

Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Originally posted by hitek
/me lights a 1/4 oz blunt of super silver haze

dude are you for real? ssh is super potent and hard to come by! if i ever head up near bc(which is only 6 hours away) i'm gonna hook up with you to sample some of those heads!


btw, alcohol and pot, as well as any other chemical substance from glue to heroin, can all be used to escape your life. whether it be a death in the family or a bad grade on an exam. Using chemicals to numb this kind of **** out is a really negative thing to do. It makes things worse than they would be if you just nutted up and worked thru it.

but as far as a recreational chemical, pot is alot safer than alcohol or other drugs, making it less harmful.

ok after you make that cannabutter i posted a bit ago you can make these ganja goo balls:

1 whole box of Honey nut cheerios(or your favorite cereal)
1 cup of Ganja Butter
1 Bag of Marshmallows, the mini kind work best
1 cup of choc. chips, or nuts

melt the butter in a pan until it simmers. Gradually add the marshmallows until they disolve, careful not to burn it. Dump your cereal and choc. chips into a baking pan, mix the chips and cereal abit. Dump the whole pan of marshmallow Ganja butter over the cereal mix. Let cool for a few minutes, then form into balls, and put onto wax paper, or plastic wrap. Let them cool in the fridge for a couple of hours, then dig in!!



Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Guntruck
Its not hard to see why beer and tobacco are legal while pot is not. If you've been too stoned to notice we live in a democracy. We govern ourselves. Look back in history when this nation started. What were we? A bunch of tobacco pipe smoking drunks. Most people in the US see alcohol and tobacco as less harmful than marijuana so thats exactly why they're legal. Why do they see them as less harmful?? Because way more people are addicted to those things and they were way more prevalent than pot early on in our history. If pot had the same user base as tobacco you could be damn sure it would be legal. Theres no way the US Government is going to miss out on all those profits from taxes. Stop with the "Oh but pot is less harmful than beer" bull**** already. It's getting old, and honestly I don't think anybody cares!?




Jan 31, 2003
I have no problem with pot. I do think its kinda silly that people who have never tried it think its such a bad thing and should be outlawed. Most people take life too seriously, and miss tons of cool things while they're at it. I don't advocate the abuse of drugs/alcohol, but it won't kill you to try it and open your horizens a little bit. If you don't like it, fine, but at least you've tried it and can back up your opinion. I think that most people are afraid of losing control of their lives, which is why they don't do it. I do it VERY rarely, but I think that's how it should be used. When I do it, it gives me a very intense high because I have no tolerance for it (this also saves money - don't need a lot to do the job). I've lost control over my body before (when I would lean against something, I kept pushing myself against it harder and harder. I couldn't stop unless someone pulled me away. I almost choked myself on a window sill, seriously). I dunno, I liked it. It was cool to know that there was nothing I could do about my condition but let the drugs run their course and hold on for the ride.

If you are smart with them, recreational drugs can be very rewarding. Just don't over do it, and don't do them alone. Those are my rules.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
my choice is what i choose to do, and if i'm causing no harm, it shouldnt bother you. Your choice is who you want to be, and if your causing no harm then your alright with me....:D

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by boostindoubles
my choice is what i choose to do, and if i'm causing no harm, it shouldnt bother you. Your choice is who you want to be, and if your causing no harm then your alright with me....:D
Yes! If your not hurting anyone then what's the big deal.


Mar 25, 2004
Central BC
Yes! If your not hurting anyone then what's the big deal.
Then why is it law that you must wear a seatbelt? Why is it law that you must wear a helmet when riding your bike on the streat? If you crash, it's your head.

But I aggree with your statement 100%. It's your business, and shouldn't concern anyone else.

Just because something is illegal doesn't meen that it's bad or wrong.

My point of view ^.


Jan 29, 2002
Originally posted by boostindoubles
dude are you for real? ssh is super potent and hard to come by! if i ever head up near bc(which is only 6 hours away) i'm gonna hook up with you to sample some of those heads!


btw, alcohol and pot, as well as any other chemical substance from glue to heroin, can all be used to escape your life. whether it be a death in the family or a bad grade on an exam. Using chemicals to numb this kind of **** out is a really negative thing to do. It makes things worse than they would be if you just nutted up and worked thru it.

but as far as a recreational chemical, pot is alot safer than alcohol or other drugs, making it less harmful.

ok after you make that cannabutter i posted a bit ago you can make these ganja goo balls:

1 whole box of Honey nut cheerios(or your favorite cereal)
1 cup of Ganja Butter
1 Bag of Marshmallows, the mini kind work best
1 cup of choc. chips, or nuts

melt the butter in a pan until it simmers. Gradually add the marshmallows until they disolve, careful not to burn it. Dump your cereal and choc. chips into a baking pan, mix the chips and cereal abit. Dump the whole pan of marshmallow Ganja butter over the cereal mix. Let cool for a few minutes, then form into balls, and put onto wax paper, or plastic wrap. Let them cool in the fridge for a couple of hours, then dig in!!

Oh man, gooballs sogood.


Mar 1, 2004
Does anyone know anything about vaporizers that you don't need a heat gun for? Also, if you don't have a lighter handy use a magnifying glass. Its so chill.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
the magnifying glass is the only way i smoke when the suns out. I prefer it over a bic any day.

and good vaporizers are vaporbro's. also the volcano.

heres a website:vapor warehouse

and i agree what i want to do should be up to me, and if its not a problem for you, leave me the f*ck alone. too bad its not the way it works. ben harper rocks


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I like bongs, but smoke the most out of a 1hitter/bat box. Very stealth. Some say they are harsh, but they make it last a long time and nobody can tell what you are up to.
As for recepies, I have been wanting to stew some in melyed butter and then poor it over some popcorn. A friend of mine said that it is the easiest way to cook with it. Still haven't tried it. But I love good brownies.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
i think that peanut butter cracker recipe i posted a bit ago in this thread is easier than any butter cooking recipe. But i've only heard testimonials about it, i havent tried it. Cant injest any reefer or else very negative consequences for me

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
Pot is a drug and is illegal in this country, thats why I say its not the right place. Last I looked cigars were still legal to buy. Or just rephrase it................What do you LIKE to eat when your stoned?
Some laws are stupid and should be ignored! Riding a bike that is not registered is illegal too, but I bet when most of us post about our rides we are implicating ourselves in just such an action!
Aug 30, 2002
Snow hoes
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
After sophmore year of college, I made the pilgimage to Amsterdam and arranged for the import of many legendary strains(SK1, NL2, NL5, AF1, Jamaican Sativa, Haze, Hindu Kush, Bubbleberry, Big Bud, Hash Plant, White Widow, Hawaiian Indica, Cali Orange, etc.). I smoked on a daily basis by now and experimented with consuming it in any way imaginable.

During college and shortly afterwards, I made several more trips to Holland, Germany, and British Columbia to arrange the shipment of more primo genetics(Jack Herer, Ice Crystal, White Rhino, Shiva Shanti, UBC Chemo, Cotton Candy, Romulan, Hawaiian Sativa, Shiskaberry, etc.), which I grew, crossed, back-crossed and otherwise produced both hydroponically and organically, indoors and out.
Youve got the right idea, those are some damn good strains...

As for the whole herb discussion, marijuana is a miracle plant. I am not even going to begin to debate on whether or not its good for you, or if its addictive, all I know is that it makes you feel damn good, and I can speak for myself when I say I feel responsible driving or biking under the influence of weed. For me it makes riding in the city more fun, out on the trails its a toss up, depends on the terrain. Although I do know that theres a big bubbler pack waiting for me at the end of every ride. If you dont approve of the usage of marijuana, thats fine, just dont criticze those that do, if you dont know what your talking about then dont get in the discussion. As for Brian HCM #whatever, go smoke a joint. :evil:

dG video

I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
well ive been smoking for a couple years now, i cant even smoke cigarrettes legally, not that i wnat to, for a recipe it may sound bad but i ahd it in montreal and make my own all the time, make a salad and add a few nugs here and there, gives u a nice little buzz and tastes pretty good, i love keef, its pure thc grinded out of the bud with a coffee blender, it gievs you a high like you wouldnt beleive, favorite methods are... gravity bongs they are so easy and work the best with a bath tub, bubblers are nice too but theres nothing better then buying a pack of clove cigarrettes (the ones that smell and taste good) just put the bud in them and gives it a nice tatse
I'm older now, and things have changed in the world. I've had some of the best pot the earth has to offer. My kids are taught that Pot is bad, and that it doesnt have any good things to contribute to the human race. Well, I ask why the people with glaucoma are using? Why do cancer patients get perscriptions for it? Why is medicinal research looking into the calming aspects of it for manics and schizo's? My big question is if pot is so bad, then why is it the only "herb" that iscompletely natural with no added chemicals. Personally, I have a responsibility to my kids to be a good father, but if I was a younger man, I'd say use the disposable, homemade bongs. Easy to build and easier to conceal as trash if John Q Lawman breaks down your door.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
OK, i no nothing about weed. I have been smoking for around 3 months, maybe around 10 times. I like it, but i have NO IDEA ABOUT ANYTHING. How do you tell if weed is good? I just buy from the same guy, he could be riping me for all i know.

What are the main strains of weed you buy? what are the good ones i should ask for.

How do you use a magnifying glass to smoke? I just use a pipe. Please help a noob.


Mar 1, 2004
I don't claim to be an expert but good pot should have some nice hairs (orange or red mostly) and no seeds. To use a magnifying glass just angle it so the suns light is concentrated into a small bead. It doesn't take long to start burning.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Originally posted by mack
Please help a noob.
Ha ha! Certainly! I have never been into the strain names. None of my friends care either. It just Kind (good), Mids (middle grade), and commercial (low grade). The low grade stuff is very easy to spot. Its also called brick weed because it is compressed to make it smaller to ship. The good stuff I have seen all looks similar to this picture. Cheap stuff is darker, has lots of seeds, and is not fluffy like good bud. Good bud has no seeds b/c it is unfertalized (by male plant) female. THC (the active ingrediant) stops being produced when the female plant is fertalized by a male and the seeds are produced. If the female goes unfertalized, the flowers (part you smoke) just keep growing. Or something like that. I have never grown it. This is info that the growers I do know have told me. Good bud has no seeds b/c it is not fertalized, but I have partaken of high-quality androgenous seed producing plants. The good stuff is expensive not only because it is more potent, but b/c of all the extra work needed to grow it.
The only thing that I can think if related to the magnifying glass is that THC suppossedly has a vaporizing point of ~175 deg f. Over heating can burn/destroy the THC, so there are numerous ways of igniting it.

Try not to get too involved with it. Just b/c no one has ever overdosed on it doesn't mean it can't mess you up.

This pic came off of another website and has nothing what so ever to do with me, other than that I wish it was mine!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
mmm, i must be reall spoiled, mine always looks like that! or usualy does, i have never had any seeds.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Originally posted by mack
mmm, i must be reall spoiled, mine always looks like that! or usualy does, i have never had any seeds.
I went to school in VT. I know how it is. I started in 1997 and still haven't graduated. Don't do drugs.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by Repack
Good bud has no seeds b/c it is unfertalized (by male plant) female. THC (the active ingrediant) stops being produced when the female plant is fertalized by a male and the seeds are produced. If the female goes unfertalized, the flowers (part you smoke) just keep growing. Or something like that. I have never grown it. This is info that the growers I do know have told me. Good bud has no seeds b/c it is not fertalized, but I have partaken of high-quality androgenous seed producing plants. The good stuff is expensive not only because it is more potent, but b/c of all the extra work needed to grow it.
High quality buddage gets that way for primarily seven reasons:

1. You have to start with the best genetics possible. No matter how good a job you do growing it, you will never exceed the strain's genetic limitations.
2. It has been grown competently(proper pH, temperature, humidity, nutrient ratios, light cycle, etc.) whether hydroponically indoors under HIDs or organically outdoors by the sun.
3. It has to be brightly and intensely lit over the duration of its life cycle by an artificial or natural light source.
4. The plant has to be mature and preferably at least 4 months old(from seed) or 3 months old(from clone).
5. The buds should be sin semillas(without seeds), or from unfertilized female plants. THC continues to develop even if a female is fertilized, but bud size and density are compromised.
6. The buds are ripe, i.e. at the point of diminishing marginal returns relative to trichome development.
7. They buds are harvested, manicured, dried and cured properly.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
High quality buddage gets that way for primarily seven reasons:
I was gonna mention about #2. Outdoor can be very good, but all factors being equal will rarely surpass the quality of indoor, because of the control you have over the elements indoors. Good outdoor is one of my favorites.


Jun 8, 2004
Southeastern AZ
llkoolkeg said:
High quality buddage gets that way for primarily seven reasons:

1. You have to start with the best genetics possible. No matter how good a job you do growing it, you will never exceed the strain's genetic limitations.
2. It has been grown competently(proper pH, temperature, humidity, nutrient ratios, light cycle, etc.) whether hydroponically indoors under HIDs or organically outdoors by the sun.
3. It has to be brightly and intensely lit over the duration of its life cycle by an artificial or natural light source.
4. The plant has to be mature and preferably at least 4 months old(from seed) or 3 months old(from clone).
5. The buds should be sin semillas(without seeds), or from unfertilized female plants. THC continues to develop even if a female is fertilized, but bud size and density are compromised.
6. The buds are ripe, i.e. at the point of diminishing marginal returns relative to trichome development.
7. They buds are harvested, manicured, dried and cured properly.
Actually, there are a few tweaks I would like to make to your analysis.
For point #4, you may want to mention that if doing cloning, your potential for harvest/potency will diminish every consecutive generation taken. So if you take a clone off of a mother plant that was taken as a clone, it will not be as strong as if it were the 1st gen clone. Also, if you take the clone off of a mature plant, then the clone itself is ready to flower, but for yield purposes, you may want some more vegetative growth to support larger yields.
Point #5, if you clone a female plant you will always have female plants, unless of course you choose to stress the plant into becoming a hermaph, in which is done to create seeds in a strain that you would like to preserve. The only difficulty with that is if your original strain is a hybrid then you will have a gambit of progeny possibilities (thats another story). You can also force a female plant into becoming a hermaph by using Giberilic Acid, but this is also done to actually create seeds for the future. Seed production takes up energy, which will be taken from the whole plant, thats why you will see quality and yield go down when seeds are present.

With that being said, you can actually manipulate the plant into flowering early by stressing it somewhat. By nature, the only job of plants is to set seed and multiply. So when a plant is stressed, it will become what we call generative (reproductive) and will begin to flower. Well it just so happens that "the kind" IS the flower. So to force early flowering, you can manipulate the crop much more than just changing the light cycles. You see I am a greenhouse grower, and NO I do not grow weed, I grow hydroponic tomatoes in a greenhouse. We are always trying to keep our plant reproductive (generative) because of the fact that we sell tomatoes and not leaves and such. So our main goal is to maximize the plant's energy into making flowers, which leads to fruits, our tomatoes. We learn many ways to manipulate the crop in order to do this and its a fine science where I am learning all the time. Again I DO NOT grow pot, its just easy to apply the information to any type of plant grown.


May 14, 2004
Some ghetto in Houston
Drunken_Ninja said:
Beer and Pot are made from almost the same damn plant. The alcoholic qualites in beer happen to be from the hopps. The barley water and yeast are important but don't give the kick. Hopps is geonetically a derivitave of marijuana, a hybrid form of the plant. Hopps is very wild and has very wild effects some of which have not been discovered. Do not try eating this plant directly or you will get high. The effects are uniquely close between the two plants. My local brewery announced that the hopps could be replaced with something more lively if the right circumstances were available...if marijuana were legal it would be considered.
Wrong, the alcoholic qualities of beer are from the fermented sugars released from the barley, hops are only a flavoring agent. You can make a alcoholic beverage without the hops but adding the hops back in and removing the barley .. no alcohol content.

Hops are in the same family as pot now, but not because they have any "special" properties. The hop plant (Humulus lupulus) is a vine that was formerly placed in the mulberry family (Moraceae), but because of the remarkable similarity of floral characteristics, it is now placed in the marijuana family (Cannabaceae) along with marijuana or Indian hemp (Cannabis sativa). In fact, these are the only two genera in this family. Both species are dioecious, with separate male and female plants in the population. The females flowers of hop plants are strikingly similar to those of marijuana.

Gk. Willie

May 24, 2004
Rochester, NY
Repack said:
I was gonna mention about #2. Outdoor can be very good, but all factors being equal will rarely surpass the quality of indoor, because of the control you have over the elements indoors. Good outdoor is one of my favorites.
Done properly Outdoor can be 10x better than indoor. Its all about location location location. Take it from the groundskeeper, after years of following Phish I can testify that nothing beats Ny's fall harvest and everyone whose ever lived here and moved says it every time they come home.

Down with BEASTERS


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Gk. Willie said:
Done properly Outdoor can be 10x better than indoor. Its all about location location location. Take it from the groundskeeper, after years of following Phish I can testify that nothing beats Ny's fall harvest and everyone whose ever lived here and moved says it every time they come home.

Down with BEASTERS
Cool. I think I know what your talking about. Does ir smell like a Christmas tree, is kinda mellow, but lasts forever? I think that most of the stuff that reaces Burlington VT comes from Canada, so who knows.

Are you going to the Phish show in VT this summer? I've never seen tham and can't wait. Hopefully it wont sell out before I've saved enough $.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
I can legally walk into ANY store to purchase them, last I remember with pot you can't. If you can show me a store in the USA where they sell it legally, I will appolgize.
Its true...It is legal to buy to smokes and beers. But it is immoral to promote the use to minors. If talking about weed in this thread is promoting weed, then talking about brew is promoting drinking... Because the oil and chemical industry was able get laws passed making the substance illegal, doesnt make it an evil thing. Its just like a fine brew dog! The damn kids should stay away from it...But I sure as hell aint!

It is nice how everyone has kept their head about them throughout this thread! :thumb:
There is a DAMN good point to legalize it. Think of all the money it could generate for the education system, the elderly, not to mention putting all the street dealers out of business. National deficit, that would be a thing of the past, (even though it's just a number that no one really worries about). But I think the biggest pro to legalization would be it just goes so well with beer.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Clark Kent said:
I have read in several diff sources that the old happy plant was the first cultivated crop......
I have also heard that. I am not sure that it is true, but what is true is that Hemp is the strongest natural fiber, grows much faster than cotton, and is far cheaper to cultivate. It is also much easier and cheaper to make cloth and paper out of because of the relative lack of seeds.
You don't even have to look at the combustable aspects of it to realize how good it is!