
new fork............... angles


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
so heres the deal my old boxxer race is pretty much dieing out again on me.and seems to be flexxing.
I have a v10

i am considering the wc.But apperently rs is out of wc's.

I don't like marz's at all so please dont try to convince me on a 888r.

so its dorado pretty much.

I like the x-works but i have 2 concerns.spv and well it mess up my head angle,bb height,wheelbase.

If the x-works ain't gonna work all get the normal one.
Jul 17, 2003
Salt Lake City
If you're looking to pick up a fork right away, I'd go with the standard Dorado. The X-works is getting a revamp so if you find somebody that has it in stock, chances are it's from the first batch and will have whatever problem Answer/Manitou is trying to fix right now. I'm not a fan of SPV in forks, but that's strictly a personal thing. I like my fork to feel smooth and butter all the time, and the SPV stuff sacrifices some of that feel for improved pedaling.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
So wat you are saying i am much better of with the normal one.

Yes I woud like to get a new fork asap.
Do you think its worth the wait ????? also one of my biggest concerns woud be the geo.

thanks for you help James.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2003
Berlin, Germany
James | Go-Ride said:
If you're looking to pick up a fork right away, I'd go with the standard Dorado. The X-works is getting a revamp so if you find somebody that has it in stock, chances are it's from the first batch and will have whatever problem Answer/Manitou is trying to fix right now. I'm not a fan of SPV in forks, but that's strictly a personal thing. I like my fork to feel smooth and butter all the time, and the SPV stuff sacrifices some of that feel for improved pedaling.
hey james do you know whether manitou will come out with some kind of kit which can be fitted to the "older" X works dorados?
i bought one of those from you guys at the beginning of the year, couldn't ride it because the new frame got delayed.
now with new frame i am a little pissed off because that fork just ignores small and medium bumps even with the lowest allowed air pressure.
and the rebound damping is way to slow, which makes riding the fork quite interesting ;)

to the original poster.
do as james said, stay clear from the x works until this problem is fixed.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
Now i just have one more question.Im am pretty shure i well need a new adapter for my mono 6.Were coud i get one for the normal dorado.


Less $$$ than the dorado xworks and its one of those non-spv designs thats plush all the time :p


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
If you find your current boxxer is flexing, I'm assuming you'd find a boxxer WC to be just as flexy. A dorado wouldn't ruin your geometry since it's a short fork.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2004
thank you chris.My order has been put out.Getting the normal blue one.

Shoud be here tommorow.