
Hope Mono M4 Disc Brake Giveaway

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This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
After a couple year long hiatus we are finally getting some product giveaways going. We will be doing this on a regular basis now so if you don't qualify for this one, just wait until next time :oink:

The prize: Hope Mono M4 Disc Brakes front and rear. Retail value approximately $450.

Thanks to Webcyclery for contributing to this contest.

What you have to do: Post in this thread with a couple sentences about where you are from, how much you like it (or how bad it sucks), and why.

Edit: you are supposed to explain how much you like the town you are living in... :p

THE RULES :evil:

1. You must be a registered member of Ridemonkey with 10 or more posts on the date this contest was started. Members found to be padding post counts with nonsense may be excluded from future contests.

2. You may only post in this thread one time.

The Winner will be drawn randomly from all eligible members that have posted in this thread.

The winner will be announced Monday, August 9th

Thats it. Good luck!



find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Well, let's see.

I'm from Anaheim. Not sure if I'm supposed to comment on how much I like Ridemonkey or how much I like this thread or how much I like the brakes, so let me tell you about the brakes.

They are sexy. I've had to start beating off women with a stick. I stopped taking showers, stopped cutting my hair and goatee, stopped brushing and flossing, and it doesn't matter. I still need the stick to walk around safely. The brakes are that sexy. Really.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Well I'm from Menlo Park, California. Its really pretty yuppie out here and there isn't much to do besides ride bicycles. To spice things up I say I am from 'west' menlo and get in 'rumbles' with 'essays' from 'east' menlo, 'scrub central' aka San Carlos, 'a-town', and the 'RWC'. It is intense around here, and to mob it with the best of them I need some pimp arse gold four piston action so I can roll up and pimp the hoes.



Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
A bark from the litle spot far north, called Norway. I don't think many DHers have more patience with mud than we got up here. Anyway, we got some of the finest riding terrain on earth, so we have to deal with it.



Turbo Monkey
Im from Adelaide, Australia. Were pretty lucky down here as there is riding to suit every one from roadies, downhillers, XC folk to the street crew and hucking freeriders.
What the hills lack in altitude they gain in quality of trails providing a different challenge throught out the year, from the scortching heat and dust in the summer to the windy, wet winter and everything in between.



Feb 27, 2004
so, i'm from budapest / hungary. a 2 million town, but none of us have seen any of those beauties here. let me the first owing them ;) (my formula's aren't the best after 2.5 year of use/abuse)

ohh, i forgot to mention, how i hate to live here. the public transpot sucks, heavy pollution and the top "mountain" are here average 500-800 m high, so i must go to austria or to slovakia to find a real mountain.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Fayetteville new york, home to cops that have nothing better to do than hassle bmx kids, but restrain themselves anyway. Thanks Guys. Not to mention skytop is 5 minutes away...RAWK!


Nov 5, 2001
United States
I'm from marquette michigan. I used to almost hate living here. Though the mountain biking is pretty sweet, the trails are short and the local ski hill woulden't run their lifts (or make a bike park or anything). Luckily, a few people up here have really got this place IN GEAR. Lately, bike magazine has been doing some stuff here, marquette has been rated very highly in their magazine reviews. One night I was riding urban with a friend, and dave ollila, owner of viosport helmet cameras rode by on the bike path, we chased him down and he started telling us about a huge event that would be happening here. The event is the monster park slopestyle, which is actually supposed to begin TODAY.....but I dont think its going to happen this week because of the rain. Basically I went to not liking the whole scene here, to seeing a huge park be built on our ski hill, and then running the lifts for mountain bikers 3 days a week. I also got to hang out with wade simmons at mcdonalds last night. :cool:


Sep 23, 2003
Mtn. View, Ca.
I'm from Mountain View, California. Why do I like it here? Hmm.... well you're close to alot of things, only about 10 mins from some trails, only about 40 mins from the beach and, most importantly only about 3.5 hrs from N*! The reasons it sucks? It's the yuppie capitol of the universe, it's really overpriced to live and it's like 3.5 hrs from N*


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Where am I from... or where I am living?

Well, I am from New England... I can actually trace my roots to the Mayflower and my family was one of 15 families to settle Newport, RI... and we never F'ing left. I really loved growing up in New England b/c I loved the cold weather, I loved sailing, and I loved being so close to Boston and NY City. However... as I grew up I didn't like the cold as much, "mountain" biking replaced sailing, and got sick of all the BS attitude from people in Boston.

Now I am in Irvine, CA and LOVING IT! There is so much to explore and see in SoCal. The biking is completely different and it kicks my A$$, which is a good thing since I had gotten a bit slow and lazy... People (in general) are friendlier and easy going, the weather is nice all the time, and the roads don't try and eat your car. One of the big things that the wife and I love is that any day/night we can walk from our place to any one of several restaurants. No need to bring the car! The other thing is that every place that we go has outdoor seating, So Cal knows how to enjoy what they have – you don’t find that as often back east (then again you only have like 5 months of the year to be outside…). I still miss visiting New York City, but there are so many places that I have not visited around here yet that I will be able to keep myself busy for a long time.
Hmm, where to start.

I was born in San Antonio, TX. Apparently only lived there a couple months, then onto Virginia. Lived in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake for most of my childhood years. Then moved to Oregon where I lived in Wilsonville for a year, then moved to McMinnville, OR where I spent my high shcool years at. Then headed to Utah to start college, but after 4 months packed up to go to Mexico for about 2 years. Spent 3 months in Winchester, Kentucky waiting for my VISA before actually getting to go to Mexico, at which point I lived in various cities. Durango, Zacatecas, Gomez Palacio, Lerdo, Guadalupes, Rio Grande, just to name a few. Then I got back and my family had moved to El Paso, TX so I stayed there the summer before going back to school in Provo, UT. Stayed there for 'bout 4 years then did an internship with a company in San Diego, CA, where I lived for 7 months. Graduated and moved back to El Paso where I am currently living.

Geez, is that enough? Can't really say what I liked most about each place but suffice it to say every place has is good points and its bad points.

What else? Oh yeah gimme them brakes man! :thumb:

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I was born and raised and currently live in central Connecticut (living in Newington right now, moving to Simsbury in two months). I love it here. It's 90 minutes from Boston and 90 minutes from NYC. I like experiencing the four seasons. I can bike eight months out of the year, then ski the other four months. The cost of living is high, but so are salaries. The towns are not overpopulated and driving conditions are not too terrible (unlike other places I have visited). To top it off, there are countless numbers of places around here for awesome mountain biking.
Of course, Mine is real similar to IAB's. I was born/raised and still live in central CT. I like the variety of off road terrain - not to mention the road riding and scenery.

And how can we not mention the leaves in the fall?! Leaf peepers from all over the country come to New Englad every fall to see what we take for granted.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 14, 2002
I was born and raise in Bridgeport Ct. Now I live in Greenwich Ct, The other extreme. I liked brideport but getting your car stolen was getting to be a drag. Happened 3 time there. Moved to greenwich because I got a job there and I like it there. Now worries about getting my car stolen there because there are so many better cars than mine.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I currently live in Arlington, VA and am still trying like hell to get out. It's been great being as close as I am to DC, but after 7 years, I'm tired of the people, the politics, and the prices. I have my eye on northern VT. Someplace where the pace is a little slower, the people are fewer, and the trails are longer.


Mar 18, 2004
San Diego, CA
I'm a california boy, born and raised. Grew up on the central coast in this little town called Lompoc. Went to university in San Luis Obispo and discovered this biking thing. Rode the coastal the mountains until I was too poor to survive and moved to San Diego with 8 bucks to my name and a bike. I hated San Diego for quite awhile but am starting to like now. There is plenty of great riding and most you can ride to from my house.


May 16, 2004
Powell/Laramie, Wyoming
I live in Powell, Wyoming. It's a small town of about 5000, but i live 10 miles out of town. When i was younger i hated it here, but the more i mature the more i like it. There's only a handfull or riders here, and even fewer of those that will ride DH. It's very mountainous here, but there a 0 trails of any kind here, so we've built our own dh coarse complete with a 3, 8, and 12 foot drop and a 16 ft gap. Other than that, it's urban riding.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
The Long and Suck of it, a tale of living in Houston Texas.

Houston totally sucks. It’s hot, humid and there’s always a butt load of traffic. People in cars hate everyone including other people in cars. I guess the worst thing about Humidistion is the fact that there aren’t any Monkeys here. Recently a monkey from Atlanta had to fly in just to cheer me up. That’s the suckie part about Houston in a nutshell.
Houston is also a really really awesome city too. One of the biggest perks is the fact that we really don’t have ‘winter.’ There was only 2 days last ‘winter’ that I couldn’t ride. If you like to eat out Houston is the town for you. We have more restaurants than anyplace in the world and believe it or not some of it is actually good. Personally though I think the best thing about Houston is the chic’s in summer clothing. Summer dresses are AWESOME only to be topped by Bikini’s. During the summer casual office dress attire is a bikini top with frazzled Daisy Duke shorts. That’s awesome.
So in summation PB and J sandwiches are best when your mom makes them.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Charlottesville, Va. Nice place to live, right at the foothill of the Blue ridge mountains. That means more trails in the George Washington National forest within a 2 hour drive than I could ride within a year. Some nice roads to ride on too. The biggest problem around here is the fact that it seems to have been raining heavily for about 2 years straight.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I live in Keene, NH.

The main beef I have with this town is that it is home to Keene State College, which was actually nationally ranked by Playboy as having some of the best looking women in the country - not a bad thing in and of itself. However, the school year runs at the wrong time. Summer time, when all the gorgeous women should be prancing around in halter tops and tiny shorts, is when all the college students leave. Then we get stuck with the hairy rednecks with shotguns and beer guts prancing around in halter tops and tiny shorts. We have about a month of overlap when the college students com back and the weather is still good, then all of a sudden its cold again.

Other than that, just a nice New England town - I like it here...


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Living in Kailua, Hawaii is about as good as it gets for somebody, like myself, who loves the outdoors. Our mountains are steep, green and always rideable through the whole year, with plenty of rocky and rooty terrain to keep your skills sharp and your shins scabby. Our XC racing scene now hosts a 24 hour race, road bikes have always been big here, BMX is growing and the downhill scene is coming up fast, with shuttleable trails popping up all the time and local clubs putting on races and freeride events to keep things competitive. Kailua Beach is also one of the best beaches in the country. I do live in paradise.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA

Lynnwood, Washington (14 miles north of Seattle)

I have spent my whole life (29yrs) living in the Pacific Northwest. I have a love/hate relationship with Western WA.

I love the weather, forests, mountains, fresh water lakes, and oceans. I love how in 90 minutes you can go from rainforests to the desert. It doesn't get to hot or to cold and generally the woods are ridable year round with only a modification in riding gear. (rainy/wet gear)

I disslike Seattle and it surrounding cities....they come with traffic and huge apartment mega-plex's. The puget sound area is choking on it's own population, but there are little bits of heaven to ride on in the surrounding areas.

I have thought about moving in the past and I always stall out on "where." There is a reason people continue to migrate to Western WA. It is a beautiful area to live....but it is becoming a price to high for many to pay and for us who at times dream of a simpler life, will eventually move to dryer, yellow'er pastures. All the while missing the gem that was Seattle, 20 years ago.



Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I currently live in Hutchinson, Kansas. My feelings on living here are mixed with both the good and the bad. My first reason for not liking the town is obvious, that is because it is in Kansas and not in the mountains so I don't see too much gravity related riding unless I take a vaction from here. Another reason that I don't like liveing here is because there aren't a whole lot of people that ride mountain bikes or any that are open to the idea of getting a mountain bike, this makes it hard to spread the word of how awesome of a sport biking is.
Now that I have touched on a few bad areas of living here I will now touch on the good. For the most part the area I live in has extremely low crime and people are actualy careing for one another which I greatly like and is one of the benifits of living in a relitivly small town and when I do move to the mountains I plan on living in a small town. Another good thing is that the trails we do have are some of the best kept in Kansas. My buddies and I have riden trails in other parts of Kansas that just don't seem to be as well maintained. Lastly a good thing about living here is that it makes me be more creative in my riding so that I can progress instead of staying at the same level.



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I live in the anti-mountain biking capital of the world, Rochester NY. You would think that in the anti-mountain biking capital of the world, mountian bikers would unite for their common benefit. Yeah, right. First chance I get I'm moving to Bend.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
I live in New York City, but I'm from the NW. I miss the mountains, but love the tech riding here. The rocks are better and bigger and it rains much less.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I say Albany, NY but I'm actually in East Greenbush, on the other side of the Hudson River.

I like this area, the summers are not (normally) killer hot/humid, plus we have 4 real seasons (snow skiing - yeah!)

The thing I like best is being located close to so many awesome places!
For riding: Plattekill (1.5 hours), Mount Snow (1.5 hours), Dalton (24 horus of adrenaline) (1 hour), Catskills (1-1.5 hours), Berkshires (1 hour), Adirondacks (1-2 hours)

plus NYC (less then 3 hours), Boston (less then 3 hours), Montreal (about 4 hours)....and snow skiing at most of those biking places too!


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Well anything to get my hand on another sets of Hope Brakes! :drool:

Montreal, Quebec Monkey in tha house!

Love this place for the mix of two great culture and a great town with lots of history. Get to enjoy hot summers with lots of biking around, great DH in Bromont and Ste-Anne and lots of XC everywhere. And in the winter we pack up our bags and head up north for some great outdoors activity!!



i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I live in Red Bank, NJ like my title says...

My current favorite trail is Fell Mtn. - Pete's Brother's trail. Would like to visit Reading, PA and Ninham Mtn. soon. Always looking for some new terrain to try out.

Those brakes are made nicely. Sometimes the factory needs to pay more attention when bleeding them - its a common problem I've noticed from various brands.


I live in The OC. It's so cool they made it into a tv show. I like watching my life on tv. Like when the one guy said the he hooked up with girls from UCI, I was all, "hey, I totally went there." The OC is so cool.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
Well, I'm from Laguna Beach, CA and really have no reason better than anyone else for wanting/needing these. The v's on my hardtail have slowly died, leaving me with one canibalized brake. Should I receive these, I can throw the brakes from my DH bike on the hartdtail, and then proceed to follow in the footsteps of Mr. BrianHCM#1 because he's my idol.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I live in Santa Barbara, California. Aside from high costs of living this place is a biker's heaven. Long, gnarly DH, big XC loops, little jump spots around town. This town is full of beautiful women, fun activities and lots of killer food. I hope I get really rich so I can live here forever ;) Come on down for a visit and see for yourself!



May 14, 2004
Some ghetto in Houston
From Houston, Tx

Not too much good about this place, but it is cheap to live, except the rain you can ride year round, and its close enough to other places that its liveable to ride.

Now gimme the brakes :D


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i'm from portland, oregon. portland has good weather, lots of greenery and some dedicated trailbuilders. it also has a good group of local riders who post on the :monkey: and are always willing to show off their favorite riding spots.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
I live in minneapolis Mn.... Moved here from Northridge...( suburb of L.A.) in 71 when I was 10 or so... At first I hated the snow...Frikin hated it. And the damn cold too. Now I dont think I could live without it. The cold and snow makes ya tough on the wheel, no wussies on bike round here come Jan.! The riding isnt too bad... We dont have any REAL mountains around here, but you can still hit a lungburner without too much lookin ;) ( I do find it difficult to find an area around here in which I can give a 110 percent though... ;) ) On the other hand, I basicaly live in the city, but can be in woods and on trails in 5 minutes. We also have been realy moving forward with the rails to trails project, creating great bikeways that run west to east across the whole city and most of the surrounding suburbs.


lawn dart extraordinare
Apr 8, 2002
I live in Grahamsville, NY.

The population is very small, but we still have a big enough 'highway' to warrant the use of a blinking traffic signal on Main St.

Living here is extremely bittersweet.

The geography is simply beautiful. The animals I have been able to witness in their natural habitats are amazing. The roads are great for rally cars and motorcycling.

The fact that I have to drive 25 minutes to buy groceries and do laundry, 45 minutes to see a movie, and an hour to the nearest bike shop SUCKS A$$! It's too friggin' remote out here! You would think "that's great for biking" but it's not. Road riding is basically sharing a country highway with semis & log trucks going mach 5 (think Pet Cemetary here). Mountain biking isn't 'allowed' on most of the land because it's NYC watershed. Therefore, I typically have to drive 45 minutes if I want to ride my mountain bike on a trail. And is there anyone out here who rides? No, they would rather sit around picking their collective tooth and drink Bud from cans than exercise.


Aug 1, 2002
Currently live just North of Boston. I ride Lynn most of the time on an Evil Imperial. Trails are technical, rocky, and fun. I have no plans of going anyplace else with this freeride heaven so close by. I think id miss the rocks and roots and rolls if I went anyplace else. I could never handle the 10 mile xc climbs the westerners do for fun!



Aug 20, 2003
NYC here... I don't think you can really decide on weither you like it or hate it... kinda like a woman: when close to her, you wish she would go away sometimes, but when she's far from you, you wish she was closer.
Anyway, riding here is awesome, fellow riders are cool...

Nate at RIT

Oct 8, 2003
bending stuff in the ROC
Living in Boise, Idaho this summer. Lots of great biking, rafting, and women around here. If you're looking for athletic females, Boise's chock-full of them. Lots of nice climbing, dirt jumping, and mountain biking out here in Boise, come visit!


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Well right now I'm living In La Mesa it's a small place about 10 minutes east of San Diego. I'ts a good town and quiet. The So Cal riding scene is really incredible because it's pretty much year round riding. I started MTB in Nor Cal and I miss it alot. Here in So Cal. everyone either wants to shuttle or go somewhere where there's a lift.

When I was in Noc Cal. (San Francisco, Mission Dist.) You had to climb up whatever you wanted to bomb down. I miss that....I really liked living in the bay but the high priced drove me away...so now I'm here in SD just waiting for my wife to finish her masters degree then it's off to Canada...somewhere within 2 hrs of whistler;)....D
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