
Do you enjoy your work?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
I don't enjoy my job.

I didn't "love" snowboard instructing either, that taught me to remember not to make my hobbies my jobs because then my hobbies became work.

I'd like to get into something different, but I'm good at what I do, and I get paid well, just not sure I wnat to keep doing it for someone else.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
I love my job. When my friends' kids ask what I do, I tell them "Legos for adults".......not too far from the truth.

The responsibilities/freedoms/boss/pay at my current job are awesome.........I'm just not too sure about the future of my company and the solar industry in general. I'll ride it out here as long as I can though.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Trouble with the bike shop idea is that small business ownership eats you up heart and soul - bye bye riding time, I think...
Only if you let it. You're retiring (20 years?) so you'll have a source of income that can pay the bills if need be. Don't want to spend all day, every day at the shop? Hire or retain a manager. Same goes with sales staff and mechanics. The biggest thing would be, find your niche, or a niche for your area that's underrepresented. Don't just be another generic bike shop with $7,000 carbon road bikes and $199 kids bikes shoved on top of each other because you're trying to fit 100 bikes in 300 square feet. If you want a mtn biking shop have a shop near a trailhead, lead rides, have knowledgeable sales staff, bleed kids for every brand of disc brake, and so on. Same could be for commuter bikes if bike commuting is big in your area, with the *best* commuter bikes in town (Raleigh is kicking some serious ass right now), Chrome bags, Nutcase helmets, etc. Hell, you could even have *just* a kid's bike shop with flowers / trains painted on the wall, a ball pit in the corner, and a little "test track" looping around the back of the store.

Focus on what you love and work at being the #1 store for *whatever* that is. Also, do it because you love it and it pays the bills. If you end up chasing every last dollar trying to be everything to everyone, you'll end up hating life. Talk to any owner who specializes in something (anything) and compare their reactions to the owner of the generic "comforts and hybrids over there, kids bikes in the corner, road bikes hanging from the ceiling and mtn bikes in the back next to the skate sharpening equipment" and you'll see what I mean.


Apr 2, 2006
No, I don't enjoy my job.

Went into college with no idea what I wanted to do, so I did what I enjoyed most in high school, Graphic Arts. Got a degree, and have a strong desire to stay in this town; which means no graphics jobs...correction, no graphics jobs that pay a salary that you can live on. Used to work in a small print shop, loved it, except the boss was a dick. I got to do everything from talking needs over with the customer to designing and then producing their product, I loved that.

A friend owns a fitness equipment repair/maintenance company, offered me a job about a year ago, since the pay was 50% more than the printshop I kind of had to take it. I get to travel NC, TN, and VA a lot, that part is fun, actually fixing(and not preventative maintenance) machines is enjoyable; mostly. There is however, not a ton of future in this, unless I want to eventually buy the company from him, which I do not.

I've been looking for jobs in pretty much anything I think sounds interesting, was really psyched on a rep job for outdoor stuff(I really like being outside), but that fell through. I've got an interview tomorrow with a doctors office doing lab work and the like, thinking about starting into nursing school. I've always like helping people, which is why I got into rescue/ems...if I could get paid half decent doing rescue I'd be very happy.

Anyways, I kind of found this thread at the perfect time. It's really neat to read through about everyone's job, kind of helps me declutter the stormcloud of s**t in my head about a career that I can enjoy...better yet a career I enjoy that keeps a roof over my head and toys in the garage.

That is the end of my job babbling....oh, and if anyone hears of any sweet job openings in western NC, shoot me a pm


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
You know, when I was in the Health Club world, I used to talk to a "junk dealer" about coming to work with him. They buy and rehab older gear from clubs and re sell it to smaller clubs with smaller budgets. Not bad work but not in my end of the industry.

Lately been leaning towards the hospitality industry. My friend suggested concierge-ing, as I tend to be one of those guys who has a few hookups in this lane and that...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Bellingham, WA
I enjoy my work for sure! the company is pretty good, benefits are nice plus i have flexible hours and the town is ok...

my company currently has the following openings too if anyone is interested let me know, we get a sweet bonus if we get people who are hired on!

its an aerospace company btw

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eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I almost had to rethink my earlier answer today as I pushed the 300 pound woman sporting a flattop sitting in a wheelchair up a steep and rutted 100' long driveway in one of Oaklands more infamous neighborhoods. My arms, shoulders, and quads got quite the burn going from that little jaunt


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I want to die every day I am here.
When I was in IT that was me every single day. I am no longer in IT after a nice blow up at work, and am enjoying being a stay at home dad for a while.

Maybe I will get a job in a dispensary or something.
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The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I love my job. I work as a firefighter EMT with a paramedic license that goes unused for the most part. I work for a small department that has given me a ton of experience and training but cant afford to pay me a livable wage. its the tradeoff. I love what I do and I love where I work but I am not on the move to look for another job that will let me use my medic skills everyday and will allow me to save and provide for me and my lady...



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I'd probably continue doing my job even if I won the lottery
Me, too.

For those who haven't followed my posts over the years, I'm 13 months from the end of my radiology residency. Radiology is a sweet gig: I read medical imaging studies on fancy workstations with high resolution monitors (3 or 5 MP x two reading monitors + a third non-diagnostic monitor is typical) via computerized voice dictation software and then my dictated report is sent to the electronic medical record.

I don't sit in a dark room in isolation, either--the room has ambient lighting, first off; there's interaction with other, usually similarly-minded radiologists; and other physicians come by periodically ask questions about how a study was read or the like. When doing procedures there's even limited interaction with patients, too, without the tedium (imo) of regular clinic hours. I enjoy the work itself, as it plays directly into my strengths of recall and visual pattern recognition.

Working hours and call-schedule are much more akin to that of a "normal job" than the rest of medicine, too, and pay once out in the field is more than ample if not at Wall Street levels. Radiology was the only field in medicine that I really wanted to do anyway, so that it allows me to surf the web between cases (at least during residency--private practice is more strenuous) and has a good lifestyle and compensation is just icing on the cake.

The downside is that it's a long road to follow: 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of med school, 1 year of internship in surgery or medicine (I did surgery, which was good for learning and a horrible experience simultaneously) and then 4 years of radiology residency. Oh, and then almost everyone does 1 year of fellowship after that.

4 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 14 years of post-secondary schooling/training. Yeah, that's a goodly chunk of my life.

I really enjoy my jobs. Both working for the fire dept and doing ambulance work keep things interesting day in and day out.
Eric, what did you do before you did the fire + EMT deal? Were you in finance? I recall an M5, etc. in the past before you went the Super Duty-lifestyle route.

I consider my job more of a lifestyle then work.
Travelling across Europe for 8 months a year and then having the following 4 months off to explore the rest of the world on my own.
A workweek can mean working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, for weeks and even months in a row. The only time off is travelling in between jobs and rainy days, which we use to chill out in the hotel, go fishing or play playstation.
What do you do?! Filmmaker?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
I've somehow turned a hobby into an occupation - Trailbuilding. Being a professional trailbuilder is pretty tough, its extremely physical and exhausting, but I get to reap the rewards of my hard work every day with sweet singletrack (or jumps or DH tracks) to ride. Pays pretty damn well too if you do it right!


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
God I love my work but it's 2 am and I spent 2 hours wondering about a huge miscast I've just seen in one of the movies just rated. It's so big I asked if it's a mistake or sth.

@CrabJoe - you suggest Kevin is a Taxidermist?
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Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
And you review movies for a living? WTF!

Yes. A working understanding of irony is one of the required skills.

btw. I don't review movies. I assess their Boxoffice potential. Imho it's better because I can be right ;)

Also pecting any movie guy to know all (even moderately well known) movies is silly. I actually know caddyshack though I don't think I haven't seen it from the time I was a kid but I'm very outraged you don't watch all the 400 movies/year that Nollywood produces or Yakuza Horror theater it's also a cult classic. See the irony? Even if I watched 4 movies/day every day I would have gaps. Download any top movie podcast regarding 2012 oscars and they will all admit they haven't seen all the contenders. Same here. You don't have to bo good at your job.
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