
Reuters: Americans would pay to watch bin Laden die

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Americans would pay to watch bin Laden die
Reuters | February 23, 2004

NEW YORK (Reuters) - One in five Americans would likely pay to watch a televised execution of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) if he were found guilty and sentenced to death but more than a third said executions should not be televised, a poll says.

A national telephone poll of more than 1,000 people aged 18 or older, done for TRIO cable network by Harris Interactive, asked respondents who they would most likely pay to watch executed if executions were shown on pay-per-view television.

Bin Laden, accused of masterminding the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, was named by 21 percent of those polled. Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) was named by 11 percent.

Thirty-seven percent of those polled said they did not think executions should be televised.

The poll, conducted from January 24 to January 26 and released on Monday, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I would love to see his dumb ass get dumped out of the back of a van during lunch hour in Manhatten. :devil:


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Damn True
No thanks.

I just want the CIA to issue a press release stating that the Bin Laden issue has been "handled".
ditto. I'm a bit disappointed that so many people would want to watch a guy die. Don't get me wrong, he should still die and if he killed a loved one of mine, I'd volunteer to pull the trigger.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Oh come on. We Amercans love to watch people die all the time... sometimes on the news, sometime on Real TV, sometimes on video (Faces-O-Death), and sometimes in movies and tv.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by N8
Oh come on. We Amercans love to watch people die all the time... sometimes on the news, sometime on Real TV, sometimes on video (Faces-O-Death), and sometimes in movies and tv.
and I'm allowed to be disappointed that people like watching others suffer.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by N8
He's not going to suffer if he's executed here in the US.
hmm, I don't mind if he suffers, I could care less about the evil scum, but I just think it's a bit twisted to want to watch someone die.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Originally posted by N8
Oh come on. We Amercans love to watch people die all the time... sometimes on the news, sometime on Real TV, sometimes on video (Faces-O-Death), and sometimes in movies and tv.
we Amercans? hehe don't group me into your death voyeur club pal.:D
i believe in the death penalty, especially in the case of someone like Bin Laden. i do believe it would be a just idea that the families of the victims have the option to somehow be involved in the execution. the only reason i would be interested in seeing such a video and/or live feed, would be to have proof he was actually taken care of, i don't think many people would really get too much satisfaction out of viewing it, other than for that reason.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by Skookum
we Amercans? hehe don't group me into your death voyeur club pal.:D
i believe in the death penalty, especially in the case of someone like Bin Laden. i do believe it would be a just idea that the families of the victims have the option to somehow be involved in the execution. the only reason i would be interested in seeing such a video and/or live feed, would be to have proof he was actually taken care of, i don't think many people would really get too much satisfaction out of viewing it, other than for that reason.
Hey!!! What are you doing in the Political Debate threads...???

You do realize you'll have to disenfect yo' Skookie self afterwards right????



Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by N8
Oh come on. We Amercans love to watch people die all the time... sometimes on the news, sometime on Real TV, sometimes on video (Faces-O-Death), and sometimes in movies and tv.
That's what makes y'all so endearing to the rest of the world.

And why do you say he would not suffer if executed in the US?

(BTW. I am not deending him, just don't see why anyone would enjoy watching him die.)

(BTW2. Did 1 in 5 say that or 1 in the 5 of the 2 in 5 who wanna watch executions? If the latter it's only 2 in 25...you gotta love statistics.)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
What's mostly used is lethal injection, far behind that is electrocution. Gas Chamber, Hanging, and Firing Squad are legal forms of execution in a few states but they have barely been used and not for many years.

ALSO, the only form used by the Federal Govt. and the US Military is lethal injection. (or so they say) ;)


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by fluff
That's what makes y'all so endearing to the rest of the world.
hey now, at least three Americans in this thread specifically said they wouldn't watch it, some didn't comment on watching it at all. So while some would watch, many wouldn't. America's a big country with diverse people.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by LordOpie
hey now, at least three Americans in this thread specifically said they wouldn't watch it, some didn't comment on watching it at all. So while some would watch, many wouldn't. America's a big country with diverse people.

It's the minority who let any nation down...

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
If the execution was shown on the news or if there was an internet link to it, sure I'd watch. As gruesome as it may be, curiosity would get the best of me. I would not watch out of a sense of revenge or victory. However, I certainly would not spend any money to see it broadcast on pay per view as some sort of sicko event. You've got to be some kind of sick asshole to pay for something like that.

Like True said, I'd be satisfied with a simple press release from the CIA.


Jun 14, 2002
Santa Monica
personally, I think if we ever captured him, he should be held, for life, at the new WTC and 911 memorial. He'll be the human urinal. I think in the middle of the site there should be his cage, and it would be legal to pee on him. Now I would pay to do that.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Originally posted by brenth
personally, I think if we ever captured him, he should be held, for life, at the new WTC and 911 memorial. He'll be the human urinal. I think in the middle of the site there should be his cage, and it would be legal to pee on him. Now I would pay to do that.
You're a sick sick man........and I thank you for that! :D


Jun 1, 2006
Lynchburg VA
executing yet another person won't solve a damn thing. if executions solved anything, we'd be living in utopia now. it'll just make him a martyr for his people, if he's still alive at all. besides, having that televised only brings this country down to the same level of those it claims to be against. televised killings are nothing new. put that in your pipe and smoke it.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Its the least we all could do since he made us watch 2749 Americans die on 9/11.
Gathering from the quoted article and the responses in this thread 20% of America would PayPerView for the execution of Bin Laden by deep fryer or leaf mulcher or food processor, or better yet support a human urinal. Even though he has not been convicted, or even indicted for 9-11.

Perhaps you have been too busy to browse the FBI's wanted page for Bin Ladin?
Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya.
Did you see wanted for 9-11 on there? Go ahead and check it. I'll wait.

Maybe you missed this article?
On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11. The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11
Y'all must be really pissed about Tanzania and Kenya I guess.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
"The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for beeing behind every [attack]. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planed by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders' rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations."

-Osama bin Laden, from a statement issued to Al Jazeera within days of the 9-11 attacks.