
Nationalized Health Care means people like Stephen Hawking would be killed


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Investor's Business Daily recently wrote an editorial which contained the following statement:

"People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."
I want you all to consider that before you click on the rebuttal.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Republicans do a fine job of recruiting the uphill side of the bell curve. They don't let silly little things like the truth get in their way.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I think the real lesson is the inefficiency of government healthcare. The NHS has had more than 40 years to kill Hawking, and they still haven't gotten around to it because unionized corrupt government workers are too lazy to do it. A private system would incentivize the healthcare workers to do their jobs properly.

That's the real scandal here, and you guys nitpick over Hawking's nationality. Fiddling while Rome burns, indeed...


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Republicans do a fine job of recruiting the uphill side of the bell curve. They don't let silly little things like the truth get in their way.
I bet if someone proposed legislature that would kill off people below a certain IQ level these same people wouldn't complain.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Unfortunately, there is a need for cost analysis with health care, because our resources are finite.

The real difference between private and public health care is that private means the decision-making process is "private".

Public decisions will be a more open process.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Can I be blamed for writing a more interesting title than "Investor's Business Daily-Crazy Stupid Editorial"? I thought that thread was investment advice.
I've outsourced my headline writing. Thanks to your complaint there is now an unemployed headline writer in Guangdong province looking for work...but on the upside there is a new headline writer in Mumbai who is now gainfully employed. Look for my thread topic titles to be better in the future.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Sure looks like him in his avatar pic.



Not getting an abortion, probably thinking about the benefits of a completely free market system.
AND, he also provided his own health care! No gubmint interference in his dead self raisin'!


Jun 20, 2009
dream land
Welcome to the USA (United Socialist America)! If your company is failing and you have good lobbyists we will bail you out so your rich white collar management types can keep their multi-million $ homes and Porsche. In the mean time 7/8 of the rest of the employees go bankrupt and loose their 200k homes and life savings! It's a great place, if your an illegal alien we will give you FREE health care, don't worry the the rest of the country will pay for it! And don't fret! if your REALLY sick and OLD our new health care program will decide if you are worth saving (after all you worked your whole life to provide for the rest of the country and now your retired, so useless).

Is this the USA we all thought we were growing up in?


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Welcome to the USA (United Socialist America)! If your company is failing and you have good lobbyists we will bail you out so your rich white collar management types can keep their multi-million $ homes and Porsche. In the mean time 7/8 of the rest of the employees go bankrupt and loose their 200k homes and life savings! It's a great place, if your an illegal alien we will give you FREE health care, don't worry the the rest of the country will pay for it! And don't fret! if your REALLY sick and OLD our new health care program will decide if you are worth saving (after all you worked your whole life to provide for the rest of the country and now your retired, so useless).

Is this the USA we all thought we were growing up in?
I don't care either way.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Welcome to the USA (United Socialist America)! If your company is failing and you have good lobbyists we will bail you out so your rich white collar management types can keep their multi-million $ homes and Porsche. In the mean time 7/8 of the rest of the employees go bankrupt and loose their 200k homes and life savings! It's a great place, if your an illegal alien we will give you FREE health care, don't worry the the rest of the country will pay for it! And don't fret! if your REALLY sick and OLD our new health care program will decide if you are worth saving (after all you worked your whole life to provide for the rest of the country and now your retired, so useless).

Is this the USA we all thought we were growing up in?
I can't believe Trig is typing already! Precocious little guy...


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Welcome to the USA (United Socialist America)! If your company is failing and you have good lobbyists we will bail you out so your rich white collar management types can keep their multi-million $ homes and Porsche. In the mean time 7/8 of the rest of the employees go bankrupt and loose their 200k homes and life savings! It's a great place, if your an illegal alien we will give you FREE health care, don't worry the the rest of the country will pay for it! And don't fret! if your REALLY sick and OLD our new health care program will decide if you are worth saving (after all you worked your whole life to provide for the rest of the country and now your retired, so useless).

Is this the USA we all thought we were growing up in?
Well, I didn't dream that my entire 401k would be worthless.

I also figured that my health would be a right, not a privilege.

But I did dream that a minority would become President.

P.S. I used to work for Aetna in their main datacenter. We would often discuss how our employee health care was inferior to many other public and private plans.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's charge this week that the town-hall protests were "un-American" was "a terrible tactical mistake," said American University political analyst Allan Lichtman, who faulted Democrats on strategy, too.
Once again, the Dems think righteousness will win the day.

They should had lockdown town halls with question screening and pro health care reform speakers.

My boss is super conservative and is planning on pulling another tea party maneuver at the next town hall. I'm going to have to go there and start a yelldown in order to counteract him and another right wing nut who has something ridiculous and useless to say.

The Dems really dropped the ball, again.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

My boss is super conservative and is planning on pulling another tea party maneuver at the next town hall. I'm going to have to go there and start a yelldown in order to counteract him and another right wing nut who has something ridiculous and useless to say.
Wasn't it these same people calling Iraqi war protesters un-American? Hypocrites are the worst type of people.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Well, I didn't dream that my entire 401k would be worthless.

I also figured that my health would be a right, not a privilege.

But I did dream that a minority would become President.

P.S. I used to work for Aetna in their main datacenter. We would often discuss how our employee health care was inferior to many other public and private plans.
When I broke a finger in the spring I went to one of those Urgent care places. The doctor was telling me how bad his health insurance was. Several thousand dollar deductible, poor drug coverage, etc.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The Socialists speak up: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090814/ap_on_re_eu/eu_britain_us_health_care

Britons defend their health care from US criticism

By MEERA SELVA, Associated Press Writer Meera Selva, Associated Press Writer
Fri Aug 14, 8:02 am ET

LONDON – Britons reacted with outrage Friday at American criticism of the country's health care system and defended their cradle-to-grave medical coverage on Twitter, television and in the tabloids.

Right-wing attacks on President Barack Obama's health reform plans have struck a nerve in Britain, where residents broadly take for granted their universal coverage under the state-funded National Health Service — and look askance at the millions of Americans without insurance.

"Land of the Fee," declared the Daily Mirror in reference to the United States' high-charging health model. The London newspaper called the "lies and distortions" being circulated in the United States about the National Health Service "truly sickening."

"Jaw droppingly untruthful," said the British Medical Association's chairman, Hamish Meldrum.

"NHS often makes the difference between pain and comfort, despair and hope, life and death," Prime Minister Gordon Brown tweeted. "Thanks for always being there."

Even British health campaigner Kate Spall — who criticizes NHS failings in U.S. television ads produced by Conservatives for Patients' Rights, a lobby group that opposes Obama's plans — declared that the group had misled her and was distorting her true views. Spall's mother died of kidney cancer while waiting for treatment.

"There are failings in the system but I'm not anti-NHS at all," Spall told the British Broadcasting Corp.

"I help the vulnerable patients in our country that come to me for help, those that have been denied treatment," she said. "So the irony is, the people that are falling through the net in the U.S. are patients that I would support anyway."

Britain's opposition Conservative Party is distancing itself from its maverick member of European Parliament, Daniel Hannan, who has criticized the NHS on U.S. news programs.

Conservative leader David Cameron dismissed Hannan as having "eccentric views."

In an e-mail to Conservative Party workers published on his blog, Cameron said millions, including his own family, were grateful for NHS-provided care.

"Just look at all the support which the NHS has received on Twitter over the last couple of days," he wrote. "It is a reminder — if one were needed — of how proud we in Britain are of the NHS."

The NHS, founded in 1948, is the cornerstone of the United Kingdom's welfare state.

About 12 percent of the UK's 61 million residents have private insurance, but the vast majority rely on state-funded emergency care, surgery and access to family doctors. Even those who complain about the system say they want it improved, not dismantled.

British officials acknowledge that their system has been struggling to cope and faces a 15 billion pound ($24 billion) deficit. Hospitals are often overcrowded, dirty and understaffed, which means some patients do not get the care they are promised.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
! And don't fret! if your REALLY sick and OLD our new health care program will decide if you are worth saving (after all you worked your whole life to provide for the rest of the country and now your retired, so useless).

Is this the USA I thought we were growing up in?
Sorry, but I'd like to point out that this is 100% wrong there buddeh.


Jun 20, 2009
dream land
Sorry, but I'd like to point out that this is 100% wrong there buddeh.
have you read the health plan there "bro"? I thought not. Do some research there "buddeh" before you open your mouth next time. don't forget to stop by the local socialist gov. office and ask for you free hand out (oops I mean BAILOUT).
Last edited:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
have you read the health plan there "bro"? I thought not. Do some research there "buddeh" before you open your mouth next time. don't forget to stop by the local socialist gov. office and ask for you free hand out (oops I mean BAILOUT).
Please oh wise one. Show me exactly where in this 1017 page bill it says the government will "decide if you are worth saving".

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
My boy was having headaches. I reckon he was malingering but the missus said let's take him to the quack just in case. The quack had a look and said I don't reckon it's anything bad but let's get him an MRI just in case. So they zapped him and after the doc said no problems, 6000 yen ($60 in your money). I just turned 40 so I had a full physical for 2900 yen, piss, blood, pooh, barium, lung X-Ray, the works. I'm working apparently as the results are back in and the only problem is the liver. That bastard was completely normal so obviously I haven't punished it enough so I'll be working on that. The Japanese are thinking, we'll spend it now so that we'll get it early, seems sensible to me, no cunt lives longer than these bastards so they must be doing something right. So why isn't anyone comparing what these Japs do?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
My boy was having headaches. I reckon he was malingering but the missus said let's take him to the quack just in case. The quack had a look and said I don't reckon it's anything bad but let's get him an MRI just in case. So they zapped him and after the doc said no problems, 6000 yen ($60 in your money). I just turned 40 so I had a full physical for 2900 yen, piss, blood, pooh, barium, lung X-Ray, the works. I'm working apparently as the results are back in and the only problem is the liver. That bastard was completely normal so obviously I haven't punished it enough so I'll be working on that. The Japanese are thinking, we'll spend it now so that we'll get it early, seems sensible to me, no cunt lives longer than these bastards so they must be doing something right. So why isn't anyone comparing what these Japs do?
Thats a good question. Especially since the Japanese have the longest live span among the industrialized countries and a fairly average health care costs.