
Living in Hawaii?

would you live in hawaii, given the opportunity to do so?

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Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
how many of you fellow monkeys have lived in hawaii? which city or island? did it become hellish? too hot throughout the summer? do you recommend it as a place to live?

helpful note: being half japanese and tan i can almost visually pass for a "native", so i'm not worried about anti-white discrimination, if that indeed is an issue.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
BostonBullit said:
Toshi my friend I am continually amazed by these difficult life decisions you always find yourself stuck with :eviltongu ;)
oh, this is just me thinking far into the future. :D i'm "stuck" in seattle for the next four years, but hopefully will have a choice of where to go for residency + afterwards.

and california seems great except that everything requires driving a long ways. hawaii's size would get rid of that problem handily :oink:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
TreeSaw said:
Yeah, I think I would...for a short time, but nothing permenant.
this is what i'm interested in. why not permanently? would you melt? :cool:


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
Caveated with the fact that I've never actually been to Hawaii, I generally like having seasons. A.k.a. leaving in a place that has a distinct fall, winter, spring, summer. Gives some changes to life. I also happen to like cooler weather and dislike really hot weather.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Quadari said:
Caveated with the fact that I've never actually been to Hawaii, I generally like having seasons. A.k.a. leaving in a place that has a distinct fall, winter, spring, summer. Gives some changes to life. I also happen to like cooler weather and dislike really hot weather.
maybe i should repost this once the slush storms hit boston ;)


Aug 17, 2004
Hawaii kicks @ss - I lived on Kauai for a couple of years and the riding there is sweet - many of the trails are maintained (but not often ridden, it seems) by the motorcycle clubs - ie: little need to worry about hikers on many trails, and no concerns about modifying trails. Plus it's beautiful. I'd move back in a heartbeat if the fiance would go.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Toshi said:
maybe i should repost this once the slush storms hit boston ;)

The big island is the best.

Cost of living is reasonable (by Hawaiian standards) and there is no traffic problem.

Also, you have something like 7 or the 10 world eco systems on the island. Everything from snow to desert to jungle and more...


Mar 27, 2004
I would definitely go. I went to San Diego/Carlsbad and surfed for a week and am totally addicted now!! Just dont piss off the surfing locals because they will try to kick your ass( luckly dont know this from expirence). At least go for 2 years.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
cool, thanks for the input so far. where's BurlySurly when ya need him?


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I lived there for about 3 years, on Oahu. The weather doesn't change much, it rains for a few minutes somewhere on the island around 9:30am every day, then you get sun and a temp of 72-78 for the rest of the day. All year. In the winter the only big difference is you get bigger waves, especially on the north shore. I would definitely say go for it :)


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Toshi said:
this is what i'm interested in. why not permanently? would you melt? :cool:
I think I would miss the snow...snowmobiling...that sort of thing. Plus, I was born and lived in Daytona Beach, FL for a while and I wouldn't live there again...just visit. I gotta have 4 seasons to keep me occupied.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Langer said:
I would definitely go. I went to San Diego/Carlsbad and surfed for a week and am totally addicted now!! Just dont piss off the surfing locals because they will try to kick your ass( luckly dont know this from expirence). At least go for 2 years.
Did Anthony Keidis mistake you for Keanu Reeves?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Toshi said:
oh, this is just me thinking far into the future. :D i'm "stuck" in seattle for the next four years, but hopefully will have a choice of where to go for residency + afterwards.
Great we just get rid of Mmike and now this.....

i say yes, that way i know someone to ride with when i go back there for vacations. ;)


I lived in Honolulu for a year in naval housing and have visited a few times since.

Random thoughts:

Being white did pose some issue when it came to getting into private schools. The sushi was great and cheap - carryout was often as good as the high-dollar joints I've been to in Boston. Utilities are outrageous. Our house was a slat window bungalow, I would almost prefer to just camp. Hit up the swap meet at the football stadium for fun on Sundays. I have to dress like Lawrence of Arabia during peak hours because at that latitude I'm inclined to sun poisoning. There is some truly profound poverty in the more urban areas. You will most likely have to learn to surf - this is a good thing. The ladies and nightlight aren't as plentiful, but the Northshore is so much more appealling than the strip and Waikiki to me, plus the shaved ice is better. The 7-11's have japanese candy and green tea ice cream (woot!) I NEED my seasons and have to work to stave off island fever.

All in all I have to repeat what other's have said, great place to live briefly or visit extendedly.

One day I dream of having a thatched-roof one-room hut overlooking the surf on the north shore for spending a quiet contemplative month every year.


Aug 4, 2004
Encinitas, its near San Diego
Langer said:
I would definitely go. I went to San Diego/Carlsbad and surfed for a week and am totally addicted now!! Just dont piss off the surfing locals because they will try to kick your ass( luckly dont know this from expirence). At least go for 2 years.
Um right. As a carlsbad local/surfer i take offense to this...We only beat up assholes :D

But anyway, I spent most of the summer on Maui and Hawaii, all the roads suck and it takes foreever to get anywhere, speed limits are like 30-45 but on the up side there is good riding.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Never. I hate the sun. I am biding my time, saving my money, and trying to convince my GF to move to the Pacific NW very soon. Clouds, cold, and rain suit me fine.

Maui Sunset

Sep 5, 2004
Each island has it's own distinct beauty. I have lived on Maui for the past 18 years, Kauai is called the garden isle for it's greenery, Hawaii (the big island) has the volcano, Oahu has the population and traffic (might as well go to L.A.), Molokai is unique if your not a local, Lanai is fun to visit (no jobs), Maui to me is the best choice. I was born and raised in southern California, I visit the area once a year to visit family, it's enough for me to want to get back to Maui. Keep in mind the high cost of everything.Gasoline is $2.75 a gallon, the median price for housing is around $500,000.00. For me it's the lifestyle, the people and the weather that make me want to stay here. Aloha.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Maui Sunset said:
For me it's the lifestyle, the people and the weather that make me want to stay here. Aloha.
Plus, where else do you get to say Aloha?! :)

I think that I would go crazy after a while, but I would love to live there for a little while. I also need the seasons, but I think one day I am going to move to a tropical location for a year and enjoy, ocean, sand sun and everything else that goes with it.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Maui Sunset said:
Each island has it's own distinct beauty. I have lived on Maui for the past 18 years, Kauai is called the garden isle for it's greenery, Hawaii (the big island) has the volcano, Oahu has the population and traffic (might as well go to L.A.), Molokai is unique if your not a local, Lanai is fun to visit (no jobs), Maui to me is the best choice. I was born and raised in southern California, I visit the area once a year to visit family, it's enough for me to want to get back to Maui. Keep in mind the high cost of everything.Gasoline is $2.75 a gallon, the median price for housing is around $500,000.00. For me it's the lifestyle, the people and the weather that make me want to stay here. Aloha.
awesome. it's good to hear that my experiences from vacation(s) are at least in line with some peoples' view of reality. from visiting oahu, maui, molokai and the big island i also felt that maui was the sanest place to live... :D . could you expand a bit on how molokai would be "unique" if not a local?

my sister biking in molokai:



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Hey, sorry on the delay. I havent had a computer at my disposal for a bit. On living in Hawaii....I wouldnt do it again, though Im glad I did live there just for the sake of being able to say it. The riding there can be real cool, but there's just not much of a scene to be honest with you. I didnt much like Oahu as a whole, but the big Island was the tits. Move there if you have the chance.
There isnt any good flyfishing in the state and no autumn either...so I dont care alot for it. I dunno man.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
thanks for the reply, at long last. :D i was hoping for a more unanimous "hawaii rocks" verdict, but this is all helpful.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
It "can" rock, if you know the right folks and all, dont get me wrong, but it aint the paradise overflowing with easy blondes super-nice natives always showing the "aloha spirit" that it appears to be on TV. For an accurate portrayal, watch "Dog the bounty hunter" on his new reality show.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i liked it myself because the big island seemed quiet and almost like a tropical version of rural japan magically on u.s. soil... i think i might have to d/l some episodes of this new "hawaii" crime show in the future along with the "dog" show


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i think it would be a good place to visit for an extended time, but not sure i could live there. caveat - i've never been so my opinion could change drastically if i ever get there. but, i couldn't see myself living on an island. how many good bands ever play there? what about exhibits or other stuff like that? i think that would be hard to give up, personally.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
The Big Island reminded me of Australia kinda too. Go there if you're gunna go to Hawaii. Make sure to ride Kualani Forest for some nice techy stuff. Supposedly there's a crew of freeriders from the big island too that build stuff. Check www.dhhawaii.com for some good DH info.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
narlus said:
i think it would be a good place to visit for an extended time, but not sure i could live there. caveat - i've never been so my opinion could change drastically if i ever get there. but, i couldn't see myself living on an island. how many good bands ever play there? what about exhibits or other stuff like that? i think that would be hard to give up, personally.
thanks for that dhhawaii link, BS. i'll have to store that one away.

to narlus, i see what you mean about the lack of general culture, but keep in mind that i've been to one non-classical concert in my life. and it was dmb so it probably doesn't even count in your book. :D as for museums i admit that i am uncouth and lazy, and haven't really cultivated my appreciation for art at all... of course, 10 years from now i might be an effete wine taster somewhere


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
BurlySurly said:
It "can" rock, if you know the right folks

BS, a blinding light of wisdom thru the tiny hole of a keyhole.

anyway, i´ve lived, at least a little while in a very diverse places. and i think what BS said is the ultimate factor on whether a town is awesome or not to live in.

all that concert, museum, activities kinda things, i mean, if those are things you do only a few times a year. weight them accordingly.

like most nyorkers have never been to the statue, or most nepalis have never been to the everest. once you are a local, things lose a lot of appeal.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
anyway, i´ve lived, at least a little while in a very diverse places. and i think what BS said is the ultimate factor on whether a town is awesome or not to live in.
well, why not live in nebraska then? :think: the surroundings definitely will influence what kinds of people you find (within reason, all people can be found everywhere yadda yadda). i bet surfers are uncommon in minnesota, for instance... and boston's concentration of liberal college student types :eek: is surely higher than average, etc.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Toshi said:
well, why not live in nebraska then? :think: the surroundings definitely will influence what kinds of people you find (within reason, all people can be found everywhere yadda yadda). i bet surfers are uncommon in minnesota, for instance... and boston's concentration of liberal college student types :eek: is surely higher than average, etc.

the circle of the right people for one, is very complex to reduce it to surfers, liberals or conservatives or to 4 o 5 comomon characteristics.

and city population the same. and there is a relation between city and the people living in it. But not necesarily definitive.

you might be in a city with a lot of right crowds, but if you dont find them, its like they never existed. and yes X city might make it more likely, but there are other restrains to whether or not you´ll find them that are not as obvious as to say there are liberals in boston, and no surferes in MN.
like if they live in the suburbs, or if they are older, or have kids and no time, etc, etc. so its a mix of al those details about finding the right crowd, rather than the right crowds actually being there.