
Public service announcement from Marzocchi USA


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Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Apparently someone posted 2005 Marzocchi product pics? Well you better cut it out, cuz look at this email I got:

To whom it may concern,

You have posted unauthorized pictures of my 2005 product line._ The pictures were taken in Taiwan, at my booth last week. _I assume you realize that they are pictures of my 2005 line and I think you realize that releasing this information too early is a disservice to Marzocchi and your subscribers. _Since specifications and product lines do change disseminating incorrect information is absolutely wrong and I will pursue any and all legal procedures I can do make sure you will not perform this unprofessional act of stupidity again.

Bryson Martin
VP Marzocchi USA



Feb 26, 2003
It's not fair to take Bryson to task for this, he's doing his job, what he gets paid to do. It's also ok and understandable for him to be pissed off about it, for the very reason he listed.
He's allowed to be pissed at RM, because RM is a commercial site.
It has paid ads, and therefore the content needs to be monitored professionally. I wouldn't want the job of checking every photo or thread, but fundamentally if it's on the site, it's the administation's responsability.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by kissthepink
It's not fair to take Bryson to task for this, he's doing his job, what he gets paid to do. It's also ok and understandable for him to be pissed off about it, for the very reason he listed.
He's allowed to be pissed at RM, because RM is a commercial site.
It has paid ads, and therefore the content needs to be monitored professionally. I wouldn't want the job of checking every photo or thread, but fundamentally if it's on the site, it's the administation's responsability.
I'd be happy to delete photos he deemed a problem. The problem with Bryson is that he goes out of his way to be a total ass. He'd be amazed at how far being courteous and professional would get him.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Makes me not want to buy another marz. Don't threaten legal action over a couple of photos. It's bullshyt to act this way when it was your company that put the product out there. It doesn't matter what country it was in.
Like I said, it makes me want to buy my next fork from a different company:(


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Hmmm, sounds like someone has a burr up his ass.

What's the point? A friendly message would have served much better, and wouldn't make you look like a total asshole...


Mar 19, 2002
San Diego
Is that being taken to task? Give me that version from now on!

I don't remember, was it RM that posted them? Did the poster say they pics that should not be seen? What kind of show was this? And it's the person who took the photos who is responsible for the breech of integrity if he knew they were not to be shown. (granted, our legal system is so f-ed anyone who knew the pictures existed is probably libel)

Seems like a huge overreaction for all the free hype they just got. Do I smell sheet rolling down hill?


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
Apparently someone posted 2005 Marzocchi product pics? Well you better cut it out, cuz look at this email I got:

To whom it may concern,

You have posted unauthorized pictures of my 2005 product line._ The pictures were taken in Taiwan, at my booth last week. _I assume you realize that they are pictures of my 2005 line and I think you realize that releasing this information too early is a disservice to Marzocchi and your subscribers. _Since specifications and product lines do change disseminating incorrect information is absolutely wrong and I will pursue any and all legal procedures I can do make sure you will not perform this unprofessional act of stupidity again.

Bryson Martin
VP Marzocchi USA

Ha!!! I knew there was some kind of reason I didn't like Marz and would never purchase one....What an ass!

Heh....I got a e-mail from SRAM regarding the pics of the 2005 boxxer lineup. But they were totally nice about it in the e-mail and I was happy to delete the thread for them.

But I agree, if you have it in a booth at a bikeshow.....people around the world will see it.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
How do people with such a lack of professionalism and class get in positions where they interact with the public? Was the tone and wording in that letter really necessary?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Hey, maybe I can sue Mtbkngrl for posting that picture of when I was passed out drunk and she wrote all over me with a Sharpie.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Ya see what happens when people on ridemonkey get enthusiastic about Bikes?! You guys got RM in trouble. Better go back to posting about work and sex and cars...

That'ill teach ya! :rolleyes: :p

Ok now somebody explain to me how he would have a case, if a shot posted by a random member of the RM community showed up from an event in taiwan, when a video of Pamela and Tommy lee got out and they could not make a case to stop it from being produced!


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'd imagine that Marzocchi USA would have about the same case that Ford would if they showed off a car at a tradeshow and then (gasp!) photos ended up in newspapers or on the web.


Mar 30, 2003
in the 303/720
what a jacka--.

There is no legal action he can take. sure he can threaten to sue or do what ever, but in reality, he is sitting on a rotten egg. The purpose of a tradeshow, like mentioned above, is to increase "buzz" about a companies upcomming products.

Now if this was a top secret project that that marz. was involved in and someone leaked photos, that is different. Think Ford, et al, who use fake bodies on new products (like engines, etc). Because they know that photo freaks hang outside there plants and photo all cars for the industry mags, zines, websites.

I tell you what, I think Marz. can take their overpriced italian crap and shove it up their arse. Threaten all you want, but so what.

And as Heidi said, "How do people with such a lack of professionalism and class get in positions where they interact with the public?"



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
"...this is not an industry, it's a loose connection of dickheads and deadbeats."

"the true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its women..."

"bikes are the lonely child's toy"


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by Silver
Keep in mind, just because one person is a dick, it doesn't mean the whole company is...
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I am upset about how Bryson went about this BUT at the same time, don't assume all Marz employees are this way, Brian P has been great to us and is always willing to answer questions in a friendly manner. Unfortunately one bad apple gives the bunch a bad name... but try not to get on the whole "Marz Sucks" bandwaggon...


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by mplutodh1
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I am upset about how Bryson went about this BUT at the same time, don't assume all Marz employees are this way, Brian P has been great to us and is always willing to answer questions in a friendly manner. Unfortunately one bad apple gives the bunch a bad name... but try not to get on the whole "Marz Sucks" bandwaggon...
I don't have a problem with the company - and obviously they make a great product. This Bryson character has been a black eye on the company for years though. Remember that letter he sent to MBA a couple years back claiming that Marzocchi "IS" freeride and that no other company can make a decent freeride fork? Anyone have that issue of MBA anymore?


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by Ridemonkey
I don't have a problem with the company - and obviously they make a great product. This Bryson character has been a black eye on the company for years though. Remember that letter he sent to MBA a couple years back claiming that Marzocchi "IS" freeride and that no other company can make a decent freeride fork? Anyone have that issue of MBA anymore?

RM, I wasn't sayin you man, just some of the posts following continue to bash Marz as a company for really no reason other than one jacka$$. Yeah I do remember that whole mess... just made me laugh because it was so stupid and he made himself look like an arse. I have that issue at home probably, I'll look through them when i get home this weekend.

Hmm this whole thing reminds me of a particular individual on a power trip here near bellingham;) :angry: :dead:


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Wow, that is the stupidest thing ever to do.

IF you have products that you show at shows, and someone posts a picture of it that they took, then that's it. It's not like Marzocchi is top secret goverment stuff. Who give's a sh*t if the photo's came up. They are up and not just ridemonkey has them, I bet now pinkbike guys, hcor guys, and mtbr have taken them as well and posted them.

Seeing new products on the fourm gets a great hype factor. People know about them before they are released. You think if they hid the 888 people would have flocked at it when it came out? NO. Marzocchi gets free advertising from people that post their prototype models on message boards. It is as easy as that. Their forks aren't free, there's no discounts, no nothing so they should be stoked to get a free endorsment for their products.

I have to 100% agree that the letter he sent was wrong. IF he was professional about it I could see the post being deleted or pics atleast gone but with an attitude like his I'd say screw it. Marzocchi forks are great forks. They better watch out or they are gonna get a bad rep.

Some monkey's on here gotta be lawyers or somethin to help RM out if he needed it. We shouldn't post pics of anything bike related if a VP of a company is gonna get pissed off.

That just sucks, I never thought one of the premire freeride/DH fork companies would take it that far.

Soul Rider

Mar 18, 2004
Santa Clarita, Ca.
Howdy y'al!

Wow what did I walk into???

As far as Bryson yeah he's got one (an attitude and an asshole), and he indeed designs the stuff which is why he refers to it has "his".
His lash out was more about the linked post then the the show photos that started the photo. The link photos were straight out of "our" OEM presentation book. These books are marked everywhere as Confidential...that's the problem. The show photos are cool the spec pages are not.

Just so you all know, and for those who haven't ran out and bought a FOX or Manitou, The specs on the link pages were wrong, ride hieght, features, names....they are all "not locked in" as "the specs" so when the original thread turned into the lets bash Marzocchi for there tall forks that's when it went from bad to worse.

Comments and buzz about new product is what keeps a company alive...along with sales ya know.

I agree Bryson is an asshole. But check this out (not trying to make it a good thing) Bryson singlehandedly started this MTB suspension company...15 years ago! :D

Take care everyone I apprieciate your comments.

Tom Rogers
aka Soul Rider
aka Old School:cool:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by Transcend
What he said, and to append: Hello freedom of the press and right to free speech.:mad:
I'd actually be mildly interested to see exactly what kind of legal action he proposes to take. RM didn't "publish" the pictures, they were posted on a public message board. I'm not sure who exactly took them but they were high quality enough that I'd guess they were taken legally (vs. snapshots from a camera under your shirt or something).

You'd think someone who reaches that level in an organization would have an iota of professionalism and would realize that such an email is only inflammitory and loses business. If he really had a case or was actually prepared to take legal action, a lawyer would have sent the email.

Utter stupidity :angry:

Not saying Marz. products are bad, but.. Something like that makes me glad I've got a Sherman.

edit: Looks like there were links to confidential information, which makes my comment about pictures being taken legally - oops. I stand by the rest of my comments though.

Soul Rider

Mar 18, 2004
Santa Clarita, Ca.
Originally posted by Transcend
Now THAT explains a heck of alot more then a pissy email. The photos i think were the point of contention (at least for me, and I don't have any stake in it). I couldn't figure out how products sitting out on display at a show that was open to media, were off limits. No NDAs, no camera bans, no publication bans etc.

Posting clearly confidential paperwork is however, a major no-no. BUt going hell bent for leather against someone who didn't even know they were posted, seems like a bit much.

Maybe he should learn from your example (or let you take the lead when it comes to these matters? :p ).

good stuff.

Oh - and I met bryson exactly one time in Valencia with Boehmke and he seemed like a decent guy. Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.
I am actually joking about the asshole part. He is however very passionate about "his" company. Things like this are nothing but a huge headache none of us "insiders" need. We have better things to do.
The last thing we need is for our new spec sheets to end up on a public forum (as well as Bryson's letter). He might have been a bit harsh but "this" thread was completely BS. RM, or whoever you are (why don't you peps posts your details, are you hiding from someone?) I understand and knew you didn't post it but at the same time you are classless, a true non-professional in this little industry of MTB's. Sorry I had to say it. ExcussME!
I wouldn't be surprised if you disolved my access to your site but that would indeed prove my point.

Business is business let's leave it at that.

I have RS, Fox and Manitous 2005 OEM book sitting right here next to my scanner. Why shouldn't I post this stuff????? I know better. I worked for Manitou (R&D) for 10 years (left 6 months ago) and I even know a lot of their 2006 line but it still does not give me the right to "share it".

Thanks again, any suggestions are greatly appricated. We do listen in between putting foot to ass!!


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Originally posted by Soul Rider
He might have been a bit harsh but "this" thread was completely BS. RM, or whoever you are (why don't you peps posts your details, are you hiding from someone?) I understand and knew you didn't post it but at the same time you are classless, a true non-professional in this little industry of MTB's. Sorry I had to say it. ExcussME!
I wouldn't be surprised if you disolved my access to your site but that would indeed prove my point.

Business is business let's leave it at that.
Ha....you're starting to sound like Byrson now.:dead:


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
how exactly did RM get involved yet again? he didnt post the stuff in question.. hes the moderator/owner of the site... and Freak is co-owner... hmmm

Soul Rider

Mar 18, 2004
Santa Clarita, Ca.
This is kinda like complaining about a 200mm fork designed around a 3" tire being installed on a 98 DH frame. It just shouldn't be done.

My Demo 9 sure does sit nice with this nose bleeder on the frontend.

I'm gone, have fun. We will continue to make kickass product anyways. My heart and soul has been spilled...now I must drag my sorry ass home so I can be a dick to my neighbors, kids, and...where's Bryson's # I need to give hiom a pece of my mind too...what an asshole. For those who take things literally, I'm being sarcastic.

I work for Bikemag anyways. ;) :p

Soul Rider

Mar 18, 2004
Santa Clarita, Ca.
Originally posted by mplutodh1
how exactly did RM get involved yet again? he didnt post the stuff in question.. hes the moderator/owner of the site... and Freak is co-owner... hmmm
I believe the letter posted at the top of this page was sent to him directly, then he posted it. That's how he's into again.

Excuse me if I'm wrong.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
well i have never talked to Bryson and can't say anything about him personally but....that e-amil is BS! He should have been more profesional than that no matter wwhat the situation.

with that said i love every Marz product i ride and think that Brian P is one of the nicest inside reps i have ever worked with!!!!


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by Soul Rider
I believe the letter posted at the top of this page was sent to him directly, then he posted it. That's how he's into again.

Excuse me if I'm wrong.
Well if Bryson didn't want it to be seen then he should have thought about his tone. I own a business and have had copyright issues in the past, my communication is generally friendly because you don't always have the facts in front of you, why start off on a bad foot? If things get out of hand and you aren't getting anywhere, alright maybe you can be a hardass...

I dunno... whatever, not sure who you are or if you are even credible.

I will continue to support Marz because the company as a whole makes great products and everyone of the employees I have dealt with first hand has been great.


Nov 27, 2002
Sammamish, WA
Originally posted by Soul Rider
Did you start this thread....No, RM did with a personal e-mail sent directly to him. Look at it from our side for a minute. Thanks.

Our side? can I ask who you are? since you are getting on RM to post who he really is...

Oh and as far as professional goes... hmmm take a look at this sentence alone...

"make sure you will not perform this unprofessional act of stupidity again"

Well again, RM didn't post it, he didn't even know about it. Bryson's tone was crap in that email