
Happy Thanksgiving GMT &^\/^


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
Eat yer turnkey ride might be off from all snow falling high above. I took out the factbike and did pow smooshing it was blizzardfully blasted. I'm going checking out what's going on for the day have it.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Happy Eat Too Much Day! That's my plan, anyway. Tomorrow's pooping will be glorious.

I need someone to translate that PSP post for me. Something about snow in there, I think.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
at work, sick. Been told to go home caus' I sound miserable and people are worried I will contaminate them. Also, every friggin time I go to the bathroom for morining ablutions, every friggen time, the cleaning lady is there, or she arrives just as I've dropped the kids off at the pool. The most annoying thing is she'll wait at the door until I'm done. Do you know how awkward it is to have someone (that's not family) waiting for you to be done your business?! and then watches you walk away?

anyways, the timing for this cold sucks, my local park closes to bikes on December 1st. Tonight would be perfect late-fall conditions: just below freezing so mud and water won't be deep, but not too cold. Le sigh.

oh, edited to add: happy thanksgiving to my american cousins. hope you have a good day with family and friends!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
at work, sick. Been told to go home caus' I sound miserable and people are worried I will contaminate them. Also, every friggin time I go to the bathroom for morining ablutions, every friggen time, the cleaning lady is there, or she arrives just as I've dropped the kids off at the pool. The most annoying thing is she'll wait at the door until I'm done. Do you know how awkward it is to have someone (that's not family) waiting for you to be done your business?! and then watches you walk away?
You just need to struggle on the toilet more next time. Really give'r. Make it known that she is about to walk into DOOM.

Maybe run out screaming next time.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
at work, sick. Been told to go home caus' I sound miserable and people are worried I will contaminate them. Also, every friggin time I go to the bathroom for morining ablutions, every friggen time, the cleaning lady is there, or she arrives just as I've dropped the kids off at the pool. The most annoying thing is she'll wait at the door until I'm done. Do you know how awkward it is to have someone (that's not family) waiting for you to be done your business?! and then watches you walk away?

anyways, the timing for this cold sucks, my local park closes to bikes on December 1st. Tonight would be perfect late-fall conditions: just below freezing so mud and water won't be deep, but not too cold. Le sigh.

oh, edited to add: happy thanksgiving to my american cousins. hope you have a good day with family and friends!
ask the cleaning lady for a blumpkin


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My Korean friends made me a dip made from basket cheese and tiny spicy little shrimps. The kids ate all the rice crackers but I don't mind triscuits. This is war.

What is a factbike?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Greetings and salutions on this day of thanks my interwebz friends!

Ran a half marathon this morning, as is becoming tradition every time we are in LA. Part of my run includes a loop around the Rose Bowl. The number of Angelenos out for their morning walks who were bundeled up like they were getting ready to race the Iditarod was truly LOL worthy. It was in the upper 50's this morning FFS.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
Fat tire cruise was crows now I feel those new muscles green in fact the fat bikes' wide bottom bracket has got in movement. The first location tradition has its ride was empty lot and I turned down the mountain. In the lowland I found conditions from slush to 5 (inches) in the deep. It was true fun out there. What am I thankful for is the dude who was at the breakfast nook in town, I slept with my debit card last night and forgot it there. Late night ebay shopping you know. So I get to the nook and was like hey I don't care 30 cents charge for the card I don't want to stop at the bank atm on the way. The card was not there and no cash was either. Dude says I got it and tries giving me $10 for traveling sweet guy. I had a terrific ride I couldn't be more exhausted doing nearly 30 km of first and second track fat biking. Sure was heavy snowfall in New JErsey. I am full from two plates of food.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Still at work here :(

Started to backup a machine at 1:50pm, it now just hit 94%. COME ON I HAVE BEER TO DRINK. :banghead:


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Evening folks, slept till near noon today. Ate copius amounts of food, need to skin and boil a deer head yet tonight. Hopefully the skull will be repairable enough for a full mount and not just the antlers gonna put on a pot of coffee and start cutting


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Lots of sleeping, and pumpkin pie. No riding today, hopefully tomorrow. It's been over two weeks since I've ridden, getting a little edgy. Probably a good idea for everyone if stay away from Black Friday chaos and wander around in the woods.