
Jorvik crashes car, hilarity does not ensue


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Well, apparently there's consequences to crashing your vehicle.

The deductable is going to destroy my petty finances (e.g. no more microbrews for the next two months) and my rates are going to skyrocket.

I'm not going to hear from my insurance company for 3-5 buisness days because I had the car towed to the best shop in the area. Apparently, the best shop is not one of the insurance provider's "preferred shops." Therefore they'll take their sweet time getting someone out there. Nice.

Then there's the whole aspect of me being on leave, and having to somehow transport myself back to MD in a week and a half. There's no way that my Durango will be finished in time, or if it even will be started on. Heck, they just might total it (which is what I'm hoping for so I can afford a plane ticket back).

And then there's the issue with my face. Rebroke my nose a little and received a good crack on the jaw. Looking good for my 2 weeks of vacation a year, looking real good. At least the swelling on my nose has gone down.

If global warming would just hurry up and get here, this would never happen again. Stupid ice.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Did you break the nose in the car wreck or was that at the bar before the wreck? ;)

Bummer dude, but as Buddha says: "sh*t happens"


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
In Arizona the insurance company can not tell you where to take your vehicle. I dunno about elsewhere.
They arn't telling me where I HAVE to take it, just where they PREFER it to be taken to. I'm using this shop whether they like it or not, although it will take a little longer.

And sorry, I don't have pics. I don't own any sort of camera at the moment.

The whole reason it happened was I was trying to make a turn at about 20-25mph, but when I hit the brakes before the turn the car just kept on going. It wouldn't turn either, the ice was wicked that night.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
They arn't telling me where I HAVE to take it, just where they PREFER it to be taken to. I'm using this shop whether they like it or not, although it will take a little longer.

And sorry, I don't have pics. I don't own any sort of camera at the moment.

The whole reason it happened was I was trying to make a turn at about 20-25mph, but when I hit the brakes before the turn the car just kept on going. It wouldn't turn either, the ice was wicked that night.
Did you deploy your bat-grappling hook to stop the car? No? Well then no sympathy


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Sucks. Too bad you didn't hit one of those boxing robots, Dodges are impervious to damage from them.