
NC Riders.....


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i live about 4 miles from them. i ride dh and urban and park and trails. since my broken arm and sale of my hardtail i have not done much dirtjumping but im always down for some shuttlage.


Nov 24, 2004
Hendersonville, NC
I havent gotten into the dh scene yet, but i'm looking to buy a fs bike to get into it. Where is the nearest dh place around here anyway?? I've been to Trace Ridge but thats nothing big. Also is there any north shore kinda places around here??


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...

As far as DH trails go, I'd say Pilot Rock, Big Creek, Bennet Gap, Buckwheat, Black Mountain to Sycamore, and Long Branch/Butter Gap/Cat Gap to some extent...Pretty much all of those have some climbing/hike-a-bike sections involved (a lot of unavoidable climbing in the case of Black Mountain & Buckwheat), but it is possible to shuttle most of them in such a way you avoid most of the ugly grind uphill...But if you shuttle, you'll do a fair amount of driving - but worth it if you have 40+ lb long travel sled, IMHO...There's also a couple real good ones near Black Mountain / Montreat...Check out this site for more 411:


Plus, I think there's a nice course at Alexander MTB Park in Asheville...

As far as N. Shore type stuff, I really don't know of anything around...That said, I have confidence that some of the locals in A-ville have a few secret spots with DJ's and ladders...Justa guess though...