
Moron Coworkers


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
A woman I work with is on the phone with a client. During the 10 minute call I listen to her say "I'm confused" eleven freakin times. WTF! I'm leaning towards a beer or two for lunch...

dh girlie

Well hay...you COULD work with a buncha dudes including one that wants to hook up with you and then tell all his friends he did and then have it get back to his wife and then have the wife call you and then have to get involved in a sexual harrassment and defemation of character grievance...talk about a bad WEEK!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
dh girlie said:
Well hay...you COULD work with a buncha dudes including one that wants to hook up with you and then tell all their friends they did and then have it get back to their wife and then have the wife call you and then have to get involved in a sexual harrassment and defemation of character grievance...talk about a bad WEEK!
Holy cow! Did this actually happen to you????

About the worst it gets here is our national sales manager told a coworker that he keeps his really important documents in the "recycle bin" on his pc because it saves space on his hard drive :eek:

dh girlie

pixelninja said:
Holy cow! Did this actually happen to you????

About the worst it gets here is our national sales manager told a coworker that he keeps his really important documents in the "recycle bin" on his pc because it saves space on his hard drive :eek:

yep...this guy has made comments to me before and I just ignored it...then he lies to some of the guys and says he and I hooked up...and the wife has cousins and a brother that work here...and who is not a cousin here is dating a cousin of hers...and it came back to bite him in the ass...she calls me and I told her all the crap he's said to me...and how he inappropriately touched me once, and she kicked his ass out because apparently, this isn't the first time she's heard things about him and other women...soooo...I was pissed of cuz the guys here in this place act like a bunch of hens in a sewing circle and gossip like a buncha little bitches. Well, to somewhat protect my reputation, I've spoken HR...found out I can nail his ass with sexual harrassement and defamation of character grievances.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
dh girlie said:
yep...this guy has made comments to me before and I just ignored it...then he lies to some of the guys and says he and I hooked up...and the wife has cousins and a brother that work here...and who is not a cousin here is dating a cousin of hers...and it came back to bite him in the ass...she calls me and I told her all the crap he's said to me...and how he inappropriately touched me once, and she kicked his ass out because apparently, this isn't the first time she's heard things about him and other women...soooo...I was pissed of cuz the guys here in this place act like a bunch of hens in a sewing circle and gossip like a buncha little bitches. Well, to somewhat protect my reputation, I've spoken HR...found out I can nail his ass with sexual harrassement and defamation of character grievances.
What a freakin moron. Did he actually think that that type of behavior wouldn't come back to bite him in the butt? He's got my vote for Moron Coworker of the Year.



Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
dh girlie said:
I've spoken HR...found out I can nail his ass with sexual harrassement and defamation of character grievances.
An example needs to made, and yer just the girlie for the job...


Turbo Monkey
I have one:
So I get a call this morning from Starbucks (we have a Starbucks in the hotel) saying they have a point of sales receipt printer that's not responding. I go up there and see someone on that POS workstation. At the end of the transaction it gen'd an error message saying the printer is not responding. Ok, I take a look at the printer, no power light. So I question the girls there, "Did you ladies notice that there's no power light on this printer?" One of them shot back, "Don't treat me like I'm stupid! Some of us have degrees ya know!" (I think she's trying to point out I don't have a degree) So, it took all of my self control to NOT shoot back, "Yeah, and I see you're putting your $70K education and degree to good use here in Starbucks!" Anyway, it took 30 sec to trace the power cable and snug up the plug while she and the other girls were just going OFF gossiping. Right now, I can't even talk to her because if I do, the things that will come out of my mouth might a)make her cry, and b)get me fired.

dh girlie

pixelninja said:
What a freakin moron. Did he actually think that that type of behavior wouldn't come back to bite him in the butt? He's got my vote for Moron Coworker of the Year.


I have no idea what he was thinking...not sure if I'll file the grievance, because that could get quite embarassing...but I sure have him thinking theres going to be one filed if he doesn't diffuse the rumors...another thing is, he's got two small kids at home...and his wifes an at home mom...I don't really want to get him suspended without pay and have her and the kids cut off...very sticky situation...very sad.


Snacks said:
If I'm cc'ed on another email that I could really give a sh*t less about I'm going to kick some ass :mumble:
Our president reamed a dealer about copying everyone and their cats in emails the other day.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Pau11y said:
I have one:
So I get a call this morning from Starbucks (we have a Starbucks in the hotel) saying they have a point of sales receipt printer that's not responding. I go up there and see someone on that POS workstation. At the end of the transaction it gen'd an error message saying the printer is not responding. Ok, I take a look at the printer, no power light. So I question the girls there, "Did you ladies notice that there's no power light on this printer?" One of them shot back, "Don't treat me like I'm stupid! Some of us have degrees ya know!" (I think she's trying to point out I don't have a degree) So, it took all of my self control to NOT shoot back, "Yeah, and I see you're putting your $70K education and degree to good use here in Starbucks!" Anyway, it took 30 sec to trace the power cable and snug up the plug while she and the other girls were just going OFF gossiping. Right now, I can't even talk to her because if I do, the things that will come out of my mouth might a)make her cry, and b)get me fired.
Were any of them hot? :rolleyes:


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
dh girlie said:
I don't really want to get him suspended without pay and have her and the kids cut off...very sticky situation...very sad.
Make sure the mofo knows you're cutting him a break though.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
dh girlie said:
Well hay...you COULD work with a buncha dudes including one that wants to hook up with you and then tell all his friends he did and then have it get back to his wife and then have the wife call you and then have to get involved in a sexual harrassment and defemation of character grievance...talk about a bad WEEK!
Were any of them hot? :thumb:

dh girlie

stinkyboy said:
Make sure the mofo knows you're cutting him a break though.

I told him I had contacted HR and they would be in touch with him. Then I will be out of the office for 2 and a half days...let him squirm and wonder what's going on...f'n f'er...so goddamn embarassing for me cuz now when some of these guys come in I get a feeling they are looking at me differently...it's a trip...weird...sucks...


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Pau11y said:
Stinkboy, what the hell is your avatar a pic of? It looks like a hairy left nut, but what's the rest of the stuff?
Oh jeez, here goes the Stinkyboy avatar hatin' again...

I see 3 armpits, and nothing that RM has to get bent about.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Pau11y said:
I'm not going to flame you on it. I just want to know what it is. Is it that tumor w/ hair thingie?
No I found it on a site promoting a short film about a kid who is locked in a basement in the dark for years and for fun he contorts his body into weird shapes.

Looks flexy...


Aug 14, 2001
dh girlie said:
I have no idea what he was thinking...not sure if I'll file the grievance, because that could get quite embarassing...but I sure have him thinking theres going to be one filed if he doesn't diffuse the rumors...another thing is, he's got two small kids at home...and his wifes an at home mom...I don't really want to get him suspended without pay and have her and the kids cut off...very sticky situation...very sad.
You really need to do it. Especially since you already went to HR. What if he were to try to turn it around and tell HR you hit on him?! Besides, if you don't follow up, he'll just do it to someone else and there won't be any record.

Not to mention the BS he's caused you.


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
I told him I had contacted HR and they would be in touch with him. Then I will be out of the office for 2 and a half days...let him squirm and wonder what's going on...f'n f'er...so goddamn embarassing for me cuz now when some of these guys come in I get a feeling they are looking at me differently...it's a trip...weird...sucks...
Just flip it right back on them. A "the fack you looking at mothafacker" does wonders ;)


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
dh girlie said:
Well, to somewhat protect my reputation, I've spoken HR...found out I can nail his ass with sexual harrassement and defamation of character grievances.
Not sure how it works but won't you really be going after your own company as opposed to him individually? You might want to do it anyway, but if it hurts your company it could end up hurting you too. What a friggin' drag.

But yeah, offices are full of idiots. The worst are the bird people. If I hear one more story of how cute little snookums the parakeet did the cutest thing yesterday I will snap. Please people, get a friggin' life, then keep it to yourself. I would rather believe you are a crackhead who does absolutely nothing but burn the rock and stare at the wall than be forced to visualize one more of your your little tete-a-tetes with a winged varmit.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
riderx said:
You really need to do it. Especially since you already went to HR. What if he were to try to turn it around and tell HR you hit on him?! Besides, if you don't follow up, he'll just do it to someone else and there won't be any record.

Not to mention the BS he's caused you.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
OGRipper said:
Please people, get a friggin' life, then keep it to yourself. I would rather believe you are a crackhead who does absolutely nothing but burn the rock and stare at the wall than be forced to visualize one more of your your little tete-a-tetes with a winged varmit.
And those crazy cat ladies... :monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Well, i guess of have stupid coworkers...

I have about the stupidest girls in my History class. They sit around and talk about what their Dads buy them and where they shop. Its really pathetic. Here are a few exerpts:

"I am going to put a Jihad on you, Monica, you are so ****ing stupid!"
"Ewww, you are so dirty, i bet your Jihad is small anyway."

:rolleyes: My case in point...

Some other good ones are:

"Whats that?" (girl points to swaztica drawn on desk)

"Is a falcon a bird?"

"I thought bulls only live in Spain."

"How can you be Irish and not be liking green?!"

"What month is it?"
"Umm... are you kidding me? It is January."
"I dont know! I dont keep track of these things..."

This is a Honors history class... :rolleyes: And some how i have the lowest grade @ a A-/B+. Apparently i dont participate in class. And making fun of Catholic priests when your teacher is a devote Catholic doesnt help either.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
So I'm on a conference call with Europe this morning and some bonewipe on the call puts their phone on hold. For the next 20 minutes the rest of us get treated to the best of ABBA. WTF are they thinking with their on-hold music?>??