
rampage course photos


Nov 17, 2005
Boulder, Colorado
funny to see such tight pants on top of the podium at rampage! The comp must have been pretty balanced out between being a big mountain event and slope style judging by the final results.

For the people attending the event, who did this event favor?

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I dont like Dan being out and Gee not starting, did he nail himself and Gee went to the hospital with him or something?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
That's just assume. It's amazing how much it's progressed since the first comp. People have so much more flow on there runs. Look more like skiing on big mountains than it ever has in the past.


fork ways
Jul 31, 2007

question: wouldn't that trump a no-hander for best trick over the canyon gap?

either way, it's crazy...just wondering.
thats kurt sorge. He didn't get his feet back on, and pulled off the worst "nutted" I've ever seen. fuggin crazy, check out the freecaster video


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Wow 60 feet to a flat landing on your ballsack. :shocked:

That dude deserves some kind of prize.

Pretty rad stuff, thanks for the vid link. Glad to see there were plenty of natural lines and options, not just one line with a bunch of ramps. From what I can tell this was definitely a comp true to its name - evolution.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
That's a super can.

No one would crazy enough to try a tailwhip at that speed.

You know how gyroscopes work right? ;)
I think he's talking about Sorge's second shot at the big gapper, he does a really sick moto whip.


Jun 20, 2006
I heard that dan hurt his ancles in practice and qualifying and opted out and that gee seperated his shoulder just as final practice was drawing to a close - not the best weekend for the athertons, hope nothigs serious / long term.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Yes and yes.
BUT can I just say that the 88 held up REMARKABLY! Cam 50/50'd the 60footer TWICE and it finally folded the toptube in a bit. I was one of the sherpas(bike haulers! WTF!) for the weekend and we were always stoked to see the 88s coming up the cliffs! Things weighed nothing! The new Mongoose was light as was the Giant, the heavy Scotts made us tremble with fear of falling off the cliffs after getting it in our hands, The Demos SUCKED to carry, as did Robbie bourdan's Intense. It was super light...but it's kite-shaped downtube really hurts a shoulder!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Incredible weekend. I leanred quite a bit about the pros this weekend..mostly that I know NOTHING about them. I was up on line 3 while Dan Atherton was working and working and working through his line. I was trying to chat and was getting NOTHING out of the guy. He ripped into one of the other sherpas when they bumped his marker rocks and then went back to pacing his line. My mind was thinking "whaddadick" the whole time but I was still trying to be cool and just watched him work. Thw wind was kicking up and he seemed to be getting more and more aggitated. He had a few words with Gee, climbed up to the top and then sent his line. And I mean he sent HIS line! Everyone else was riding this 2' wide ledge pretty much the same way, but Dan found a way to completely eliminate every other 2 ledges! The ridgeline(if you can even call it that) would zigzag back and forth every 60 feet, and he would completely skip those sections and just land back on the 2' wide, LOOSE ledge some 30' down from each lip! THAT'S why he was so touchy about his markers! He climbed back up to where I was looking like he just took a huge satisfying dump and I tentatively asked him if he wanted to head back up for another run. His shocking answer to me was(in thick accent) "Ohh...I can't think of anything worse!" I friggin lost it! He wasn't a dick, he was scared shiitless! That's prob one of the highlights of my weekend, learning that these guys are as human as the rest of us, just have more drive and more talent. And it was SOOOO cool to see the Atherton 3 working so closely the whole weekend. Did I mention that Rachel is even cuter in person??? Damn adorable, that's what she is! When Gee went down, I feared for the lives of anyone who got in her way to her brother. Tight family right there.

Cam McCaul's entire last day was really messed up. He just wasn't there. He didn't even make it down his practice run in finals, just quit and headed back up after blowing his line. And he wobbled and bobbled down his entire final run, almost dying when he sketched the entire run-in to the big gap. It's even worse because every camera on the mountain came SPRINTING over to the gap jump when McCaul dropped in. A lot of people were expecting a LOT of things from the poor kid. There could have been 50 reasons he wasn't on his game...but the beautiful girl frantically gnawing at her fingers right at the landing of the gap sure sent up the flag for me. She was right there everytime he landed something gnar and didn't hide her concerns while he was at the top. Just my opinion being a married guy and having been through some similar times. He'll get it back together.
And can I take a moment to share my pride in being involved with Vanderham's winning line?? I'm pretty stoked about it...

I'd say that while I was rootin for Vandyham to take the win, my two favs of the weekend were Kelly McGarry for being so damn cool and chill all weekend and Van Dine! Was SOOO bummed to see him go down. He was busting 3's and barrel rolls in PRACTICE, would have loved to see what he would have thrown down in comp! Kickass dude, too!


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
^^^Cool write-up. I was really surprised to not see Cam or Gee on the podium, but that's competition I guess. Let's hope Gee's shoulder heals up better than Minaar's and that he's 100% for next season.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Cool write up! Glad you got outta the "great" plains to see it all. AND you got some riding in, too. Sounds like you had a great trip!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Yeah, he did. Was kinda funny...I was watching for him from the minute I got on site so I could eyef*ck that Evil. I remember personally carrying that damn Sunday ALLLLL the way to the top because no one had quite grasped our idea of training them up(leave it to the guys from the FLATLANDS to know how to get bikes up steep terrain!)and sitting at the top gate BS'n for like 15 minutes with the guy riding it. He had his full gear and helmet on so didn't physically recognize him, plus did I mention that apparently all Canadians are short?? So this smallish(and I'm a little guy, really!) cat in full Fox gear on a rattlecan-blacked Sunday drops into the gnar line and POW!, off goes a massive whip that can only be performed by one individual, The Vandersteeze! All I could do was rattle my head a bit and point at him while everyone else just blinked at me! On his next trip up I caught him and he said that his Evil "just wasn't quite ready yet." He sounded kinda bummed about it, so I'm expecting good things. What was also funny was that I was around that Sunday all weekend(also drew some blood on it while "carrying" it across a goat path...I can't whip it like he does. Don't tell anyone. I'm assuming some of his talent has now entered my bloodstream, though...we'll see...) and not once did it trigger off the "Sam Hill Wannabe" flag! Ha!
As far as Gee goes...I seriously CAN NOT even make up the words to describe what I was seeing. He simply WOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE PODIUM. Period. He would have won a trickfest with nothing but pure speed and copious amounts of style, and it would have changed the world. Anyone seen Speedracer yet?? That's Gee. I was on Line 1 and saw him sessioning Line 3. All I could see was literally a silohette(sp) and dust and I knew it was him. You always hear things like "unbelievably fast" and "ridiculously smooth." Well...he's the reason those words were put in the vocabulary. I was standing ON the landing from the dropin/rollin for the big stepup right in the middle of the site and DID NOT HEAR HIM LAND. Just heard the "VROOOMP!" of a bike ripping ass up the stepup jump. No chain slap, no shatack, not even tires contacting Earth. And he was consitent with that. He went down on a nastywicked, off camber drop/stepdown easily 40' in height. I remember seeing him nail it the first time and mumbling something about "Not too damn bad for a Downhiller" and heard someone behind me bust out laughing. It was one of the pros but can't remember who...but they apparently agreed. I couldn't understand the big fuss about Gee not winning the last Rampage and couldn't understand how he was even a contender since I've only seen him throw down a Suicide no-hander as his trick bag. I get it now. And I am still stunnin. His bike is his scalpel...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
For one, there are TWO full paragraghs there. just didn't indent the "as far as..."
Second, this isn't grade school. You're not going to be THAT guy, are you?? C'mon Kid...don't ruin my opinion of you...


Artisanal Tweet Curator
For one, there are TWO full paragraghs there. just didn't indent the "as far as..."
Second, this isn't grade school. You're not going to be THAT guy, are you?? C'mon Kid...don't ruin my opinion of you...
It's pretty unintelligible and difficult to read.

That's why I made the joke.

Don't get all defensive just because someone has difficulty reading your train of thought method of communication.

I mean seriously...........look up at what you just typed. That was my only point. It IS difficult to read.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Dood..I was in Southern Utah at 6pm on Monday. We did not shut the truck off even ONCE on the way home, not even to fill up and I walked in my door last night at 9pm on the money. 23hrs of no sleep and nonstop driving(rode to work this morning, now hate cars) equals rightfully due crankiness.
And now I have to get BACK on the road on Friday and head to the Badlands to test for my own Redbull event! I hate roads...

EDIT: But yeah, it's hard to read and annoying. I just failed to express my lack of caring at the moment. Sorry! Me go sleepy now.