
No thread about "the storm"?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
The States of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina have been destroyed, however everyone is fine. They all went out to their driveways and started up their Ford F-150's and waited it out. Its a miracle I tell you....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My Dad is in Rock Hill and he said by the time they get those big huge snowblowers from France to North Carolina everyone will be dead, so why bother...


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
What, you mean the weather that was predicted like a week ago? It's not like it's a surprise or anything. Even here in Alaska they do a pretty good job forecasting, except for some Western coastal locations where there's f***-nothing in between Russia and here, so no weather stations to know what is coming. By and large though, we know what is coming and it's not like people don't know better to just stay home and enjoy it.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Looks like we have about 4-5 in. of wet, packed down, snow on the ground. Won't be much movement tomorrow.
As a kid living in PA, this would be an average snow storm. Here, the governor declared a state of emergency before it even started. I can remember standing on 23" of snow (1 storm) waiting for the school bus freezing my ass off.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
:panic: NOoooooooo!!!!! You'll turn into a pilot! :panic:
I am panicking already. I have passed my written, passed my radio, I however had my flight plan rejected because of the 50 NM limit. I have to submit a new flight plan. All the airports are closed or not taking temp rpl's which means I can touch and go, but I cannot taxi or refuel with a RPL as commercial flights use the same runways at most regional airports. Why are the tower people such assholes? They take all the fun out of this...


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I am panicking already. I have passed my written, passed my radio, I however had my flight plan rejected because of the 50 NM limit. I have to submit a new flight plan. All the airports are closed or not taking temp rpl's which means I can touch and go, but I cannot taxi or refuel with a RPL as commercial flights use the same runways at most regional airports. Why are the tower people such assholes? They take all the fun out of this...
Sierra India Uniform Papa


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Sierra India Uniform Papa

Within a month I will have my license. As I stated earlier my Canadian Travel restrictions have been removed. I can cross the border with a RPL unfettered. Flying over open water freaks me out currently, that and when the actual horizon is above my instrument horizon. I just can't wrap my head around that and tend to climb way before I have to....
We started getting a little snow sometime in mid-afternoon. The peak's supposed to be maybe 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM, so I guess I get up tomorrow morning, make a path for the cars, and head to work. I guess we're supposed to get wind and drifting, but I think that's called a snow storm.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I know that. But where i live peeps aren't used to it.

I've lived in the burbs of Philly (where I learned to drive), Boone, NC, and Asheville, NC. By far the worst was Boone in the 70's with 7' snow drifts and -20°. But to a kid, that's heaven. Built igloos that would last for several days if not weeks.

Here everything shuts down if someone even mentions snow. Very fair weather folk around here. They won't leave the house if it's raining. In Boone and Assvile, it could be 17°, snowing sideways and people still go out.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
This is MMike's fault !?! Aghhhhhhh...

Maybe when jdcamb gets his pilots license he can fly me to Canadiastan so I can punch MMike in the face.
I still need to get a plane. A place to keep a plane, and a revenue source to satiate the cost of fuel. And pay a boatload of money for my Solo....


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
I get that the south doesn't have fleets of plow trucks and what not, but the sheer stupidty in the photo's i've seen once the snow does start falling is absolutely hilarious.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
... In Boone and Assvile, it could be 17°, snowing sideways and people still go out.
You are just talking about downtown. 5 minutes outside the city, this place is chalk full of moronity and fierce idiocy. At the same time, our terrain makes for some very tough driving too. I can see my friend Clealan's house out my window, but it takes 30 minutes to drive there on a dry day.

Everything here is twisty, covered in shade by evergreens and North banks and flat out rural despite how modern our society is. Locals are typically pretty smart and just wait it out until all the twisty backroads get sand & salt.

Where you run into huge issues is coming across a dry hill on a dry road and hit black ice or a downhill of re-hardened snow, which is basically everywhere.

Worst thing though is the rear wheel drive vehicles that even bother to drive.....from trucks to sports cars.


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
I get that the south doesn't have fleets of plow trucks and what not, but the sheer stupidty in the photo's i've seen once the snow does start falling is absolutely hilarious.
What are you talking about? :think:
People around here know exactly what to do in order to stay warm...

But yeah, as someone who got to see Raleigh turn into an apocolyptic scene from the 'Walking Dead' firsthand, it was mind boggling what passed for "driving". Me and my liver parked the car post haste and hoofed it to our preferred watering hole and enjoyed watching the mayhem over beers and burgers. People just lost their sh!t and en mass challenged Chuck Darwin to a fvck wit contest. I'm also always amazed at how adverse most people are to walking a couple miles. They seemingly would rather sit in their car for hours, update their FB page every 3 minutes, wait for their turn to slowly spin up a hill only to slide back down for a slow motion "crash" into a sign post and/or the car that just tried it before them. At my age, my ever shrinking bladder makes sitting in traffic a non-starter, but even so, I don't mind walking home to avoid all the vehicular moroncy. Plus, after a few beers, the hike was rather pleasant :cheers:
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