
Moving to Portland area.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I wont be moving until April/May but im trying to get a idea of places to look. I currently live in an area of columbus ohio called the short north (which is where all the good bars/restaurants are, also has an exceedingly high hipster population)

So what im looking for is recommendations of areas that are close/easy to access good parts of the city, yet I dont have to listen to endless banter about hipster bull****.

Im looking to rent for at least the first year. I dont mind living in the burbs if it affords me more space and a better cost of living. I guess i'd take space over cool area. Ideally i want a house or something similar since I have a dog, although he's not much of a dog more like a black rug that gets put at different places in the house throughout the day.

Help me out, since I don't know **** about this area. The guy im going to work for is in Beaverton, and i've seen the area and its the burbs. So something that wont take me an hour to get to work would be cool. Garage would be nice as well if possible.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
NASIOC actually has a decent, albeit anti-hipster/crotchety car-guy biased, thread on this topic, replete with amusing maps.


I lived in the Pearl for the better part of a year. Would I live in the Pearl again? Probably not, as I'm after what you're after these days, what with a garage, less noise, etc. I'd live anywhere on the west side of the river in a heartbeat, and anywhere close to the eastside Max lines, too.

Another good site with neighborhood specific info run by a realtor: http://www.movingtoportland.net/


Beaverton is suburban strip mall hell..
The Pearl is another sort of hell..

I would check SE portland. There are plenty of cool pockets around with cheap rent and spacious housing..The " Milwaukie" are is pretty cool and not a crazy commute for you to Beaverton.. I would check CL and look for some short stay housing and then make the final decision when you get out here..
Its not a big place, but definatly varies alot depending on Neughborhood..
Feel free to PM me with any specifics..


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Are you going to have a vehicle ?
yeah, two actually. Both stupid low VW's.


Thanks for the area info i'll start looking around. I've had my fun with the hipsters and its time for a little more room. Granted I have a 3 story, 3 bedroom house for $800 but its more space than i need anyhow.

...and what the **** is with everything having wall-to-wall carpet. I heard it rains up there. Who the **** wants that potential mess.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I love Portland, and I don't think you can go wrong with any neighborhood in the city limits.

P.S. I hope you have a job already. They have had double digit unemployment since the 90's.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Most of the inner east side is pretty good. If I were to be specific I would say.

Clinton Street
Hollywood District

That leaves out lots of stuff. I like north Portland quite a bit too.


Sep 5, 2008
all these guys are telling you reasonable areas if you want the hour drive everyday (potentially each way).... you will never beat living close to where your gonna work...

inner beaverton is a terd there are other parts which are great... the inner part is the over congested strip mall hell... best to look west of there or north of there if you want a decent neighborhood.... if you have kids look into the schools!!!

I lived in the west hills for 35 years. If you wanna walk to entertainment its not for you, but the neighborhoods are great.


Jan 16, 2002
Vancouver, WA
I live in Vancouver, WA (across the river from Portland). It is a bit (but not much)farther to some of the trails but there are some advantages such as no state income taxes, more rural properties, and better schools for the most part. I live on the farthest side of Vancouver and it takes me about 20 minutes to get to downtown Portland.


Feb 20, 2010
Pac NW
If you have a potential area or property/rental in mind, one of the best sites is http://portlandmaps.com.

Breaks down crime, schools, parks, etc., as well as info on the specific property. You can also plug in an intersection for more general info.

Our Mission

The City of Portland is providing PortlandMaps.com as a new way of accessing public data. This data has always existed and been obtainable by any public citizen, but processes for finding and retrieving it have either been too complex or not well known by the average individual.

Our mission is to provide up to date public information in a easy to use interface. Letting everyone have access to the information, not just the experts.


A wide variety of data is available for the Portland Metropolitan Area, a few of these datasets are listed below.
Assessor/Tax Lot Information
Aerial Photography
Building Footprints*
Building Permits*
Crime Data*
Mass Transit
Natural Hazard
Urban Growth Boundary
Underground Storage Tanks*
Zip Code
Zoning Maps*


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Thanks for all the info guys. Looks like i'll be driving out in April. I think for this first year im just going to look at being close to where i'll work in beaverton, pay a bit less on the front end for a place (meaning deposits and such) as my gf is going back to school fulltime and i'll be supporting us both until she's done.

I've found a couple places in Lake Oswego that we both like, but theres also a large condo with excellent amenities for a good price in beaverton thats super close to where i'll be working which means I can bike to work.

But, who knows maybe something I cannot resist will pop up.


Jan 25, 2010
You can not get away from the hipsters that have infiltrated this town. Take it from one of the less than 50% who actually grew up here.


Jan 25, 2010
A quick hint we do not like outsiders here. Friendly if you visit not so friendly if you become permanent.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Holy hell, that drive sucks.

But I got here and after a tiny bit of housing drama am all settled in.

So, next question. How do I fond black rock or post canyon.

I know im a haole

It has been an unpredictable year for snow. Blackrock is probably your best bet right now.


Here is a map for post. I am not sure how up to date it is. It is probably best to get someone to show you around anyway.



Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.

We came up 84 into Portland and there was a decent amount of snow still along much of that route. Im putting together my new sovereign together Monday and start riding to work to get back into shape after my shoulder separation so a little flowy fun is in order.


Feb 20, 2010
Pac NW
NWTA's been working on a wiki of local trails. BR and Post are both in there.

NWTA Trail Wiki

For Post, stop in any bike shop in Hood River and ~$7 gets you a 2010 map of all the Post Canyon trails. Totally worth it.