
***Friderp GMT***


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
and soon, their dick.
According to WebMD;

Many people think a poison plant rash can be spread from one part of the body to another or from person to person. In general, this is not true. You can spread the rash only if you have urushiol on your hands. Also, it can take longer for the rash to appear on certain areas of the body, especially areas such as the soles of the feet where the skin is thicker. This may give the appearance that the rash has spread from one part of the body to another. You can also be re-exposed to the urushiol by touching gardening tools, sports equipment, or other items that were not cleaned after being in contact with the plants. Scratching or touching the rash and fluid from blisters will not cause the rash to spread because urushiol is not present in the blister fluid.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
best thing for urushiol is Dawn dish soap and a washcloth. SCRUB that shit off. Rinse. Repeat.
Hot water may provide temporary relief, but it opens pores and sometimes permits oil to soak in. Use cold water and scrub.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
best thing for urushiol is Dawn dish soap and a washcloth. SCRUB that shit off. Rinse. Repeat.
Hot water may provide temporary relief, but it opens pores and sometimes permits oil to soak in. Use cold water and scrub.
I keep Technu on hand and use as suggested above when I know I've been exposed. I think I may have gotten it from a pair of old riding gloves that had the oil on or in them. Hadn't worn them since last year and I may have done some gnome work while wearing them.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Trail building/working/maintaining monkeys (@johnbryanpeters @jdcamb @boostindoubles etc.)

What's your go to hand too for clearing overgrown grass on your trails. I ride a few trails that get overgrown with grass and thistles during the late summer/fall. I'd love to clear some grass so I'm not getting the death by 1000 cuts treatment but all the methods I can think of seem like a pain in the ass. Is there a folding sickle or something out there that could do the trick?

Install sweet blades on my bike that stick out and slice everything while I ride??


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Trail building/working/maintaining monkeys (@johnbryanpeters @jdcamb @boostindoubles etc.)

What's your go to hand too for clearing overgrown grass on your trails. I ride a few trails that get overgrown with grass and thistles during the late summer/fall. I'd love to clear some grass so I'm not getting the death by 1000 cuts treatment but all the methods I can think of seem like a pain in the ass. Is there a folding sickle or something out there that could do the trick?

Install sweet blades on my bike that stick out and slice everything while I ride??
machete. walk n swing lazily while drinking a beer.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
machete. walk n swing lazily while drinking a beer.
Kinda got to bend over a lot to get the machete close enough to the ground. I've tried using my machete for grass and it's not fun. The grass just bends out of the way half the time since it's really flexible.

The beer drinking part sounds good to me though


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Trail building/working/maintaining monkeys (@johnbryanpeters @jdcamb @boostindoubles etc.)

What's your go to hand too for clearing overgrown grass on your trails. I ride a few trails that get overgrown with grass and thistles during the late summer/fall. I'd love to clear some grass so I'm not getting the death by 1000 cuts treatment but all the methods I can think of seem like a pain in the ass. Is there a folding sickle or something out there that could do the trick?

Install sweet blades on my bike that stick out and slice everything while I ride??
Pretty much I don't bother. I have a poison Ivy shovel. I sharpened one side of the blade and keep the point sharp. Works like a champ on vines and pricker bushes also.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Trail building/working/maintaining monkeys (@johnbryanpeters @jdcamb @boostindoubles etc.)

What's your go to hand too for clearing overgrown grass on your trails. I ride a few trails that get overgrown with grass and thistles during the late summer/fall. I'd love to clear some grass so I'm not getting the death by 1000 cuts treatment but all the methods I can think of seem like a pain in the ass. Is there a folding sickle or something out there that could do the trick?

Install sweet blades on my bike that stick out and slice everything while I ride??
I use a weed whacker, trying to be mindful of starting fires. I wait till everything starts drying out and then get after it. I whack the left side cause the heads spins more debris away from the trail. Go up one side and back the other rather than try to hit both sides at once.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Trail building/working/maintaining monkeys (@johnbryanpeters @jdcamb @boostindoubles etc.)

What's your go to hand too for clearing overgrown grass on your trails. I ride a few trails that get overgrown with grass and thistles during the late summer/fall. I'd love to clear some grass so I'm not getting the death by 1000 cuts treatment but all the methods I can think of seem like a pain in the ass. Is there a folding sickle or something out there that could do the trick?

Install sweet blades on my bike that stick out and slice everything while I ride??
E-fatbike. Just ride the edges until the trail is wide enough.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Now that looks like a good option!

I use a weed whacker, trying to be mindful of starting fires. I wait till everything starts drying out and then get after it. I whack the left side cause the heads spins more debris away from the trail. Go up one side and back the other rather than try to hit both sides at once.
Even with a hand tool I'm gonna have to be low key. I think the weed whacker would bring a bit too much attention...

I wish I could though!!


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Out of context quote from the product reviews

WD-40 after cleaning it up with water after whacking is, for me, a necessity.

true... I always hit my tool with a little wd-40 after whacking
Can you ask the land manager for permission to run a weed whacker? I put on hearing and eye protection plus a face mask. A hard hat and orange vest would be down right official.