
Ran my first half marathon yesterday (NBR)

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I've been doing a fair bit of running lately as you may have read in the GMT's (rolf), and yesterday was my first "official" half marathon. That's 13.1 miles fyi. About six months ago I decided to train for one. Training was going really well so I decided to nix the half marathon and run a full marathon instead (Oct 15 Hartford Marathon). As luck would it, another half marathon popped up that was right in line with my training schedule, so I decided to run it with MBC's cousin Rachel.

For marathon training, I'd already done multiple runs of 11-13 miles, plus a 15, 18, 20 and 21 miles, so I knew running 13.1 wouldn't be a problem, but more a matter of how fast. I felt well prepared for this. The weather was perfect for running yesterday, being 52 degrees and mostly sunny. Once the run started, I knew within the first half mile that I was going to be strong, as long as I didn't cramp up or pull anything. I pushed a pretty fast pace (for me, anyway) for the first few miles and thought about slowing down to conserve energy, but I felt strong so just pushed on without slowing. Not only did I keep that pace, but I managed to speed up, as the second half of my race was faster than my first half. My legs started to feel heavy at mile 11, but I kept my pace knowing I only had about 18 minutes of running left. I was tired and achy, but I finished strong. I could have run further, but not at that pace.

With my goal being two hours and finishing in the overall top half of all runners, I finished in 1:48, and 215 of 807 overall. My pace was 8:18 a mile, which is faster than any training run I've had and just a little slower than my 5k pace. I can't believe I managed to keep that pace for that long. I couldn't be happier with my results. Preparation was everything. This course was flat and a lot of my training is on hills, so I think that certainly helped.

I'm feeling a little sore this morning, but not bad at all...about as sore as I'd be after a hard MTB ride. Recovery run planned for after work today. I've got four weeks left until the full marathon.

Pic of me and Rachel (2:09 finisher and 20 minutes faster than her best) post-run is below




Nov 28, 2008
wow - congrats. my wife ran a half after our first was born (well not right after). that's a really solid pace. nice work. keep that pace and you'll be all set for a sub-4 hour marathon, which means you'll beat oprah's time.


Sep 8, 2009
Why are you running so much lately? Is your bike not working? :D

But definitely congrats on the half marathon, just thinking about running that much gets me out of breath.


May 30, 2007
Hartford was my first marathon back in 1997 ... loved it then I was hooked and it was a great Boston Qualifier. Great job!


Dec 19, 2006
Millis, MA
Nice Job IAB! I'm starting to think about doing the New Bedford Half Marathon again with the goal of finishing under 2hrs without stopping(or cramping really). It's actually a really good half with an irish pub 20 yards from the finish line that serves extra cold Guinness. You've definitely done a lot more training that I had before last March.