
Doctors and "stress" diagnoses..

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Hey Burly,
Sorry for your troubles.
I was in a similar situation with a stomach issue that doctors do not help you with at all, so I had to do my own research and choose a path.
I am on a VERY specific diet to see if it can stop any further diverticulitis flare ups. But this is the same diet that is used for IBS.
If IBS is causing all your problems, I would really focus on the diet aspect first. One side effect I got from this diet is generally feeling better overall, physically and mentally.
The way I am looking at it, if I follow this diet and it works for my condition, well then great.
If I follow it and it is all crap and my condition returns, well at least I was eating healthy.:D
So, there is really nothing to lose except cutting out some foods that you enjoy.
Its strict as hell though.
You live off of eggs, natural meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts.

You can't have any bread, rice, pastas, potatoes, sugar unless it is natural like in honey or fruits, no processed crap at all etc...

It is called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and it is based on the premise that complex carbs that are hard to digest sit in your gut longer, causing the bacteria to ferment longer and grow to the point where it causes problems.
This diet starves off that bacteria until your stomach returns to normal.
Here is the website for it:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Interesting JR, ands thanks.
Im pretty much on that plan as of several days ago, only rice/rice products I've been eating. Im supposed to be having some bacteria in my stomach checked, as well as my thyroid, so I dunno. There's a lot to look at.
The truth is, I could totally live with my stomach being funky if I werent experiencing the constant anxiety.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
I am not doctor but to me it sound like it your anxiety that is creating the stomach problems. However a healthy diet can help get the stomach back on track quicker.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I am not doctor but to me it sound like it your anxiety that is creating the stomach problems. However a healthy diet can help get the stomach back on track quicker.

It's chicken or egg to me.

Had some intermittent bloating a week before the anxiety started. But, that's not to say stress that hadn't manifested itself mentally yet, only physically.
One of the associated symptoms of IBS is anxiety, so ... who knows? Just going to attack them all.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
The truth is, I could totally live with my stomach being funky if I werent experiencing the constant anxiety.
One thing that I have always noticed dealing with people on their health insurance is that the clients being treated for depression or anxiety almost always have stomach problems. Its crazy how closely the two are related.
Ha, also, don't feel like you are suffering from some oddball condition either.
I'd say about 2/3 of the people I deal with are on drugs for anxiety.
Some just take ativan, and some take anti-depressants just for anxiety.
But if you have ever held someone's hand through a real panic attack, you know it is a legit condition that should be taken seriously. The common complaint is, "I thought I was dying....."

Good luck with getting it all figured out.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
One thing that I have always noticed dealing with people on their health insurance is that the clients being treated for depression or anxiety almost always have stomach problems. Its crazy how closely the two are related.
Ha, also, don't feel like you are suffering from some oddball condition either.
I'd say about 2/3 of the people I deal with are on drugs for anxiety.
Some just take ativan, and some take anti-depressants just for anxiety.
But if you have ever held someone's hand through a real panic attack, you know it is a legit condition that should be taken seriously. The common complaint is, "I thought I was dying....."

Good luck with getting it all figured out.
Well, thanks.
Hopefully this is just a quick phase and I can work through it.


took the red pill
Well, thanks.
Hopefully this is just a quick phase and I can work through it.

the 2 are absolutely related. Gut health is needed for serotonin synthesis and absorption.

What has helped me immensely is Ginger as I mentioned. **** is the bomb. ZERO stomach issues now. I eat about 3" of the sh(t per day raw. Helps with boners too as it's a vasodilator. :thumb:

I had nothing but gas and bloating and diarrhea for years. I stopped the milk, bought some "real salt", threw out the morts table salt, stopped the prilosec, started taking magnesium pills and eating ginger daily and I have no gas, no bloating, no acid reflux.

I get a couple nice solid sh*ts with nice tapered ends per day and I'm saving boat loads on toilet paper.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Wull, no. By the time you get to working like a machine, you're lost. You need to make some hard decisions and figure out how to slow down.

I don't think that sedation and/or recreational drugs are going to help - this is about you learning to dance gracefully with the world.
I dig Alan Watts too.

Thanks for the post.
I've been concerned about my diet, and in doing research of the symptoms I have, gluten intolerance seemed to be a recurring theme. Whether or not that has any merit, I don't know, but I am eating much healthier now since implementing it, simply because I have to look at the nutritional info on stuff before I buy it. It has also cut out all beer and whiskey (maybe thats why Im crying).
I don't know your drinking habits, but for me, when I quit I went through some serious depression. This could be part of the problem, but only if you actually have a problem with alcohol or other addiction.

Also, could there be anything traumatizing from your past, such as experiences in the military or childhood that might be cropping up ? Trauma and other negative events that are just stuffed down can creep into your life later on and wreak havoc on your body.

My guess is that there is something that is causing you stress and you are just accustomed to pushing it to the side as opposed to dealing with it. You probably are not consciously aware of it but you body is tying to tell you. Nothing wrong with that, a lot of us do it.

Good luck.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Well, I definitely don't feel depressed.
Like I said, Im quite happy with where Im at right now, financially, romantically...even as a person. I didn't have a real traumatic childhood or anything.
My diet was poor, Im fixing that.
Im going to be drinking a lot less.
Will work some exercise into the equation.
I have also started taking banjo lessons... I seem to feel better when I play.
Besides taking some pills, I dont know what else to do. Hopefully things will clear up for me.

*BTW, I didnt mean to turn this into such a "whiner" thread, I was more just curious about being told I had a serious stomach ailment as a result of stress I didn't know I had.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Well, I definitely don't feel depressed.
Like I said, Im quite happy with where Im at right now, financially, romantically...even as a person. I didn't have a real traumatic childhood or anything.
My diet was poor, Im fixing that.
Im going to be drinking a lot less.
Will work some exercise into the equation.
I have also started taking banjo lessons... I seem to feel better when I play.
Besides taking some pills, I dont know what else to do. Hopefully things will clear up for me.

*BTW, I didnt mean to turn this into such a "whiner" thread, I was more just curious about being told I had a serious stomach ailment as a result of stress I didn't know I had.
I think there is a big difference between stress and anxiety. Anyway when I have my anxiety death spirals my stomach is all ****ed up. **** my brains out yet anytime I eat even small amounts feel bloated like I just sat down for two thanksgiving dinners.


took the red pill
I think there is a big difference between stress and anxiety. Anyway when I have my anxiety death spirals my stomach is all ****ed up. **** my brains out yet anytime I eat even small amounts feel bloated like I just sat down for two thanksgiving dinners.
My anxiety was probably 90% related to stomach issues, yet anxiety causes stomach issues as well.

Yeah, stress is normal. Repeated stress taxes the adrenal glands and survival mode kicks in. But we have evolved to the point where we don't need to be in survival mode 24/7. Burley, get some 5-htp. I'm telling you, it works awesome.




Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Stress can fuk you up man. And it feeds on itself. I've had it cause downright scary cardio things. And the more I stressed about it, the worse the problems got.

Panick attacks are awful though... I feel for you man. Once was on 2 weeks of prednisone for a severe allergic reaction... after a week I started having panic attacks (this can be a side affect). Happened in the car and I thought I was going to die... had to pull over on the side of the highway. It was fuk'd up, I was freaking out for no reason at all.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Im sure you are right. The truth is Ive been feeling so bad, I've not had the energy to even exercise at all. The one good side effect is that I've been working like a machine lately just to try and keep my mind occupied, and that has paid off.
I am sorry to hear that you have had to visit a doctor for this already.

When I don't excercise I turn into a raving lunatic. My body has to have it or I break. Even little things wear me down and make my moods and resilience very volatile. I suffered from very similar symptoms to what you are describing my last year of grad school. I lost a ton of weight, completely stopped excercising, started drinking way too much, started having panic attacks that lasted for over a year after all was said and done.

I am still recovering and trying to regain balance and bring my health back up and it has been 3 years. The effects of stress on your body are amazing. I am a (self proclaimed) master at stress reduction through diet, excercise and other alternative "therapies". Let me know if I can share anything more with you.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001

Exercise. Seriously, exercise is probably the best thing you can do. I'd try to exercise regularly, drink 1 serving of alcohol per day (no more, no less!), and eat a healthy diet. I don't think you need to eat 3" of ginger or cut out this and that, just incorporate lots of plants and fruits and go easy on the animals. Only if these measures weren't cutting it would I turn to drugs (benzos, SSRIs).

The tests that your doc has ordered (abdominal plain film, TSH/thyroid tests, and probably an H. pylori test from the sounds of it) are all good, too.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Thanks for posting Toshi, I was hoping you would.
As far as what I've prescribed right now, the Ativan and the Anti-spastic stomach stuff... I should not quit taking that right? Because I feel better today than I have in 4 or 5 weeks. Actually ingested 3 meals and feel fine about it.
When do I start exercising? And how long does one wait to see if that's not working?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I'd exercise in small chunks starting now. Work into it. Don't say "I'll wait a month then I'll start hitting the gym for an hour at a time," just do it. If the meds prescribed are making you feel better then by all means keep taking them. I would follow up regularly with your doc and try to wean. What's the stomach stuff--Reglan? Zofran?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Thanks for posting Toshi, I was hoping you would.
As far as what I've prescribed right now, the Ativan and the Anti-spastic stomach stuff... I should not quit taking that right? Because I feel better today than I have in 4 or 5 weeks. Actually ingested 3 meals and feel fine about it.
Wow, imagine that Shirl. I love all this "don't take medicine man, take this powdered extract of unicorn testicle" type bullsh*t. There's your definition of a quack.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Wow, imagine that Shirl. I love all this "don't take medicine man, take this powdered extract of unicorn testicle" type bullsh*t. There's your definition of a quack.
There are some supplements in his crazed rants that do have solid science to back them up but there is no one-size fits all alternative medicine lifestyle cure.

There is a good interview with Dr. Temple Grandin last year (known for her work on animal behavior and autism) where she mentions mental illnesses, diet, drugs(and dosing), supplements, etc - its three hours long though:


(that link has the transcript but won't play for me - this link works - http://www.booktv.org/Program/10695/In+Depth+Temple+Grandin.aspx )
Last edited:


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Exercise. Seriously, exercise is probably the best thing you can do. I'd try to exercise regularly, drink 1 serving of alcohol per day (no more, no less!), and eat a healthy diet. Just incorporate lots of plants and fruits and go easy on the animals.
This is exactly what I did. I do like meat and have move to more fish. All of this also helped with a considerable lowering of my cholesterol.

However my stomach is still weaker than before since my period of stress last year.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I'd exercise in small chunks starting now. Work into it. Don't say "I'll wait a month then I'll start hitting the gym for an hour at a time," just do it. If the meds prescribed are making you feel better then by all means keep taking them. I would follow up regularly with your doc and try to wean. What's the stomach stuff--Reglan? Zofran?
Gonna run the dogs tomorrow.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Bingo. Too much going on and your work life balance is off. My advice is to consider the big picture, do what's important and let the rest go. :)
It's all got to get done. That's life.
I just need to make better use of time and find some real releases. (heh.)


Jul 16, 2007
Yeah, I read a bunch of this. I am curious what worked.

I had lots of stress problems 1-2 years ago. I found hard XC rides and a few beers afterward cleared my head, no joke. I slept better and that helped tons.
Feb 13, 2002
Seattle, WA
Good thread.

I was working 12 hour+ days a while back. I didn't feel like I was stressed out, I felt like I was handling it fine. Everyone else was an idiot and it was completely up to me to make sure the world didn't fall apart, and I was up to the task. Except that I always was convinced that I had some horrible disease and would sit up in bed all night deciding who would get my bike when I died and so forth.

Then I noticed that I had a rib that stuck out a little further on one side than the other and I KNEW I had cancer and was going to die. I trudged my dismal way to the doctor to confirm this. He took one look at me and started asking mental health type questions and I suddenly realized that I had broken something in my brain -- it was outside its operational parameters.

I quit that job, started surfing twice a day every day, and felt completely better within 2 weeks. My constant upset stomach, which I thought coffee had been causing, disappeared despite massive continuing coffee consumption.

I've been chasing the balance ever since. Turns out it's pretty hard to achieve balance because society expects you to work so hard you need to zonk yourself out on valium just to hold it together. It ain't worth it. Not to me. I've got some crazy schemes I'm pursuing to see if I can't be both financially and mentally stable, but if they fail I am fully prepared for a life of vagrancy. Bring it on.

ps: Exercise. And none of this jogging ****. Are you a character on sex and the city? It doesn't count as exercise unless you're bleeding when it's done.