
College Searching


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well I've come down to two schools, but I will be applying to a few. The main two that I like are U. Cali Santa Barbara and U. Colorado at Boulder. Does anyone have any insight on these two schools that the websites won't tell me? Is there good riding in the areas?


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Good riding in either SB or Boulder? I don't think so. I'd look to a place like Des Moines or something maybe.

SB rules, I went to school (however briefly) there, and I love the area. I did really dig Boulder when I was there last year for work. But if you're not used to winter, then the SB climate might be better...


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
UCSB: U Can Study Baked!
The school's top rated for Math, Physics, Engineering, has an outstanding Geography dept (my major ;))
The town is a crazy party school. I mean burn the couch out on the street, get drunk and sleep with your roomates' girlfriend, shoot bottlerockets out of your butt kinda crazy. This can make it a little harder to focus on edumacation.
The trails? Bring your DH bike and stack of tubes and derrailers. The XC is out of hand as well.

The problem: out of state tuition fees will have you whoring your a$$ on Haley St by your second year. The fees are a killer, ask lil Dave.
The general cost of living is pretty crazy here. $3.50/gel is considered a damn cheap gas.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Am I the only person who, while a member of RM, decided not to go to school in Colorado or California so I could ride all the time?


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
UCSB: U Can Study Baked!
The school's top rated for Math, Physics, Engineering, has an outstanding Geography dept (my major ;))
The town is a crazy party school. I mean burn the couch out on the street, get drunk and sleep with your roomates' girlfriend, shoot bottlerockets out of your butt kinda crazy. This can make it a little harder to focus on edumacation.
The trails? Bring your DH bike and stack of tubes and derrailers. The XC is out of hand as well.

The problem: out of state tuition fees will have you whoring your a$$ on Haley St by your second year. The fees are a killer, ask lil Dave.
The general cost of living is pretty crazy here. $3.50/gel is considered a damn cheap gas.
UCSB has a pretty high acceptance rate and so does Boulder. I feel like I'm lowering my standards, but they have what I want, so I guess it's fine. Are the people at UCSB friendly? Is there a pretty good bike scene at the school and in the local area? How far is it to Mammoth, Woodward, and San Diego? I could map quest it, but they can never get the times right. I've already started setting aside some money for college, and my dad has set up in a bank already, for an account to open for me when I move for any college, with a pre-set ammount. I might be fine for money for a while, but are their good jobs that are college student friendly? I'm not in to working at a starbucks, but maybe a bike shop or something that might catch my attention a little more and not a Wendy's.



Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
People: friendly, more so if you share cheap beer or dank with them.
There are bunch of folks who ride, but its disorganized little groups of friends and such. You'll have no prob finding riding or people to ride with.
Mammoth is a 6 hour trip, but the trails are better in SB.
Sand Diego is 3-4 hour depending on traffic
Northstar is a 9 hour drive, but kicks a$$, same with Downieville.
Woodward??? not sure.
Job. I know shop that needs mechanics pretty regularly (Bicycle Bob's) There is also a shop @ UCSB too (A.S. Bikeshop) I've worked for both shops.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Well I'm visiting this summer. I just finished my Jr. year exempt from all my exams and a super high GPA, so you make this place seem amazing... Are their any downsides? Does RM have many members there? Weather? I have not spent alot of time in Cali so this is pretty new to me.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Well I'm visiting this summer. I just finished my Jr. year exempt from all my exams and a super high GPA, so you make this place seem amazing... Are their any downsides? Does RM have many members there? Weather? I have not spent alot of time in Cali so this is pretty new to me.
Dude - why do you think 35 millions people live in Cali? It's Paradise. Get yerself out there! :thumb:


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Downsides: expensive gas, food, rent.
Trails have no built up stunts whatsoever, all natural mate.
All the trails are multi-use, crowded and contentious. The rich f**kers think they own them. Booby traps are bcoming somewhat commonplace.
If you are looking for a smooth, flowing DH trail don't come here, we don't have any. Just rocks and cliffs and switchbacks.
If you don't have a car DHing will be difficult/impossible as none of the trails are close to UCSB and are too steep/long to push up.

The weather? Mediterranean climate. 70's almost year long, 13" rain/yr. It is unf**kingbelievable. We get a thick marine layer (fog) pretty often, but thats nothing to complain about.

pm me when you come to check it out. i can act as a pretty good tourguide. ;)


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Sounds good. I will be comming up later this summer in August or September maybe. I will my have my FJ all souped up, so a car isn't a problem. I will have both my bikes, and hiking isn't a problem for me, since the only trails we have in Amarillo are a 45 minute hike for super steep and rocky trails. Do you have any park or dirtjumps in the area that are taken care of well?

FYI: I'm not choosing this college for the riding only, but for it's reputation, and the area. The riding is a plus, a very big plus.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
There are some DJ's is Ellwood, but water is an issue, they get pretty crumbly.
There's a skatepark bikers get kicked out of regularly.....

If you want to hike up a 3000', 4 mile trail for one run, more power to ya! The hike might be bit longer than 45 minutes ;)

If you have an XC bike there is insane amount of amazing singletrack in the backcountry to tap into, not to mention Ventura County and SLO.


Apr 30, 2007
if you dont want the outrageous prices of SB come to cal poly slo. as good or better riding (if you know where to look) 3 hrs from the bay area and sick single track, hr or so from sb. theres endless amounts of riding in slo. not a bunch of slutty girls in slo compared to sluta barbara where everyone whores themselves out


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911

Santa Barbara City College. You'll still have whack out of state fees, but not UCSB high, You can take care of the lower division req's and transfer to UC.

Seriously pm Lil Dave and talk to him about out of state fees. It might be more trouble than its worth.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
At most schools, state law says that if you are there for 6 or 12 months (depending on state) and not living in a dorm (Ie: you rented an Ept or house), you can gain residency.
Not in Cali. I think its 2-3 years.:twitch:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 12, 2003
Pleasant Hill, CA
1) What do you hope to major in?

2) Everything Zark has said is 100% true.

3) Look up Cal Poly SLO. Both there, and SB have intense trails and tons of cool, fast people to ride with. You won't lose with Boulder either.

I just got back from riding in Fredricksburg.. your "45 minute hike" is nothing compared to the SB mountains. The weather here will make you feel faster though.

Comparing / contrasting SB to SLO (in very very general terms):
- Isla Vista (the college town) has an outstandingly high STD rate.. interperet this however you want.
- SB is one of the richest, most expensive places in the world and is full of rich, beautiful people, driving rich people cars. (CA in general is a little different). SLO-ians in general are a bit more down to earth.
- SB is right on the beach, SLO is about 15 minutes.
- SB get's warmer, but also gets the ocean marine layer. SLO is a little mildier, more consistently sunny, but often cold as hell at night (no marine layer).
- SB has longer trails; SLO seems to have more variety.
- SB has the "college town" that is different than any place in the world I've been. The parties are absolutely rediculous. Yes, you burn couches, you shoot bottle rockets out of your ass, etc. I went there quite a bit while in school at SLO and am sorta glad I didn't live there.
- SLO is a much smaller, quieter town. 1/2 are students, the other half seem to be retired. There are also a lot more "hicks" from the agriculture department. That's what everyone in SB makes fun of SLO for.

Either place you can't lose. If you visit Zark in SB, hit up SLO as well. I can set you up with people to ride with. It's about 1-1/2 hours north.

Interesting comparison of Texas and California:
- California has way more idiots driving lifted trucks. TX has a lot of trucks, but almost all of them were stock. Not what I was expecting. This was my consistent observation driving between Dallas, Austin and Fredricksburg.
- TX is really, really pretty in May.
- You can do a 3 hour road ride in TX and see almost zero cars because of the retarded web of rural highways.
- TX has roads that are just as steep as a lot of CA, but they go straight up the hill and don't last very long. I found this really funny and wish I took a picture. (compared to CA's winding, endless, uphills).
- Texans say "golley" and "yall" (short for you-all). Golley is my new favorite word.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
It's a pretty damn fun city.

Have you considered Santa Cruz? Fun riding, chill norcal atmosphere, and close to resorts (sort of). There are tons of FR/DH trails that, while illegal, leave from an access road on UC property.

If you do go to CO, plan on not riding for a good chunk of the schoolyear. Just snowboard instead, it kicks ass.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Dude, I live here and love it. Just saying your logic is a bit flawed.

For some, hordes of idiots and crappy gov't isn't desirable, but for others, nice weather and fun stuff supercedes all. Just a matter of preferences.