
i need a beer fridge! halp!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ok, so its pretty much been mandated by my girlfriend that I get a beer fridge (yet another sign that she's a keeper!). Also, she got me a brewkit for Christmas, so I'm gonna need somewhere to keep them during bottle conditioning. I've come to the conclusion that a fridge is my only option right now (garage is too cold and temperature is not stable enough, we have a storage space in the basement, which would be ideal except our building's boiler is in the basement, keeping it a nice balmy 80 degrees, and our apartment is too warm as well). So fridge it is.

My question is (since I've never bought a fridge before), what size will I need? Ideally, I'd *like* something large enough to keep 2 batches at a time (so between 4 and 5 cases of beer, or a little over 100 bottles). I definitely don't think a normal compact fridge is large enough. I found one at home depot that is 6.0 cubic feet, but I think that might be a little small. I really wanna find something cheap and used on craigslist, just really need to know what size to look for.


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
I use a regular kitchen sized fridge with the shelves configured to fit beer at each level and kegs/carboys at the bottom. I've also got a temperature controller on mine so I can keep it at a certain temperature give or take a few degrees.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
the bigger the better. You know you'll be kegging soon so keep that in mind.

I'd look on craigslist for a full size fridge.


Nov 26, 2002
Western PA
Buy used. By far the best way.

I suspect you need two though. One for beer to drink and one for "lagering" and/or crash cooling your home brews. A freezer with a temp controller, as mentioned above, is your best bet for the later.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Buy used. By far the best way.

I suspect you need two though. One for beer to drink and one for "lagering" and/or crash cooling your home brews. A freezer with a temp controller, as mentioned above, is your best bet for the later.
All in due time. Right now I just barely have the space for ONE spare fridge.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Well doesn't this suck. Apparently when the GF told me to get a beer fridge she meant a mini fridge. Mini fridge != beer fridge :rant: I tried using things like reason, and explained to her that a single 5 gallon batch of beer won't fit in something that small. Or will it? What's the smallest a fridge can be and still hold one batch (around 50 bottles)?

Regardless, the possibility of getting a full size fridge for beer is pretty much zilch. :rant:

I can find a ~4 cuft mini fridge for under $100, but I've been seeing some ~6 cu ft fridges on google, but the cheapest are around $300 (no luck on CL either). What about making my own fridge? Not worth the time/effort?


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.

Why does she get to tell you how to spend your money? You're not married yet are you? Even if you are living together, as long as you meet any other financial obligations you have shouldn't your money be just that...YOUR money, to do with what YOU want?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

Why does she get to tell you how to spend your money? You're not married yet are you? Even if you are living together, as long as you meet any other financial obligations you have shouldn't your money be just that...YOUR money, to do with what YOU want?
Oh money isn't the issue on this, its the space a full size fridge would take up. We downsized from our last place in order to save money / pay off college loans / save for a house. We're in a one bedroom condo, and space is pretty tight (courtesy of NJ's high COL). We actually have a portion of the furniture from our old place in storage because it flat out wouldn't fit.

And no, we're not married... yet. ;)


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It gets worse after marrige, FWIW....


the solution is simple. stop bottling and start kegging.

Check this link for all kinds of good ideas.

The problem with kegging is limited mobility... I'm a drunk on the go! :rofl:

Actually, she said that she wants a keg/tap setup once we have a house. Of course I readily agreed!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
so, bottle some, keg some.

Also, you CAN bottle from the keg. There is a device called a Beer Gun that makes it simple.

Or, you can go with a mini fridge and Party Pigs. These are 2.2 gallon self contained deallys. SHove it in the fridge to keep cold, grab it by the piggy ears when you leave the house.



Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
Oh money isn't the issue on this, its the space a full size fridge would take up. We downsized from our last place in order to save money / pay off college loans / save for a house. We're in a one bedroom condo, and space is pretty tight (courtesy of NJ's high COL). We actually have a portion of the furniture from our old place in storage because it flat out wouldn't fit.

And no, we're not married... yet. ;)
*wipes egg off my face*

Sorry man, I made a huge assumption there and now I feel like an ass.

How about a compromise, here's an option to look into: http://www.appliancesbuyphone.com/view_details.php?model=BCA886

Less than two foot square footprint but still tall enough to fit a corny keg and shelf some bottles. It does away with the freezer compartment which you don't really need for a beer fridge and doesn't take up much more floor space than a little dorm fridge.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
*wipes egg off my face*

Sorry man, I made a huge assumption there and now I feel like an ass.

How about a compromise, here's an option to look into: http://www.appliancesbuyphone.com/view_details.php?model=BCA886

Less than two foot square footprint but still tall enough to fit a corny keg and shelf some bottles. It does away with the freezer compartment which you don't really need for a beer fridge and doesn't take up much more floor space than a little dorm fridge.
Haha no worries.

And that fridge is pretty much EXACTLY what I had in mind... now to try and find it cheaper :D

But in all honesty, she does kinda have a point about the space. The apartment is 'cozy' for two people, but we make due. Also, having a 61" tv in the living room isn't helping things :thumb: