
New Neighbor


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Well boys and girls, it's official. I'll be moving your way the beginning of August. My job is officially going to be based in Boulder and we are looking to rent a place in the Boulder / Lafayette / Superior region.

Any good insight on rental options? Brokers, websites, etc. We've been using housinghelpers.com, boulderrent.com, and craigslist predominately.

More importantly, when and where can we meet up to ride?


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I read your other post and interpreted it to mean you took a job in France, not Colorado. ROLF!

Welcome. I live about 25 minutes south of Boulder. I can't help with housing, but I'm definitely here to ride. Shoot me a PM.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Welcome, and whatnot!

Except for Nick and SkaredShtles, most Colorado riders tend to congregate here: http://forums.mtbr.com/colorado-front-range/

You'll find a wealth of information related to your question over there as well. There's a stickied thread near the top that has tons of advice for peeps moving to the area, and a quick search will turn up a thread about every 1.37 weeks asking the same stuff.



May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Thanks guys, I've posted my situation on the sticky and gotten some good advice. When can we all ride? I like to roadie as much as the next guy, but I'm dying for some f'ing singletrack. Oh yeah, and I need to wash it down with a proper pale ale.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Thanks guys, I've posted my situation on the sticky and gotten some good advice. When can we all ride? I like to roadie as much as the next guy, but I'm dying for some f'ing singletrack. Oh yeah, and I need to wash it down with a proper pale ale.
Right on man, glad you got some info you were looking for. Let's see then... when CAN we ride some good f'ing singeltrack and drink a proper pale ale? I'll be doing that in a couple days, honestly, but it looks like you... well...

I'll be moving your way the beginning of August.
You're gonna have to wait a couple months still. ;)

F'real though, give a holler when you get in town and there'll be plenty of folks willing to give you a tour and drink a cold one with ya.


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Well fellas, the kid found a place in Lafayette. My flight is on August 2 but unfortunately I blow right past CO and touch down in SLC. I leave my job here and go straight to Outdoor Retailer. But I begin the move in process starting on or about the 5th. My container should arrive within a few weeks and I'll have access to my bikes by mid August.

Who's up for a ride?