
I didn't expect to dig this up.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
I was digging on a new DH trail i'm working on today, and while shoveling some loose, loamy dirt, I hear a hiss. Ready to chop it if it was a rattler or a copperhead, I look down and find this:

A live, full grown bat. Weird looking little guy. My dog went nuts trying to eat it, and everytime I tried to toss him away from her, its wings would catch the air and glide down into an awkward crash landing. Eventually it flapped a little bit and caught onto a branch, hopefully it recovers tonight and flies off. Anyway, I'm not sure where I thought bats lived but I didn't think they dug holes.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
watch out for white nose syndrome. It's a pretty huge problem, and it's decimating bat populations. also, this time of year they're supposed to be hibernating, and being out not only this time of year, but during day time also, is one of the symptoms.

the basics:


If it does indeed have WNS, I would recommend contacting the US Fish & Wildlife service, because its a HUGE issue, and if its starting to show up in your region, that means it's spreading even farther, and that's BAD.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
do bats even hibernate in holes? :confused:
Horseshoe bats are typical of those species that like to hang freely from the ceiling or a wall by their hind feet. Daubenton's bats will select a similar environment but require the presence of crevices into which they can crawl if the main environment starts to become less suitable for their needs. The pipistrelle is typical of the third group which likes small enclosed spaces, preferably allowing their body to be in contact with a wall on all sides. Caves, cellars and tunnels are the most likely places to find a combination of high humidity and small crevices.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Horseshoe bats are typical of those species that like to hang freely from the ceiling or a wall by their hind feet. Daubenton's bats will select a similar environment but require the presence of crevices into which they can crawl if the main environment starts to become less suitable for their needs. The pipistrelle is typical of the third group which likes small enclosed spaces, preferably allowing their body to be in contact with a wall on all sides. Caves, cellars and tunnels are the most likely places to find a combination of high humidity and small crevices.
i meant like a hole in the ground, like OP said.

I would suspect no, because that would make them an easy target for larger animals looking for a meal.

also, nice try just copying and pasting that from google. for a second you had me believing there actually might be something worthwhile between your ears :busted:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
I dont think jahmaican hound dog should be eating bats.
Rabies dude

Yeah, all progress on the trail ceased after I found the bat because I couldn't keep her away from it. I hope it flies away because if it dies, the dog WILL find it and eat it tomorrow :rolleyes:.

That shot is of the front of it, thats the belly and the face visible in the picture. He had little teeth and big ears with no eyes. Pretty freaky looking.

This is what I was working on by the way:



In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
It's a north american albino sloth bat. They don't really fly, they use those wings to move dirt and feed on worms. They work very slowly, though, because flying through dirt is f-ing hard.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Where he is digging is on a ridiculously steep mountain. Lots of rock too. There may be a chance that it was under a big rock shelf, etc and got knocked/pushed/rolled out during the digging?

Did you move any rock slabs around above where you found it?

Oh, and isn't the temp at your house like 5-10 degrees warmer than here? So like about 50+ degrees when you found it. I'd assume bats down your way hibernate too, but he might have been out and about the night before and got taken out by any number of things. The real world is way rougher on animals than RM....


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2007
in the dirt
Where he is digging is on a ridiculously steep mountain. Lots of rock too. There may be a chance that it was under a big rock shelf, etc and got knocked/pushed/rolled out during the digging?

Did you move any rock slabs around above where you found it?

Oh, and isn't the temp at your house like 5-10 degrees warmer than here? So like about 50+ degrees when you found it. I'd assume bats down your way hibernate too, but he might have been out and about the night before and got taken out by any number of things. The real world is way rougher on animals than RM....

I did move a few rocks around where I found it. It was in a big pile of leafy loam so he musta just burrowed in there to keep warm. It seemed really agitated to be out in the sun, but the dog didn't bring me any "presents" today so it must've flown away.

All I saw today were a couple of lizards.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
This is RM. There is no ceiling for stupidity.
LOL! Now that's funny dude!

But there will always be haters on here that don't like anyone but their own buddys and "their" funny comments on here. I just got neg rep from some idiot for a comment other's gave me positive for so you can't please everyone man. You can only try to get along.