
Mistake getting the 951


Turbo Monkey
Dec 19, 2004
Rangers Lead the Way
So I got the 951 and it's sitting in the box in the bike room (ie garage) making very sexy bike art. Here is the problem, I'm thinking that I may have pulled the triggered too soon on getting it. I'm not a WC Racer, nor a pro, not even a semi-pro. In fact, I may only race a couple times a year other then a few locals, so I wouldn't really consider myself a hardcore "racer". I like to think that I'm the guy with a Ferrari that likes to run it on the track, but I know that I'm no Michael Schumacher.

Anyway, after hear some feedback from within the industry, knowing what the CRC guys think of it, and from what little feedback there is on the web I'm wondering if I made a mistake. I'm not saying it's a bad bike, maybe just not the right bike for me. I have heard mostly great things about it, like it's a bike that snaps out of the corners, pops off of jumps, not the point and plow bike of say an M6 or a V10.

The negitives that I have heard are from WC guys and I probably wouldn't notice it. (and no I'm not going to disclose what I heard or from who I heard it from)

I was in a debate of getting the M6 or the V10, then the 951 came out and it was a bit cheaper, uh, less expensive, has 8-8.5" of travel, so it seemed like a good fit. Maybe that I'm getting wiser in my old age and understanding that I'm not "Joe World Cup", perhaps I am better off with the M6 or V10. Something with more travel and more forgivening then the 951, like an M6 or a V10.

I guess I need to stop bitching about it until I at least ride it first.

Why am I post this? I'm not sure really, perhaps just to get some thoughts and insights from the masses?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Yep, you screwed up. You should just give that frame to me in order to thoroughly punish yourself.

Ha, not only is that bike a solid choice, it is even more so for all the super tight trails we ride here. I think it was a great choice actually.


Mar 31, 2008
Boulder, CO
mine has been awesome so far, just build it. I am pretty sure the ones crc were running were pre-production, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them running 951s at worlds. I could be wrong, but still for the average rider, the 951 seems to be working out pretty well.


Mar 21, 2009
So I got the 951 and it's sitting in the box in the bike room (ie garage) making very sexy bike art. Here is the problem, I'm thinking that I may have pulled the triggered too soon on getting it. I'm not a WC Racer, nor a pro, not even a semi-pro. In fact, I may only race a couple times a year other then a few locals, so I wouldn't really consider myself a hardcore "racer". I like to think that I'm the guy with a Ferrari that likes to run it on the track, but I know that I'm no Michael Schumacher.

Anyway, after hear some feedback from within the industry, knowing what the CRC guys think of it, and from what little feedback there is on the web I'm wondering if I made a mistake. I'm not saying it's a bad bike, maybe just not the right bike for me. I have heard mostly great things about it, like it's a bike that snaps out of the corners, pops off of jumps, not the point and plow bike of say an M6 or a V10.

The negitives that I have heard are from WC guys and I probably wouldn't notice it. (and no I'm not going to disclose what I heard or from who I heard it from)

I was in a debate of getting the M6 or the V10, then the 951 came out and it was a bit cheaper, uh, less expensive, has 8-8.5" of travel, so it seemed like a good fit. Maybe that I'm getting wiser in my old age and understanding that I'm not "Joe World Cup", perhaps I am better off with the M6 or V10. Something with more travel and more forgivening then the 951, like an M6 or a V10.

I guess I need to stop bitching about it until I at least ride it first.

Why am I post this? I'm not sure really, perhaps just to get some thoughts and insights from the masses?
I hear ya. I just went thru kinda the same thing. I had a V10 that was great but was honest with myself about it. I don't even race and it seemed like the faster I went on the V10 the better it rode. Seemed like way more bike than I could use. I got a more of a freeride/AM bike and am alot happier with it.


May 2, 2008
right here -> .
Sounds like a classic case of "buyer's remorse"......wanting to justify a big purchase. Anyway, those frames are absolutely baller. Whether you are racing DH or just riding DH I don't see how you couldn't have fun on that. Of the three bikes you mentioned, the 951 seems to be the most versatile of them and therefore the best choice you could have made. I bet after one ride you will have either forgotten about this post or be asking yourself why you even posted it to begin with.:D
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Mar 21, 2009
Sounds like a classic case of "buyer's remorse"......wanting to justify a big purchase. Anyway, those frames are absolutely baller. Whether you are racing DH or just riding DH I don't see how you couldn't have fun on that. Of the three bikes you mentioned, the 951 seems to be the most versatile of them and therefore the best choice you could have made. I bet after one ride you will have either forgotten about this post or be asking yourself why ever posted it to begin with.:D
good point. :D


Nov 17, 2007
Maumee, Ohio
LOL. If had a 951 arrive on my doorstep I ould not sleep till it was built and I was flying down a mountain with it.

Be stoked, build and ride that thing brother!


Aug 26, 2005
well at least you have seen the error of your ways and decided to do the only sensible thing - asking an internet forum to feel sorry for you:brow:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Your bike will probably never let you down, but you may not ride it to its full potential. If you can afford it, why the hell not keep it and build it into something sweet? I find it silly to think that anybody needs over 8" of travel. I had a 9" brooklyn and now a sunday, and I don't miss the inch. If the geometry works for you, keep it. It's a lot easier to steepen a bike than make it lower, it seems.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
Build it up, come to the dirty bird, and see where that bike will really shine. You'll certainly be happy your bike likes to stay off the ground and rips tight turns.

I don't feel we have the long/straight/rough tracks of the west coast or many of the world cups, so why buy a bike designed for that? You'll love that thing for east coast riding.


Jun 22, 2008
the 951's are like grim death according to kovarik.

build it up and ride it at least before you consider getting something else..

dont get caught up in other peoples oponions and ride to what your comfortable with


Dec 15, 2005
San Jose, CA
The negitives that I have heard are from WC guys and I probably wouldn't notice it. (and no I'm not going to disclose what I heard or from who I heard it from)
IF you don't tell us what you consider the negatives, then how can we put your mind at ease.

Rather than tell us who said what, just tell us what you precieve the negatives to be so that we can addess it?


May 2, 2008
right here -> .
I saw in pics Kovarik is back to M6 in MSA and Bromont rounds.

I don't know if this means anything.
It does mean something, it means he prefers the M6 on really gnarly courses. Shaun Palmer went to the M6 at MSA as well. Other than that I wouldn't read into it too much. They can do that, switch bikes up to suit their personal needs for different courses since they have that option. What it doesn't necessarily mean is that 951 can't handle that if it is the only bike you ride.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
IF you don't tell us what you consider the negatives, then how can we put your mind at ease.

Rather than tell us who said what, just tell us what you precieve the negatives to be so that we can addess it?
werd, i meant to say something like this.


Jun 24, 2004
I'm curious about 1 point. If you think the 951 is too much of a racer for you, why even consider the M6 then? I would think that the ultra low bb and slack head angle would take a pretty competent pilot to make it manageable on anything other than a race course at race speeds.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
There's some smokin' babe at Whistler with a 951. She stands around at the bottom with it a lot, I imagine she rides it.

I fretted about getting a bike that wouldn't be "just right" before I got my Blindside. I eventually realised that it wasn't worth worrying too much about. I figured that if I didn't know enough to have a definite preference, I'd be able to adapt to the bike. I've been on it around 6 months now. After demo-ing that new Glory, I'm convinced that I love my Blindside.

What the hell is a Karpiel?


Sep 21, 2007
Da Peach said:
I fretted about getting a bike that wouldn't be "just right" before I got my Blindside. I eventually realised that it wasn't worth worrying too much about.
Exactly. I spent a year staring at geo charts and classified ads before I finally bought my Zumbi and now I realize that there are so many fantastic frames out there it's hard to get one you actually dislike. I even rode one of the other bikes I was considering since I bought mine and even though I liked the other one even better I'm not disappointed with my choice at all. Bikes are supposed to be fun, not stressful, so I would say try to stop worrying and get 'er dirty.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
My God Brian, are you sleep deprived or just drunker than a monkey's uncle? What was all that drivel? If they heard you talk like that at work, this guy would pants you and strap you to the sign up top with Bib's finger firmly stuffed in your vag!