
Misinformation regarding GT/Schwinn

a while ago the chief monkey posted this, and it resulted in me doing some digging...

"Another indication that Pacific's support of racing will be slim or none came last week when riders and staff of the existing Schwinn and GT squads (approximately 60 people) were informed they would not be receiving their final-quarter paychecks. This is completely within the rules following the purchase of a company that's declared bankruptcy, but still came as a surprise to some of the riders.

Downhiller Steve Peat was reportedly the hardest hit, with Pacific opting not to pay him nearly $70,000 that would have been owed him if Schwinn/GT had not filed for bankruptcy. Overall World Cup dual champion Leigh Donovan was owed about $25,000 that she won't be receiving, and Alison Dunlap won't be getting her bonus for her win at the world championships in Vail. "

Well this is what I have learned so far.
In 1997 Schwinn, which at that time had already aquired GT bicycles was purchased by an investment portfolio managment company called Qeustor Partners Inc. The employee and team riders at the time opted to sign their new contracts with Questor. Most did so, and without fully understanding what they were signing failed to realize that Questor Partners has NEVER previously operated a company in this feild, and they were purchasing this asset from Scott cycles, who had previously mismanaged it, after it's initial chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The company at the time was in dire financial straights, and Questor execs believed that the influx of capital they could provide would boost it's flagging sales and distribution.
BUT since they had NO contacts in the retail sector familiar with distibution of bikes, they made poor agreements thruout..
After loosing money for 3 straight years, their shareholders and portfolio managers urged them strongly to dump the company, and divert the funds to other arenas (namely Aetna Industries, Inc., Zenith Industrial Corp, auto parts companies).
Without the financial resources, Schwinn cycles once again fell into Chapter 11.
So the courts took over temporary proprietorship until the company could be auctioned.
AND the COURTS decided to eliminate the liabilities of the company, including the TEAMS. in order to make the company a more viable auction property, in effect SAVING the company from extinction.
At the AUCTION Pacific Cycles acquired Schwinn/GT for $86 Million.
This deal was for the assets, name and distribution rights to these companies.

Pacific is the largest dist. of bikes in the world. and though they will def. make radical changes to the amount of bikes these companies create and distribute, and to the locations (retail) where the product will be avail. do not expect any immediate changes in design or quality, (though undoubtably the man. will be moved overseas).
The aquisition will also undoubtably affect the Marques image in the "hardcore enthusiast" eye.

As far as boycotting these co. simply because they have been aquired by the giant Pacific is useless and ignorant.

These companies would have ceased to exist if it had not been for Pacific, some of the other companies bidding on the assets were manufacturers of sporting goods and fitness equip. and a barbeque manufacturer.. these other companies simply wanted the extensive retail dist. contracts that were built into the co.

YES these great and famous marques will eventually degrade into common consumer type crap, and their good names will be prostituted in the search for even larger retail sales (last year bicycles sales exceeded 2 billion in the US)...
SO when that time comes NONE of us will buy any of these products...BUT
NOW is the ultimate time to purchase the top quality products that these manufacturers USED to make at exceptional prices, this aquisition has opened the door to liquidation prices on great merchandise...

just think about that....


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Yes, it may be a good time to get quality product at great prices, but what happens when you break it and go to try and replace it, and they don't make that part anymore?? Just a thought
Schwinn and GT are not component manufacturers, they manufacture bikes
And though the GT lineup includes a BUNCH of products that carry the GT liscence, (stems, cranks, chainwheels etc.), these products are ALREADY ALL manufactured overseas by subsidieries of Pacific cycles...
SO those parts will continue to exist..
the great worry that people have on this topic is that a year from now you will go into Walmart and pick up a GT...YES this will happen, but it certainly will not be a GT-idrive..
The thing is whether or not Pacific will keep the high line series of bikes...this unfortunately is doubtfull... so the R&D that these companies are known for will die...
BUT the products that are already avail. are still of the highest quality, and when "your frame breaks" on a GT bike you will get the same deal from the co. as you would if your SantaCruz frame broke...unless it is a Man. Defect...GOOD luck, and if it is a man. def. then you will get N.O.S. (New Old Stock), or a reimbursement..
(and how many people do you know that have "warranteed" their frames for man. defects..or for anything??)

It still does not change the fact that boycotting retailers and distributors who continue to carry GT/Schwinn products is unintelligent.
These distributors, if they are known for carrying high end product will discontinue carrying the GT/Schwinn product shortly because of the simple reason that they will not sell crappy bikes.

But to label a company and paint it in a bad light because of information drawn from ONE source (velosport news, who wrote the original article) is foolish.....
Draw your own conclusions by compiling information from multiple sources... That is the reason that I went through the effort of researching.

I was trying to point out that Pacific simply had NO REASON to pay those people ANYTHING...Questor did, all of our beef shoudl be with them...but how many of you out there are going to call your broker and tell him to dump anything in your portfolio that has something to do with Questor...
or your bank's mutual fund manager...
because THEY (Questor) are the ones who actually weasled out of paying the Schwinn/GT employees..
It was Questor's crooked business practices that allowed them to turn tail on that obligation...
Believe me, they are not hurting for money...they have over a billion in capitol reserves.....

something to think about.


Originally posted by shootr
I was trying to point out that Pacific simply had NO REASON to pay those people ANYTHING...
Oh really? I was under the impression that the GT and Schwinn brands were valuable based their reputations as performance oriented brands with rich racing histories.

Pacific made a choice, which was not to pay the athletes which have done so much to increase the value of these brands. This is especially disgusting considering Allison Dunlaps stunning victory right after the 9/11 tragedy. Pictures of Allison on her knees in tears, holding the American flag (and her GT) made the cover of many major publications.

Your research doesnt tell me anything new. The things I know and don't like about this situation are still the same:

1. Pacific decides to capitalize on the Schwinn and GT brands but decides paying the athletes that made those brands great is not important.
2. Schwinn/GT executives take huge bonuses at the end, while employees get the shaft.
3. Schwinn/GT no longer has a racing heritage, department stores here we come.

Why do you want to stick up for these brands? Who cares if they went under? The people that put their blood sweat and tears (both racers and company employees) have been given the shaft.

Its corporate BS beginning to end. We as consumers don't have to sit around and accept the status quo. I don't like it and I'm going to voice my opinion about these BS corporations until they stop acting like jackasses.


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
All I know is......I don't have to worry about it :D

Cause I don't ride a GT or Schwinn, and never will....:rolleyes: :D :eek:


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Originally posted by Freak
Yes, it may be a good time to get quality product at great prices, but what happens when you break it and go to try and replace it, and they don't make that part anymore?? Just a thought
That's exactly what I was wondering. I thought the i-Drive system involved proprietary parts. What happens in 3 years whe Joe-schmoe has a problem with the system and it's just not made anymore? I must admit, I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to the workings of this system, so maybe I'm way off.

Other than that, yeah I agree that you can get some great deals on really fantastic products right now. I don't like all the political/corporate crap that's creating those deals, yeah it sucks for the former employees...but I agree that as a consumer, especially one in MY tax bracket, you gotta go for the great deals while you can.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
The company I work for bought another last year. We managed to find it in our hearts to pay those people for making that company valueable enough for us to want to buy it. In fact, most of those people are now working for us. They just have a new security badge.

Pacific should have done the same thing.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
My name is Stikman, I worked for Team Schwinn in 2000 and 2001, I now work for Pacific, the GT race program division...solely in regards to the whole "people getting paid" crap...Here is the summary in a nutshell.
My contract last year, as well as EVERY Other staff and rider said "In the event of bankruptcy Questor, Schwinn, GT will cancel said contract".
Got news for you, they filed in May, and we continued to race and get paid all the way till september, most people in my circle got there sept salary and there worlds bonuses. In alisons case, she was overpaid anyway, so missing out on 3 months pay is not a big deal. The GT riders made so much money it would make your head spin.
Contract also said "We reserve the right to cease race program at any time, for any reason"
So now, in hindsight, we were lucky to make it that far.

Now everyone shut the F up and go ride a GT....


Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by stiksandstones
My name is Stikman, I worked for Team Schwinn in 2000 and 2001, I now work for Pacific, the GT race program division...solely in regards to the whole "people getting paid" crap...Here is the summary in a nutshell.
My contract last year, as well as EVERY Other staff and rider said "In the event of bankruptcy Questor, Schwinn, GT will cancel said contract".
Got news for you, they filed in May, and we continued to race and get paid all the way till september, most people in my circle got there sept salary and there worlds bonuses. In alisons case, she was overpaid anyway, so missing out on 3 months pay is not a big deal. The GT riders made so much money it would make your head spin.
Contract also said "We reserve the right to cease race program at any time, for any reason"
So now, in hindsight, we were lucky to make it that far.

Now everyone shut the F up and go ride a GT....

Shut the what?

Way to rep for your boss bro!

Now I respect your work, and the accomplishments of ALL of the GT riders past and......well I was going to say present, but it's just Brian isn't it? But, there is no way I can respect a company who's charter is to provide junk bikes and cash in on a quality name. Nor can I bring myself to buy one.
I enjoy your column in Dirt, and tell Booty I said she did a great job in her first announce gig at Big Bear.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Originally posted by Damn True

Shut the what?

Way to rep for your boss bro!
I said Shut the F up....I am self employed so I am my own boss, So I will say what I want, when I want, How I want. Always have and always will.

And do I understand you in saying its some sort of crime that GT has only one MTB rider?...(even though they also signed Hans Rey, Christophe Leveque and Jamie Bestwick-the top riders in each discipline) wether you like or dislike pacific, etc...they do deserve massive props for even having a team, when at the time there was little to no income, and NOT ONE team sponsor, they did it all out of pocket, pretty royal move I think.

Anyway I am nearing my 3 posts rule on message boards, then I am outta here.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
I think this is something that people on this board are very passionate and vocal about simply because it is something that we are all involved in.
The fact is what happened happens all the time in corporate America. That's business. That's the breaks. Does it suck? Yeah. But I don't think it's totally fair to slam a particular company for doing something that almost every huge company has done at one time or another. Probably companies that make products that we all use regularly! Are we slamming them? No.
Remember the movie Tommy Boy? The scene where Dan Akroyd says to Tommy that he just wants to take the name of Tommy's company...that's the same thing here. I point out that movie simply to illustrate a point: that this is nothing new. It's part of big business.


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Originally posted by stiksandstones

I said Shut the F up....I am self employed so I am my own boss, So I will say what I want, when I want, How I want. Always have and always will.

Anyway I am nearing my 3 posts rule on message boards, then I am outta here.
Wow...you really make yourself sound like a A$$. You just lost my respect for you and your site


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Originally posted by Freak

Wow...you really make yourself sound like a A$$. You just lost my respect for you and your site
Ok, 3 posts, I am outta here, but let me add before I leave...are you for real with that tired ass post?

"Your" respect? there are about 8 people in this world I want respect from, and luckily I have always got it from them.

Do you think I care if you respect me or my lame website? hell no!

Don't read my site or anything in any magazine from me- from now on, since you lost "respect". I am sure my web-hits or magazine sales will not suffer any.

Adios-I am off to the races


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Originally posted by stiksandstones

Ok, 3 posts, I am outta here, but let me add before I leave...are you for real with that tired ass post?

"Your" respect? there are about 8 people in this world I want respect from, and luckily I have always got it from them.

Do you think I care if you respect me or my lame website? hell no!

Don't read my site or anything in any magazine from me- from now on, since you lost "respect". I am sure my web-hits or magazine sales will not suffer any.

Adios-I am off to the races
You still sound like an a$$


I had this college professor, an old hippie type dude and he taught me a valuable lesson:

This guy had been an environmental activist. Like a lot of young people he had started out very hot headed and angry. He would get up in front of the council or whoever it was that he was trying to get his point across to and rant and rave and jump up and down and cause a big scene. At one particular event he did his usual routine of foaming at the mouth and flying off the handle etc. After him another guy stepped up but took a different approach. He spoke calmly. He delivered his points with clarity and respect for the audience. Now here is the point of all this and the important life lesson for my old professor and everyone elsed: PEOPLE LISTENED. Ranting and raving and being a hot-headed jerk never did one thing to forward his cause, but EDUCATING did. Imagine that.

You Stikman will never get your point across to anyone in the manner you deliver it. You are not a person worthy of our time or our respect.


The Rev
Oct 8, 2001
Yo stickman... someone obvisouly had their Carnation Instant B*tch this morning, didn't they?

RM... Freak.... well said... couldnt' agree with you more...

Stickman... you gotta lot to learn about people skills.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by stiksandstones

I said Shut the F up....I am self employed so I am my own boss, So I will say what I want, when I want, How I want. Always have and always will.

And do I understand you in saying its some sort of crime that GT has only one MTB rider?...(even though they also signed Hans Rey, Christophe Leveque and Jamie Bestwick-the top riders in each discipline) wether you like or dislike pacific, etc...they do deserve massive props for even having a team, when at the time there was little to no income, and NOT ONE team sponsor, they did it all out of pocket, pretty royal move I think.

Anyway I am nearing my 3 posts rule on message boards, then I am outta here.
Well now. I was prepared to write off your initial comment as a fluke since I have in the past heard many good things about you. However, I may have been remiss in doing so as thus far you seem to be a bit of a jerk. My comment about GT only having Brian was aimed at the fact that they once supported an entire team Steve, Fabien, Brian, Allison, Kajtia et al. I said riders past and present. Presently, Brain is it. Hans Rey? C'mon.

Now please make one more nasty comment, bring yourself up to three and do what you feel you must. However, if you would like to tone down the insults feel free to stay. You won't find a bunch of star-stuck brown nosers here though. If you can deal with that you are welcome.

God Bless, and good luck this season.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
I just don't get people sometimes. Why act like that? What's wrong with trying to be friendly and just accept that opinions/points of view are different from one person to the next?
I don't know...maybe it's the little bit of tree-hugger in me, but it just seems like time is better spent just trying to be a good person and not go out of your way to piss people off.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by Freak

Wow...you really make yourself sound like a A$$. You just lost my respect for you and your site

What a frikin LOSER.
I had something much longer typed out for Stickman... Talkin bout Leigh and all, but I don't want to be as bad as him.

Yo Stickman... I'm sorry you got shafted.
No reason to come in here and act like a Horses Behind.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by RideMonkey

You Stikman will never get your point across to anyone in the manner you deliver it. You are not a person worthy of our time or our respect.

And THAT is why Stickman will always be nothing but a Wrench.

Hey RM, Can we get this smile :stupid: to read "I'm with Stickamn"?


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
Way to spread the positive vibe and PR of your website, Stickum. :rolleyes:
Yeah...with my references to corporate America and big business, I think it's safe to say those businesses would probably not use that particular strategy to increase business and profits.

"Yeah, I've got this business that I'm promoting. It's for people better than you so piss off! I don't care what you think about me nor my business 'cause I do what I want, when I want, how I want. You're all dumb anyway. Hmmmmm, why isn't my business doing very well?"

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by KrusteeButt

Yeah...with my references to corporate America and big business, I think it's safe to say none of those businesses would probably not use that particular strategy to increase business and profits.

"Yeah, I've got this business that I'm promoting. It's for people better than you so piss off! I don't care what you think about me nor my business 'cause I do what I want, when I want, how I want. You're all dumb anyway. Hmmmmm, why isn't my business doing very well?"
If I represented my company in that manner, my ass would be fired in a heartbeat. But then again, I am not self-employed, so I don't have the luxury of being able to piss on the public if I so choose.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by I Are Baboon

If I represented my company in that manner, my ass would be fired in a heartbeat. But then again, I am not self-employed, so I don't have the luxury of being able to piss on the public if I so choose.
Did Stickman give you a "Golden Shower"?
WHY THAT #$%@#%!#@$

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by stiksandstones

I said Shut the F up....I am self employed so I am my own boss, So I will say what I want, when I want, How I want. Always have and always will.

And do I understand you in saying its some sort of crime that GT has only one MTB rider?...(even though they also signed Hans Rey, Christophe Leveque and Jamie Bestwick-the top riders in each discipline) wether you like or dislike pacific, etc...they do deserve massive props for even having a team, when at the time there was little to no income, and NOT ONE team sponsor, they did it all out of pocket, pretty royal move I think.

Anyway I am nearing my 3 posts rule on message boards, then I am outta here.

NOT ONE team sponsor?
Just off the cuff Id say that might have something to do with the industrys lack of willingness to be associated with "bic" bikes. Or perhaps it's something more.......um..........personal?
yes his manner might have been obtuse, but I think that you are ALL failing to see what he was trying to tell you.

Schwinn/GT was broke. They were dead. They had ceased to exist. They were NO MORE.
Without the financial intervention of Pacific cycles you would all be writing messages on this board saying "hey remember that company GT?? you know they used to make bikes??, " and someone might write back..."yeah, I think my dad had one way back in the day!"

Pacific DID NOT ruin these companies. Pacific DID NOT seek out these companies in a takeover, to gain their market share. To "purchase their brand distinction".
Pacific REVIVED these dead goliaths of the former "large scale performance bike sector".

This whole realm of bike production has ended.
Bikes in the high end market (I am obviously going to exclude European man. for reasons that they are still thriving), in North America are now dominated in their production and R&D, by smaller speciallized establishments, OR small micromanaged capsule divisions of manufacturing Giants.

That is reality.
that is how things are.
The people who signed their contracts with GT/Schwinn, LOST their rights to reimbursement when the company filed for bankruptcy...believe me on this, when a company files for bankruptcy the primary creditors are first paid (banks and lending institutions), and IF there is ANY money left over it gets slowly sifted down the line until there is NO money left.

Had Pacific NOT bought these co. from the courts the courts would have been forced to liquidate the assests of said companies in auction. and then SURELY NO ONE would have gotten their end of month paychecks...
Because Pacific showed a vested interest in aquiring these companies from the courts, the majority employee contracts were kept, (until re-negotiation with Pacific) and the employees of the companies, (remember there are everything from sales people to secrataries there) continued to collect paychecks..

Now before you all leap to mind thinking that I must work for pacific, or something like that, I do not, I am a technician in the CANADIAN AIRFORCE.
And nO I do not own ANY product from these companies, so therefore I have NO vested interest in any of these companies...
However, I DO have a very clear picture of just how powerful the internet can be, and that is why I feel it is my dutiful responsibility to try to open some eyes out there.


If that happens they will NEVER exist again. NEVER. The ONLY hope for these companies was and is Pacific, as they are the ONLY bicycle oriented enterprise IN THE WORLD with enough capitol assets to alieviate the financial burden they laid upon themselves over the years....

So as my mom always used to tell me, "be careful what you wish for, you may just get it....."


Originally posted by shootr
yes his manner might have been obtuse, but I think that you are ALL failing to see what he was trying to tell you.

Schwinn/GT was broke. They were dead. They had ceased to exist. They were NO MORE.

Yeah. And? The problem is? Who cares if they went away.

Of course his point was lost. No one listens to someone that is verbally abusing them.


Dec 14, 2001
Durango, CO
Originally posted by RideMonkey

Yeah. And? The problem is? Who cares if they went away.

Of course his point was lost. No one listens to someone that is verbally abusing them.
hell yea that was just ridiculous, there was no need for that


I got this email from "Stikman".

"Dude, are you for real? Who is foaming at the mouth, ranting and raving….ah well…think what you may, but I find all this funny and I did exactly what I always like to do, stir people up, look at all those posts.

Hope all is well on the hippy highway."

Wow this guy is redefining low class. Its just unbelievable that he is an industry person.


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Originally posted by RideMonkey
I got this email from "Stikman".

"Dude, are you for real? Who is foaming at the mouth, ranting and raving….ah well…think what you may, but I find all this funny and I did exactly what I always like to do, stir people up, look at all those posts.

Hope all is well on the hippy highway."

Wow this guy is redefining low class. Its just unbelievable that he is an industry person.
He's still an a$$


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
You hippies!! :D

I don't get the 'tude on this guy? Oh well, no skin off my back. At least I am not working for Pacific! :eek:


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by shootr
yes his manner might have been obtuse, but I think that you are ALL failing to see what he was trying to tell you.

Schwinn/GT was broke. They were dead. They had ceased to exist. They were NO MORE.

Couldn't he jsut coem on here and say...
"Yeah... It sucks that we (or they) didn't get paid. I do not blame Pacific though. At the beginning of the year, we signed contracts saying..... Bla Bla Bla... So agian, I do not blame Pacific. This all came about b/c Questar... Bla Bla Bla ...
Glad I could help shed some light on the situatiuon."

Instead he starts off like...
"You are all morons and I could care less what you think, so go F yourselves... It isn't Pacific's fault."
Not to sound argumentative here, BUT....

If you read the heading on this thread, you will see that why I started it was to dispell the negative misguided rant that was developing regarding Pacific cycles.

I totally agree with you RM, Stikman's attitude and manner were ridiculous and uncalled for. He added absolutely NOTHING constructive or usefull to this thread or the forum in general.
I agree he is OBVIOUSLY an A$$.

Now, as far as YOUR thread regarding "Pacific cycles SCREWING the Schwinn/GT employees and team members"..
I only felt that after investigating that allegation myself, I could not in good conscience agree with that rather bold statement.

You said "so what if they go away, who cares?"
Well that is the most ridiculous narrow minded post I have EVER read..(sorry)

Who cares are a whole lot of people...just because YOU don't doesn't mean that feeling is unanimous.

The employees of Schwinn care.
The employees of GT care
The over 200 authorized Schwinn/GT dealers care, AND their employees care.
The employees of Pacific cycles CARE (and they ARE an American co. based out of Maddison Wisc.)
The shareholders of Pacific cycles Care.
Every person who currently owns a Schwinn or GT product surely care as well, as they now still will have recourse for warrantee claims on their merchandise.
Which they would not have if these companies cease to exist...

(I am starting to sound like a stupid Insurance Co. ad, so I will stop now)
My 2 and a half cents.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Every person who currently owns a Schwinn or GT product surely care as well, as they now still will have recourse for warrantee claims on their merchandise.
Which they would not have if these companies cease to exist...

That's exactly my point. Pacific has as much as said that they will not be manufacturing the high end stuff. So if you own an iDrive or St-8 or some other top of the line bike and you seeking warentee help you are screwed.

As for his comment about if or how much people got paid. "Allison was overpaid anyway so missing three months is no big deal."

Who gets to make that judgement? I'll bet Allison felt it was a big deal.


Originally posted by shootr
You said "so what if they go away, who cares?"
Well that is the most ridiculous narrow minded post I have EVER read..(sorry)
I think its you that isnt looking at the big picture.

Schwinn and GT employees? How many employees are left from the originaly companies?

What would happen if GT and Schwinn went under? People would spend their money elsewhere. Trek, specialized, Rocky Mountain, etc would sell more bikes. Companies that care about the sport, about racing, about their employees and riders would get that $$ that the bloodsuckers at the new Schwinn and GT are getting.

Just because a company goes under doesnt mean that there are less jobs in the industry. Money is spent elsewhere. Jobs are created elsewhere.
Do you believe that the customers who purchase huffy or Mongoose bikes would shell out for Rocky Mountain?

I think NOT.

Pacific cycles, like it or not, keep kids in bikes. I highly doubt that many young children would learn to ride bikes if their parents had to spend $1000 to buy them a bike...
How many young people do you know have a horse to ride?
is it because there is a great shortage of stables?

How many kids sail?
Is water or boats in short supply?

How many kids fly gliders?
Is air on strike?

NO, these activites are enjoyed by the VERY few, simply because the costs to do them are exhorbant.

Sales of bicycles in the US was in excess of 2 billion dollars last year, how many of those bikes do you believe were high end bikes.

Pacific is the LARGEST importer of kikes in the US. and yes they WILL degrade the development and quality of both Schwinn and GT, and yes, they will prostitute these brand names in the search for even greater sales numbers.
And yes they will MORE than make up the $86million they spent aquiring those companies...


They did NOT "screw" the people at Schwinn/GT, those people were "screwed" by Questor, a HUGE invesment company that felt it no longer wanted to pump money into these losing ventures. and by withdrawing that funding INSTANTLY plunged both companies back into Chapter 11.

but nowhere on here have you ever tried to solicit people to take action against Questor, no you have solicited people to take action against the people who make it affordable for a kid to have a bike.
You want people to boycott a company who has not damaged ANYTHING in the industry, and in fact provide the "bread and butter" for bicycle shops that keeps them afloat. it is a very rare shop that carries ONLY ultra high end bikes, and stays in business. It is not good business sense to target such a small, exclusive niche.
So without companies like Pacific, the good shops would lose money, and the only choice you would have to buy would be high end, and maybe offshore junk, but that offshore junk would result in ALL the revenue generated, and ALL of the money spent on the "common" bikes would exit the country, benefitting NOBODY here, and providing no jobs.

If you want to flame someone for what happened research it properly and flame the right person (ie. Questor)

But better yet, write to the team members and ASK them how they feel about what happened...I will be surprised if ANY of them feel "screwed" by Pacific.