking that all that beard and hair has to GO, and it's going today, in about 20 minutes. I'll post an "after" shot here in a bit... so ya'll can see what I got in mind!