
New website


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Wow. I can get an 11 inch X 16.5 FOOT print for $110CAN? Awesome!
Good catch!

As for the nav, working on an alternative that will pop up when a mobile browser is detected. It works fine on the ipad and iphone/ipod touch though already... Click once and the subnav comes up for galleries. What problems were you having?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2003
I sent you a PM about it but I would love a desktop image section - perhaps just a couple of nice images you dont mind people taking?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Good catch!

As for the nav, working on an alternative that will pop up when a mobile browser is detected. It works fine on the ipad and iphqone/ipod touch though already... Click once and the subnav comes up or galleries. What problems were you having?
Droid. When I hover over the link bar, I am unable to then select a link. It doesn't allow for two motions. The link bar recedes. When j go to link.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I sent you a PM about it but I would love a desktop image section - perhaps just a couple of nice images you dont mind people taking?
Desktop images are planned, just going to take a little bit to get them organized and sized. Also have to make sure I balance them out with hoping to sell prints!

As for the nav issue again, huh, I thought Android was smarter than that. Which browser? I'll take a look at that today. It should be a persistent hover state, it's possible your android browser isn't up to speed on that.