
Introduce yourself


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Hey out there in Mud Hunny land! I sit here and realize we have this great forum to tell stories, ask advice, complain occasionally, all the while not getting stalked by the Facebook Marketing Team or seeing posts from iphones of what people are eating.

I don't post here very often, but I should. I don't know many of you, but I'd like to. So here's an intro thread for us - I haven't seen an intro here.

Taking this thread for inspiration:

Here are the pieces of information you could include:
Who are you?
Where are you now, where are you from?
What do you do, why do you do it, who do you do it with?
What do you ride most often, who do you ride with?
Age? Family?
Random fact about you most people know.
Random fact that few people know.

I'm sunny - Laura in real life.

I'm from a small town in North Texas, married a man in the Navy, have lived and received mail in twelve different places since college, including Spain, Finland, and New Jersey. They were all foreign, mysterious and beautiful in their own ways. We are now in San Diego.

I've had many different jobs that hopefully have prepared me for my greatest challenge as a stay-at-home (ha!) mom. Most unusual job: either Russian language interpreter for the US Navy or governess for three children in Spain.

Most often I ride a 2002 Turner RFX. Most often ride with just Jane. If I can get away, I ride with some local guys and prefer a 2+ hour technical ride or something I can shuttle. :D

I'm learning to embrace my age... which is 44. I think I'm 33 most of the time. My husband and I have been married since 1991. It's just Steve, Jane and I.

Something people who know me would guess: I tend to stir up trouble... sort of. I talk to strangers. This is a typical story.

Random fact: I have been strip-searched twice trying to leave Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv) airport. Evidently I profile like someone who shouldn't be trying to leave Israel.

One more random fact: I once jumped from a moving German train as the porter shouted after me, "Halt! Halten Sie!"


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Okay, I'll play (I too am guilty of talking to strangers)

I'm TreeSaw - Theresa in real life.

I was born in Daytona Beach, FL and then moved to a tiny town in rural upstate NY called Salem (think more cows than people--really). I hold a BS in Music Education, a BA in Music Performance and an MS in Education (Curriculum Development & Instructional Technology in Music) and am currently a High School Band and K-2 Elementary Music Teacher in another rural upstate NY town near Lake George.

I started mountain biking with my husband and it wasn't love at first ride, but gradually I took a few skills clinics and now I am totally hooked! When it comes to monogamy I fail in the bike world as my heart is torn between my two loves....my Yeti 575 (Perry) and my Orbea De'lla Hardtail (Pablo). I live for long rides and the more technical the better. For a time, I was a 24 hour solo racer, but I haven't raced in the past year, just enjoying riding for me with my friends. Once a week I ride with my LUNA Team, I do some bike commuting to/from school when the weather permits (I am not fond of my road bike especially when it's below freezing and/or raining) and once a week I ride with my husband and his friends from work.

My crowning achievement is my five year old daughter Sydney. She's everything I could have hoped for and more and I absolutely LOVE being a mother. We try to hit the trails (yes, she's riding dirt) as often as we can and zip around the neighborhood when we're low on time.

I recently turned 35, but most days I feel at least 25 :)

Random Fact #1: People who know me well, know that I am a hunter and I eat what I hunt (deer mostly, some small game too).

Random Fact #2: I make cakes...fancy ones, character ones, wedding cakes, etc. but I don't like cake.

Random Fact that most people know: I enjoy beer (mostly porters and stouts, but a good IPA never goes to waste) and I generally don't mix fruit with my beer (pumpkin beers may be the only exception). I also love good bourbon, a perfect Manhattan and a straight-up (shaken with ice and poured into a salt-rimmed glass) margarita.
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Nyte Bykle

Sep 30, 2011

Nyte Bykle = I'm Heather!

I am currently in Torrance, CA - Just moved from L.A. Only an additional 15-20 Miles (?), but none of my old friends will make the Trek!! I guess 15 miles does equal an additional 2-3 hours if you aren't careful, so I guess I understand!

I'm a Casting Director for Commercials, Doing it for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

I just got a bike!! It has to be....15 years since I have rode a REAL BIKE....not just one at the gym!
I just got a Cruiser, I know its not that "intense" or "extreme" nor "technical" but the Nyte Bykle will get there!

I'm 31!!! Yyeeaahh!!! Almost my 4 year wedding anniversary!! Exciting!
No Kids, Just my babe hubbs.

Random fact about you most people know: I'm Crazy (in a really great way)
Random fact that few people know: I really like irritating, annoying repetitive noise. So Calming and Zen!

Anyway, I'm really excited to find someone to ride bikes with. I'm only 3 miles from the beach and I think there are 5 bagillion people who ride bikes, but it seems a little "aggressive" to just approach someone on a bike and yell at them


So I will go with the passive approach of trying to find one online!!

I really do like to go by myself, especdially because I only get the chance to go out at like 11pm. It is the sweet time!
But would also be nice to find someone to go on adventures with!


VT Mtbkr

Oct 3, 2003
Richmond, Virginia
Who are you?
Where are you now, where are you from?
What do you do, why do you do it, who do you do it with?
What do you ride most often, who do you ride with?
Age? Family

Vt Mtbkr = Virginia Tech Mountain Biker = Anne

I live and am from the outskirts of Richmond, VA. We live out in the country on 3.5 acres, not far from Kings Dominion amuesment park if you've been this way on 95.

I have a Bachelor of Architecture and have worked as an architect since graduating in '98. It's not the glitzy job everyone imagines, and unless you own your own firm, we don't make all that much money. Basically I drawing buildings on the computer 8 hours a day 40 hours a week. Right now I'm working on a 6 storey warehouse renovation into apartment units. The recession hit our industry hard and I've been through 3 jobs since '08. Things are just now picking up and I'm hoping to continue to enjoy the firm I landed in 4 months ago.

I'm 36 years old and next Thursday is my 4 year wedding anniversary. Little known fact...we met through e-harmony and he bought a mountain bike on our 3rd date. Our little girl, Morgan will be 2 on November 5th and already has 2 bikes. She is our surprise red head since we both have dark brown hair but apparently both carry the recessive red hair gene. You don't realize how rare a redhead is until you constantly get stopped by strangers!

I've been mountain biking since 1999, raced XC from 2003-2006 and started riding and racing DH in 2006. I've been on our local LUNA team for 4 years now. I don't get to ride as much anymore but now enjoy teaching beginners on our weekly rides. I still ride downhill and we make it to Snowshoe about 4 times a year now.

Hmmmm that's kinda me in a nutshell....back to drawing building elevations.


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
I'll play, too:

I'm Brenda, born and raised in Ithaca, NY. I have a bachelors degree in political science that I don't use at all in my adult "real" life. I'm a HR person/chair's assistant in the Math department at Cornell University. No, I am NOT a professor, but an administrative person. It's not my dream job, but it pays the bills and funds my extracurricular activities while I figure out what I really want to be when I grow up. I think of my job as mostly herding cats, which has prepared me well for my most recent project of getting our local mountain biking scene organized. I've been leading rides of varying levels for about 3 years now and started organizing overnight weekend trips this past summer. It's quite a lot of work, and frustrating at times, but I've met so many wonderful people and such unforgettable experiences that every headache has been worth it 10x over.

I got into mountain biking about 5 years ago, after being a roadie for 5 years prior to that. I grew up riding a bike, so it was natural for me to return to the sport as an adult. I like to ride fairly technical trails at a moderate pace. I have a wide variety of friends to ride with and trails to ride on, so the rides I lead range from barely able to breathe hammerfests to stop and smell the roses beginner rides to moderate paced night rides.

I'm 36 and have an 11yo son. His father and I have been divorced for 4 years and get along pretty well these days. We split custody pretty much 60/40, with me having him the slight majority of the time. He's a bright kid, mostly into computers and video games, so I have to get behind him with a cattle prod to go biking or skiing with me, depending on the season. I'm hoping he'll be appreciative of it when he gets older :)

That's pretty much it. My other hobbies include xc and telemark skiing, photography, reading politically/socially conscious non-fiction books and international spy novels, some painting when the mood strikes me...


Oct 4, 2011
Hello girls, my name is Jane and I am from Melbourne Australia where I moved 7 years ago from England.

I am a newby to mountain biking although I have been riding a hybrid on sedate rail tracks since 2007. My boyfriend finally talked me into getting a proper mountain bike last month and now I own a Giant Talon 1. I have been out every weekend for the last 5 and had great fun getting to grips with the bike. I was a bit nervous initially but now I am finding my feet and pushing myself more. Its fun.

I am a sales manager in the direct marketing industry and have done this for about 17 years but I am leaving this profession next week to work on a venture that my boyfriend and I have developed and thats a social networking site. The site is http://www.findfriendsforfun.com so have a look if you are interested. Its very exciting.

I am an active 45 year old whose biggest passion is snowboarding and yes we have snow in Oz. I also love scuba diving, hiking, tennis and tandem paragliding.

Its just me, the boy and the cat so I get to spend most my free time doing the things I love which is ace.

As an experienced boarder I like giving people advise on improving their skills and am hoping someone can do this for me regards mountain biking.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
My name really is Heidi and I'm from Bend, Oregon. My husband and I quit our jobs and sold our house in San Diego in pursuit of better mountain biking and beer. I pay the bills by working as a financial accountant here in town. My family includes my dog Fletcher, a 5 year old rescue dog who kicks ass. Best doggie ever.

I mostly ride cross country on my Ellsworth Truth but I also have a Dean cyclocross bike, a Titus custom race road bike, a Yeti 575, and a Giant Simple 7 cruiser that share time. I ride my bike or walk to work EVERY day and think that big cities are killing our communities. I ride with my husband most often, but have a group of friends and teammates that I ride with as well. I race for Webcyclery mostly for fun now, but raced Pro for a couple years until my knee surgery and I've scaled it back. In the winter I swap my bikes for skate skis or cross country skis and hit the mountains for adventures.

Everyone knows I love beer

What most poeple don't know???? Hmmm. I couldn't pass a polygraph test so was refused security clearance to be a CIA intern.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Me too! Me too!

Here are the pieces of information you could include:
Who are you? I am skibunny! Because I like to ski, but I really like playing outside in any form.

Where are you now, where are you from? Born, raised, and living in the Seattle area.

What do you do, why do you do it, who do you do it with? Whoa, this could get dirty! But, I guess I bike, ski, climb, hke, walk, run, kayak, watch tv, and drink booze because I like doing these things. Mostly with my husband and our dogs and child, but I used to play with anyone there was to play with!

What do you ride most often, who do you ride with? Most often xc trails by our house, but we LOVE DH and Whistler.

Age? Family? 29. Married with 3 "kids" two dogs, and a boy who turns 5 in 3 days!

Random fact about you most people know. I am too competitive.

Random fact that few people know. I have to pretend to be outgoing. On the inside, I am quite shy!


Mar 11, 2012
Boise, ID
New to the forum and thought this might make a good thread revival :P

CarChkka: Krystyn
i'm from no where really, grew up a marine corps brat. Am currently in Boise idaho visiting family and finishing school, soon to be moving but don't know where or when.
I am a swim instructor but quit that to pursue a good career. I just finished school and received my EMT license and i'm now looking into volunteer firefighting while I look where to get my firefighter certifications. this is just a field I have always wanted to dive into but my husband never seemed to approve.. and I finally just did it anyway.
I am new to the bike world, but I am looking for a good bike currently and also looking for a partner to ride with :)
I just had my 20th birthday, been married 3 years and have a son who just turned 2. my son is my world! he is growing so fast it's hard to keep up sometimes. he is getting his first bike in a couple of days and I don't think I've seen him so excited for anything.
one random fact that most people know: No one touches my car but me. not even my husband and especially not the stealership.
one random fact few people know: while I would rather be out dancing or at the hookah bar with friends, I spend my nights at home almost every night playing xbox. (so lame, I know!)


Jan 11, 2013
South NH
Hi! i'm Nicole. i am normally a big player at MTBR, but decided to check this place out.

i "mountain biked" as a kid, which mean riding thru trails helmetless on dept store bikes. Still loved it. Years later i discovered a trail park very close to where i had moved. mostly fire roads, with a few single track miles. i took my lame cheap bike out there (this was summer of 2008) and rode with my dog for a few months and rekindled my love for it. In 2009 i got myself a better bike and real gear and started hitting up singletrack. Havent looked back!


Jan 11, 2013
South NH
thanks kid! though, i belch like a dude. that ok? and i love potty humor. i suspect most mountain bikers are a bit "off" anyway. soo.....YEA!


Jan 10, 2013
Who are you? Jester
Where are you now, where are you from? Milpitas, CA
What do you do, why do you do it, who do you do it with? I am a freelance writer.
Age? Family? 27, Nope



Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
thanks kid! though, i belch like a dude. that ok? and i love potty humor. i suspect most mountain bikers are a bit "off" anyway. soo.....YEA!
I never replied to this! Um, yes, if you didn't belch like a dude and use potty humor you might be on the wrong website!! ;) It's fun here. Teh guys are like our brothers from other mothers. Love them. :)