
Picture trouble....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
So I am trying to post pictures up to follow up on one of my past threads.

I click the "insert image" icon and select the files to upload on my computer. I then click the "upload" button and all is going well. The text has a blue loading bar going across it and it looks like its going to load. Then next to the "size" colum, I get a red exclamation/circle icon mark. When I move the cursor over it I get this message in a bland yellow box with black text:

exceeds your quota by 116.9 kb "<a rel="nofollow" href="miscphp?do=attatchments" target"_blank"> Click here to view your attatchments</a>

So, I tried downsizing the file size etc. I still can't get the picture to load.

If it is of any help I have a macbook pro.



Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
I think that means that you need to remove some of your previously uploaded images.

Click "settings" in the navigation bar at the top of the page then scroll down and click "attachments" on the left of the screen. Delete some old files and you should be good to go.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Meh. I increased the amount of storage space available for each user. It was pretty paltry before.

Try it now.