
No Bike Rack at Walmart? No Shirt either, then.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
from Bike Journal, got there by the way of The Consumerist



So I generally choose not to patronize walmart for several moral reasons...but today I was in desperate need of some CD-Rs so I could mail a file to my university and the only place anywhere near me that sells them is Wally world. So I grudgingly got on my bike and made the 4 mile ride on some pretty dangerous roads only to find that they have no form of bike rack whatsoever. That's typical for this area so I've become used to just taking my bike into s
tores...in fact I usually use the basket on the back as a shopping cart.

So I walk into the walmart and the most evil grandmother I've ever met grabs my arm with her claws and says I can't bring it into the store. I explained to here there was nowhere outside to lock it up and that I had brought it into that particular store with no problem. She insisted that I had to leave it in the foyer and I calmly said that I wasn't going to leave a 600 dollar bike just sitting in the foyer and that I'd like to speak to her manager.

So the manager comes out and says I can't bring the bike into the store, so I explain to her that there are safe places for people who drive to lock their cars but there is no safe place for me to lock my mode of transportation. She says that I should have driven there I told her that I didn't own a car and that my bike was my only form of transportation and I couldn't risk having it stolen. She said I couldn't bring it in because they sell bikes in the store. So I said but those bikes don't look anything like this and this is clearly not a brand new bike, so why is that a problem. She insisted that for the safety of the other customers I couldn't bring it inside, so I asked her why she thought a bike controlled by an adult was more dangerous than a shopping cart being pushed around by someone's bratty kids. So she switched back to the excuse that they sell bikes in the store so I couldn't bring another bicycle in. I was starting to get really frustrated since I had ridden all the way there seemingly for no reason, so I asked her if they also sold shirts in the store. She said yes so I took off my jersey and said well then I'd better not bring this in either. She got kind of flustered and said that it was a different situation but couldn't explain why. So I said that if they also sold shorts in the store that I'd better not wear those in either and I took off my shorts. Same goes for the shoes and sunglasses. Now I'm standing there in my spandex and a sports bra and I ask here if I can leave my things behind the customer service counter where they will be safe until I finish making my purchases and she said that I couldn't come into the store without shoes on, to which i responded "but I certainly can't wear shoes into the store because you sell those here and someone might think I've stolen them." She threatened to call security if I didn't leave so I told her that I would never be coming back to that store again and that I was glad I hadn't driven there since the gas to go four miles was probably more expensive than what her underpaid employees make in an hour.

Her expression when the shirt came off was absolutely priceless...I was pretty tempted to take off the spandex too but I wasn't sure what constitutes indecent exposure in Virginia so I figured I'd err on the side of caution. Still I had a decent sized crowd gathered before the end of the discussion. Anybody else have issues with Satan's superstore?


Jul 21, 2007
That's fuggin sweet. About a month ago I rode my bike to Wal-mart and I had to lock my bike up to a tree on the other side of the lot. I'm not going to that zoo of a place anymore. At least the Target and K-mart near me have bike racks.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Funny, the exact same thing happened to me the other day. As I was standing there nude next to the greeter as hundreds of people walking by my wife came in from the car with my street shoes and I took my heelies off.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I don't know if any of you all have ever been to a Wal Mart or not, or whether this "cyclist" is telling the truth, but finding a place to lock a bike at wal mart doesn't seem like such a big deal. They have the chainlink fence around lawn and garden, trees, light poles, cart racks, etc. etc.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I don't know if any of you all have ever been to a Wal Mart or not, or whether this "cyclist" is telling the truth, but finding a place to lock a bike at wal mart doesn't seem like such a big deal. They have the chainlink fence around lawn and garden, trees, light poles, cart racks, etc. etc.
Maybe she goes to the University of Stupid.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
I don't know if any of you all have ever been to a Wal Mart or not, or whether this "cyclist" is telling the truth, but finding a place to lock a bike at wal mart doesn't seem like such a big deal. They have the chainlink fence around lawn and garden, trees, light poles, cart racks, etc. etc.
Freedom hater.

But I do agree.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I don't know if any of you all have ever been to a Wal Mart or not, or whether this "cyclist" is telling the truth, but finding a place to lock a bike at wal mart doesn't seem like such a big deal. They have the chainlink fence around lawn and garden, trees, light poles, cart racks, etc. etc.
I thought that too but I also think that's besides the point. I've never had a problem bringing my bike into a store (Stop n Shop, Home Depot, Staples, etc).


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I thought that too but I also think that's besides the point. I've never had a problem bringing my bike into a store (Stop n Shop, Home Depot, Staples, etc).
Typically I've never had a problem either, but still, the fact that she could have locked her bike outside kind of undermines the whole point of the story. The idea she's trying to get across that wal-mart simply isn't compatible with a cycling "lifestyle" isn't exactly accurate, so really the story is about nothing but an unnecessarily confrontational woman, managing to outwit a senior greeter at Wal Mart. Really impressive.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
managing to outwit a senior greeter at Wal Mart. Really impressive.
Did she really outwit the greeter/manager? She ended up not getting her bike in the store, not getting her CD-Rs, proclaiming she'd never shop at a store that she didn't really shop at before AND standing in front of a bunch of folks in her bra at a Wal-Mart. Seems to me she might actually end up the next "You might be a redneck....".


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Did she really outwit the greeter/manager? She ended up not getting her bike in the store, not getting her CD-Rs, proclaiming she'd never shop at a store that she didn't really shop at before AND standing in front of a bunch of folks in her bra at a Wal-Mart. Seems to me she might actually end up the next "You might be a redneck....".
...now that you mention it, I guess it was pretty much just a big FAIL all around.


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
Did she really outwit the greeter/manager? She ended up not getting her bike in the store, not getting her CD-Rs, proclaiming she'd never shop at a store that she didn't really shop at before AND standing in front of a bunch of folks in her bra at a Wal-Mart. Seems to me she might actually end up the next "You might be a redneck....".
Initially I had thought it was silly, but now that you've condensed it so eloquently...

I want to marry her.

If more women took their clothes off in the heat of an argument, the world would be better off.

ED: I'm also disappointed that no one has poked fun at the "rack" issue. Shame on all of you.
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
Typically I've never had a problem either, but still, the fact that she could have locked her bike outside kind of undermines the whole point of the story. The idea she's trying to get across that wal-mart simply isn't compatible with a cycling "lifestyle" isn't exactly accurate, so really the story is about nothing but an unnecessarily confrontational woman, managing to outwit a senior greeter at Wal Mart. Really impressive.
Jeez, now that you put it THAT way.

I guess a good point also is that this kind of "action" might make you feel better but doens't accomplish a whole lot other that a 15 minute internet fame kind of deal. Like a Wally World manager has any power to change the policy? Riiigggttt. I have found that dealing with smaller businesses you can effect a positive change by asking for bike racks, and letting them know you are taking business elsewhere if they don't provide them.

I do agree in principle with supporting businesses that are bike friendly, and providing bike lock up reasonably close to the front door is part of it. I would never lock up to a chainlink fence, too many bike thieves are clever enough to carry bolt cutters.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Initially I had thought it was silly, but now that you've condensed it so eloquently...

I want to marry her.

If more women took their clothes off in the heat of an argument, the world would be better off.

ED: I'm also disappointed that no one has poked fun at the "rack" issue. Shame on all of you.
A bitchy woman like that probably has little boobs. Evil Grandma Greeter probably had bigger ones and that's what really caused the whole thing.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I try not to overuse it but I have a simple rule at shops: if you don't let me bring in my bike, I won't patronize your store.

I will bring a lock with me if I am shopping, but if I am on a ride, I usually don't.

My attitude is that if you want my business, you have accommodate me in this one matter.

If I got hassled at that Walmart, I find another place to do business.

I would have a lock though. I bet she could have locked to a chair or a display and it would have been fine.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
mayb its just new jersey, but i highly doubt i can find any store other than a bike shop that would let me bring my bike inside



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Just try bringing two DH bikes up to your room at the Hard Rock in Vegas. Jesus titty f'ng christ. Talk about the third degree from security.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
On the other end of the spectrum is Petsmart. Their policy of letting people take their pets into the store is absurd. Any vet and person with half a brain wouldn't want other animals carrying who knows what walking around food, touching toys, having an accident, fighting with other pets, etc. Its a store, not a public park.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I can just picture this being part of a show on the History Channel 500 years from now with a big booming voice saying "WHEN RETARDS RULED THE EARTH"


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
On the other end of the spectrum is Petsmart. Their policy of letting people take their pets into the store is absurd. Any vet and person with half a brain wouldn't want other animals carrying who knows what walking around food, touching toys, having an accident, fighting with other pets, etc. Its a store, not a public park.
Would you say pediatricians are against daycare? Kindergarten?