
My new ride!


Nam I am
Well a couple weeks ago. I took a stick in the spokes of my road bike, and it bent the Hanger Very badly ( steel frame non replaceable hanger ) , really bad. So bad i took it to the shop to have them try and straighten it. well they did it , but, but the hanger did crack. and then the fact that it is 8-speed campy and tiring to find a replacement derailer was not easy. the shop advised me that I might want to start think about retiring that bike.

so .....

Last night I saw turnergirl talking about selling her Serotta Concours titanium, so I Jumped.

and now it is mine :)

took it for a nice 30 mile spin. and it felt nice. now i have been riding campy ergo for so long I really have to get use to the Shimano STI now.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Did it come with a dental practice? ;)

Nice ride!

**** carbon, when I upgrade my roadie at some point I'm going to get a ti frame.