
Hello! New from Erie, PA


Oct 14, 2011
Hello everyone, I just got into moutain biking so I thought I'd do what I always do when I start up a new hobby, join a forum!

I bought a 2011 Specialized hardrock 29er off craigslist a couple weeks ago and have been riding with my friends when I can. I'm at work right now so I dont have a pic of the bike, but its the crazy bright blue version! We've got some nice trails and obstacles that a local mtb club made right by my apartment so I've been learning some stuff there.

I'm really just looking to expand on my experience, skills, and gear. Always open for advice and tips!


Oct 14, 2011
I like that advice. Some stuff I am workin on right now is riding through tight trails with little low burms, I have a hard time feelin confident going fast around the tight turns.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Tight turns are tough until you really get the mechanics of them. Sometimes it really is necessary to "turn left to turn right" and vice versa. As for berms, keep your chin up and pointed in the direction you want to go. For maximum speed, you're going to want to let the bike lean into the turn while keeping your weight centered over the bottom bracket. To do this, you'll need to stand, lean the bike and put your outside down/inside foot up. Your weight is on your outside foot. Hard to describe, easier to demonstrate, but here's a pic to show you what I mean.

(not me)
