
Minnaar Goes to Trek


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Nope, not old news, but it came up in another thread. What I find most curious about it is that he's leaving the Syndicate after such a short time (he was only on there one season, yes?)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
The Manager from the Honda team has taken the manager seat for the new Trek team. I am sure Gregg's long relationship with that guy has something to do with it. If trek showed a desire to have a podium capable rider on the team why would the guy not want to go with one of the best that he has worked with for a few years in the past?


Nov 15, 2004
Em, old velosnooze, don't believe everything you read. Minnaar and Peaty to stay on SC...likely.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2006
mill creek, WA (now in Surrey UK)
im sure sam hill is getting payed much more by specialized then by iron horse. unless that is, if monster pays all his bills, becuase i know monster can pick whatever frames they want, but im sure iron horse/specialized must give him something.

but back to the main story. yes it could have to do with minnaars old manager, but im sure trek can and will offer more money than santa cruz can afford, especially with 3 big names like rennie, peat, and bryceland.

either way who cares, but hill and minnaar will be riding bikes, and be top 5 guys no matter what bike there on, may it be a honda, iron horse, specialized, trek or wal mart tandam :D


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
For what it is worth, Rob Roskopp said in an interview this weekend the team would be "more or less the same" next year. This tells me that someone is going to take their leave. The rumours for Trek and Greg as well as a few other 23 degs protegees has been swirling, as well as some other non 23 degs riders.

Next year will be a great year with big teams returning and riders starting to get paid again. Racing rules.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Until it's on TV again in the US, I can't see that big return happening? Unless someone knows about a TV contract in the US other than the freecaster stream?

And believe me, I am not taking shots at Freecaster, but pointing out that we are still way short of paydays for riders outside the top 20 World Cup circuit. I'd say once you hit #20 overall in next year's World Cup, the average paycheck will be right around that of the guy in plumbing at Home Depot.


neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
Until it's on TV again in the US, I can't see that big return happening? Unless someone knows about a TV contract in the US other than the freecaster stream?

And believe me, I am not taking shots at Freecaster, but pointing out that we are still way short of paydays for riders outside the top 20 World Cup circuit. I'd say once you hit #20 overall in next year's World Cup, the average paycheck will be right around that of the guy in plumbing at Home Depot.
do you have eurosport 2 over there?


Aug 31, 2008
For what it is worth, Rob Roskopp said in an interview this weekend the team would be "more or less the same" next year. This tells me that someone is going to take their leave. The rumours for Trek and Greg as well as a few other 23 degs protegees has been swirling, as well as some other non 23 degs riders.

Next year will be a great year with big teams returning and riders starting to get paid again. Racing rules.
The riders don't get payed for winning? How do they get their money, sponsors? Any idea how much they will be getting payed? I wonder if this will bring the best out of some riders who really want cash.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
According to this thread, he signed for two years with Syndicate.
I think I saw someone say in another thread that apparently Contracts in MTB are easily gotten out of and really Not worth the paper they are written on.

I wouldn't know. But I saw it on the Internet so it must be true! :crazy:


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
The riders don't get payed for winning? How do they get their money, sponsors? Any idea how much they will be getting payed? I wonder if this will bring the best out of some riders who really want cash.
It's difficult to generalize since everyone makes their own deal, but along with free product, team support, and getting their expenses paid, the top pro athletes typically get a basic salary with bonuses based on results. Base salaries are relatively low, but can mean a comfortable living if you take into account all the expenses they don't have to cover. Separate sponsor deals are all over the map but also often include results-based bonuses. The vast majority of pros don't get paid at all and, even if they get free product and/or expenses paid, have to rely on day jobs or other sources to pay the bills.


Feb 11, 2007
It is possible to get out of a contract before the term expires... we all remember what happened with Gracia and Cannondale... lols...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Until it's on TV again in the US, I can't see that big return happening? Unless someone knows about a TV contract in the US other than the freecaster stream?
A producer is working on a show to follow the Mountain States Cup next year. Versus has already said they want to buy it but he is holding out for a bigger better deal. He was at the MSC/Colorado State Championships a few months ago filming for the pilot show. He said they will be 1 hour episodes covering just the gravity side. A large part will be developing stories and interest in the racers as they progress through the season.
Until it's on TV again in the US, I can't see that big return happening? Unless someone knows about a TV contract in the US other than the freecaster stream?

And believe me, I am not taking shots at Freecaster, but pointing out that we are still way short of paydays for riders outside the top 20 World Cup circuit. I'd say once you hit #20 overall in next year's World Cup, the average paycheck will be right around that of the guy in plumbing at Home Depot.
Haaaa! I second the comment about the low paychecks! You could probably make more working at mcdonalds!

General Lee

Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2003
The 802
Also going to Trek is downhiller World Cup champion Greg Minnaar, from Santa Cruz Syndicate.
whoever quoted this should have included the entire paragraph, because on its own that line is way out of context and certainly a fair bit misleading.

And I quote:

This is the time of year when team and rider shuffles begin to firm up. Most of the following is still unconfirmed at this point, but it looks like these are some of the changes that will be seen for next year:

. . . Also going to Trek is downhiller World Cup champion Greg Minnaar, from Santa Cruz Syndicate (Although Santa Cruz Syndicate's Mike Ferrentino said Minnaar is contracted through the end of 2009). Downhiller Sam Hill is expected to move from Monster Energy to Specialized.



Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
whoever quoted this should have included the entire paragraph, because on its own that line is way out of context and certainly a fair bit misleading.

And I quote:

This is the time of year when team and rider shuffles begin to firm up. Most of the following is still unconfirmed at this point, but it looks like these are some of the changes that will be seen for next year:

. . . Also going to Trek is downhiller World Cup champion Greg Minnaar, from Santa Cruz Syndicate (Although Santa Cruz Syndicate's Mike Ferrentino said Minnaar is contracted through the end of 2009). Downhiller Sam Hill is expected to move from Monster Energy to Specialized.


They edited the story this afternoon to add that stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
If i had to guess...seeing as it was a 2 day old story...someone was looking here and laid the smack down on them....lol


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Yet another reason I don't read Velonews :plthumbsdown:
Exactly. I meet and talked extensively with the guy at MSA who writes most of the articles them at the UCI races and he was a major toolbag that didn't know too much at all unless he was reading it from someone else's article. He didn't even leave the media room for 3 days.

Don't trust everything that you read until it actually happens.

I heard that Sam Hill and Greg Minnaar are going to Switzerland to get experimental surgery to morph together to become a single DH race superpower and make their own team/bike company.

Now you have to discuss/believe this because it is now on the internet.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Sethimus I am not sure Bizutch knows about Europe.
I know they have hair stylists with a sense of humor.:thumb:

And I know the majority of the US viewing public would know nothing of Eurosport 2, let alone finding some random link on the lower right hand side to get the live feed, which they may have to go through a special portal that makes them appear to be outside the US, etc, blah, blah, blah....


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
If Minnaar goes to Trek you can bet Hill will be at Specialized next year. Those two trade blows with EVERYTHING.