
Christianity, Creationism, and Evolution


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
question for you Christians out there:

is it inconsistent to agree w/ darwin's (et al) theories and be Christian, or do you need to have a strict interpretation of Genesis and believe in creationism?



Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
i believe evolution occurs, at the micro level. just about any biologist would agree on that. now us coming solely from single celled organism....that's a stretch. but even life had to have started somewhere.
This is a tough one...not because I don't have an answer, but because this is not a subject you can just drop some knowledge on and be done with. That being said, to a certain extent, I do not believe that there's a problem with Christians believing in evolution at the micro leve. HOWEVER....believing that a person came from a single-celled organism is obviously a stretch. I just read an article last night from boundless.org that essentially showed that while there IS proof for evolution, the 'proof' for humans evolving over a period of billions of years from ONE cell to a human being is sketchy at best, and that considering the vast number of 'negative' mutations (ones that don't help, or actually hurt, the survival of a species) as opposed to positive ones, for us to have evolved in such a huge way would require that we live extremely-shortened lives (to allow for many more generations in between) with many more humans having existed, to 'have an effect' on evolution.

Here's a link to the article.....


I'm taking all this off the top of my head so it is possible that I'm misquoting or taking things out of context incorrectly...when I get home and can sit on my fat duff and check this all out :) I'll do so.

We need to have a straight up religious board. *LOL* Funny how ALL of these discussions ALWAYS come back to religion in some way.


Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
or you could buy into the X-Files theory. A meteor landed on earth, and we're all alien life form which evolved into ourselves...but that doesn't account for the fact that we're 97% genetically similar to apes or monkey's.


Sep 14, 2001
I personally believe evolution is biggest prank(hoax) pulled off by mankind... It's so full crap, don'ytmake any sense don't have hardly any proof. But evolution in micro level- I personally don't call it evolution but just what god made it to do.



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
aside from debating about the initial "spark of life" (for which there is no good explanation that i've really heard), i think that evolutionary paths are definitely how it happened, and don't have to be mutually exclusive w/ believing in a supreme creator.

for people who are curious about this, any number of Steven J Gould books are highly recommended.

one of the biggest red herrings thrown out about "disproving" evolution is the arguement of how can simple beings still coexist w/ higher developed species (ie, primitive lifeforms, like bacteria, ancient fish like the coelecanth, up to higher primates, etc). the key concept here is to think of evolution as a bush w/ many branches, rather than one contiguous straight line. sometimes the branches don't branch very far, and sometimes they do.
Originally posted by Will_Jekyll

I wouldn't exactly call that a non-biased source.
I did not say this came from a non-biased source. No offense, but I don't know too many scientists out there who are non-biased. But at the very least, the guy is not an idiot, and knows something about the topic of which he speaks. Even Darwin himself admitted that there were not anywhere near the amount of intermediate 'links' that one should expect, if his theory on evolution is true, and Richard Dawkins, an obvious proponent of evolution, states in the article, ""It is as though they (they being fossils and the like, I assume) were just planted there, without any evolutionary history."
So no one here believes that we are descendants from Apes? Or you believe that Adam and Eve were the first "people." I remember when I was in 3rd grade, I turned to Miss Fabac and asked "If Adam and Eve existed, what about cavemen?" I went to Catholic school, mind you....And you know what? She didn't have an answer for me ;)
Originally posted by LeatherFace
So no one here believes that we are descendants from Apes? Or you believe that Adam and Eve were the first "people." I remember when I was in 3rd grade, I turned to Miss Fabac and asked "If Adam and Eve existed, what about cavemen?" I went to Catholic school, mind you....And you know what? She didn't have an answer for me ;)
Well there you go. Proof that evolution is right and creationism is wrong. I guess I'll have to go give up all my beliefs. :D

(I'm obviously kidding.)

I never said (nor will anyone - or they shouldn't, unless they're on crack) that there's 100% proof for both arguments. That's where the whole 'faith' thing comes in. But that's my point...just as much 'faith' is required to 'believe' in evolutionism.
Originally posted by fourgivn1

Well there you go. Proof that evolution is right and creationism is wrong. I guess I'll have to go give up all my beliefs. :D

(I'm obviously kidding.)

I never said (nor will anyone - or they shouldn't, unless they're on crack) that there's 100% proof for both arguments. That's where the whole 'faith' thing comes in. But that's my point...just as much 'faith' is required to 'believe' in evolutionism.
But isnt there physical "proof" of evolution (i.e. fossils, bones, pottery, tools, camps), whereas the only "proof" of creationism is the Bible?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by LeatherFace

But isnt there physical "proof" of evolution (i.e. fossils, bones, pottery, tools, camps), whereas the only "proof" of creationism is the Bible?
My thoughts exactally, so I guess if its written it MUST be true. So I'm going out on a ledge here...........I'm going to write......LeatherFace & Brian HCM#1 are two of the finest people to EVER walk the planet!!!!!

Everyone take note, this is true because its been written.:D
That would really depend upon how you look at it. You're not going to find a plaque anytime soon that says "I, God, created the world, on this date/time/place." :D There's not exactly concrete proof specifically concerning ONLY creation. Creation was/is a one time event...unless someone was on hand with a camera or such, you're not going to find much about it. The absence of proof is arguably just as important as the presence of it.

Keep some things in mind, too. One, I am NOT and never will say evolution is a lie. It's been proved that species/cells and such can evolve, I believe. I don't argue that. But it's almost exclusively on a microscopic scale. It's my thought that if there was as much evolution going on as the theory would suggest, there would be one HELL of a lot more fossils and bones and such, from all the different mutations (good or bad). Two, creation and evolution are not necessarily opposite in all ways. It is obvious that different units of time are used in the Bible, and that at different times, the same unit is used to describe different lengths of time. A good example would be the prophecy of 69 weeks, concerning the future history of the Jews, the inauguration of God's kingdom, etc. , in the book of Daniel. Although it talks about a period of 69 'weeks' it is obvious that the actual time length is not weeks. Some research reveals that the word behind 'week' as used in the Bible is the Hebrew word signifying a heptad, which is used to mean a series or group of 17.

I could go on about that, but my point is that God did not necessarily create the world in 7 days. He's not limited to time, I would have to believe, since he's God. *L* People who think he was/is aren't doing their studying. He could have taken millions/billions of years to do so. This being said, a proponent of evolution can't say "HAH! We've got fossils bazillions of years old, and THAT proves the world isn't only 6000 years old!" People seem to think that since the entire line of people, from Jesus back to Adam, stretches only a few thousand of years, the whole freakin' earth was only created a week before Adam was made. I'm NOT saying evolution is crap...only that while it may have taken place on a much smaller scale, I do not believe at all that humans evolved from one cell.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by fourgivn1
That would really depend upon how you look at it. You're not going to find a plaque anytime soon that says "I, God, created the world, on this date/time/place." :D There's not exactly concrete proof specifically concerning ONLY creation. Creation was/is a one time event...unless someone was on hand with a camera or such, you're not going to find much about it. The absence of proof is arguably just as important as the presence of it.

Keep some things in mind, too. One, I am NOT and never will say evolution is a lie. It's been proved that species/cells and such can evolve, I believe. I don't argue that. But it's almost exclusively on a microscopic scale. It's my thought that if there was as much evolution going on as the theory would suggest, there would be one HELL of a lot more fossils and bones and such, from all the different mutations (good or bad). Two, creation and evolution are not necessarily opposite in all ways. It is obvious that different units of time are used in the Bible, and that at different times, the same unit is used to describe different lengths of time. A good example would be the prophecy of 69 weeks, concerning the future history of the Jews, the inauguration of God's kingdom, etc. , in the book of Daniel. Although it talks about a period of 69 'weeks' it is obvious that the actual time length is not weeks. Some research reveals that the word behind 'week' as used in the Bible is the Hebrew word signifying a heptad, which is used to mean a series or group of 17.

I could go on about that, but my point is that God did not necessarily create the world in 7 days. He's not limited to time, I would have to believe, since he's God. *L* People who think he was/is aren't doing their studying. He could have taken millions/billions of years to do so. This being said, a proponent of evolution can't say "HAH! We've got fossils bazillions of years old, and THAT proves the world isn't only 6000 years old!" People seem to think that since the entire line of people, from Jesus back to Adam, stretches only a few thousand of years, the whole freakin' earth was only created a week before Adam was made. I'm NOT saying evolution is crap...only that while it may have taken place on a much smaller scale, I do not believe at all that humans evolved from one cell.
What I think the point is, there is more proof in evolution than what has been written. How did humans come to earth? Was it a abra kadabra *poof* there was man? Then if there was one Adam & Eve, how do you explain different races? Then if were only Adam & Eve that started the whole thing and they reproduce thats incest. Maybe thats were all the Jerry Springer guests are from...............Inbread:eek:


Sponsor Whore
Feb 9, 2002
here and there, sometimes
A couple issues I wanted to chime in on. Fourgiven's right, creation and evolution are not necessarily extreme opposites, and both require faith, and (if we care) due diligence to find out the truth for ourselves.

Now, one person chimed in about how evidence for evolution was more physical or concrete, and creation is only in the Bible, thus not substantiated. This is true, but only as long as a person assumes the Bible is unsubstantiated. What in my opinion a person owes it to themselves (again, if they care about issues like this) is to go about providing evidence that supports the truths that are spoken of in the Bible.

Example, if at some point in the Bible it states that the world went dark in the middle of the day on a given day, and an astronomer somewhere else from where the Bible was written writes about the very same event, that is evidence of it actually happening. There is other types of evidence too, based around circumstances. For instance (and this may seem off the topic but just stay with me here) there is no need to argue about IF the tomb of Jesus was empty. The Jews were the ones that wanted to show that the resurrection never occurred, but rather than saying "hey, wait a minute, he's still right there, rotting away" they said, "hey, you silly apostles, you stole the dude! Yeah, that's it!" So now it is just a question of the motivation of the apostles to due such a thing, rather than an issue of if it was empty at all, but this of course is another issue.

In sum, it is ignorant of us (I know because I used to be like this) to assume that the Bible is not substantiated by facts, history, documents, etc. When the research is done, one will find that it is one of the most backed up documenst ever written in classical literature. Basically, if we can show that everything else in the Bible has evidence for it, and there are no false claims that can be proven (discrediting all that the Bible claims), then we have no reason not to at least put our faith in the fact that the Bible is correct on its claims of Creationism.
Originally posted by SVEN

Now, one person chimed in about how evidence for evolution was more physical or concrete, and creation is only in the Bible, thus not substantiated. This is true, but only as long as a person assumes the Bible is unsubstantiated. What in my opinion a person owes it to themselves (again, if they care about issues like this) is to go about providing evidence that supports the truths that are spoken of in the Bible.

Example, if at some point in the Bible it states that the world went dark in the middle of the day on a given day, and an astronomer somewhere else from where the Bible was written writes about the very same event, that is evidence of it actually happening. There is other types of evidence too, based around circumstances. For instance (and this may seem off the topic but just stay with me here) there is no need to argue about IF the tomb of Jesus was empty. The Jews were the ones that wanted to show that the resurrection never occurred, but rather than saying "hey, wait a minute, he's still right there, rotting away" they said, "hey, you silly apostles, you stole the dude! Yeah, that's it!" So now it is just a question of the motivation of the apostles to due such a thing, rather than an issue of if it was empty at all, but this of course is another issue.

In sum, it is ignorant of us (I know because I used to be like this) to assume that the Bible is not substantiated by facts, history, documents, etc. When the research is done, one will find that it is one of the most backed up documenst ever written in classical literature. Basically, if we can show that everything else in the Bible has evidence for it, and there are no false claims that can be proven (discrediting all that the Bible claims), then we have no reason to at least put our faith in the fact that the Bible is correct on its claims of Creationism.
Thanks *L* I could NOT find the words for that, for some reason; thankfully someone else did. But last week was a LONG week for me. I would like to clarify 2 things though. First, if I'm not mistaken, the Bible is THE most backed up documents ever written in classical literature. I think Plato comes in at a distant 2nd with like 600 original manuscripts (to the Bible's 24000 or so). I could be wrong; Josh McDowell wrote the exact numbers in his books.

Second, I think you sort of misspoke. You put "if we can show......then we have no reason to at least put our faith...." and so on. I think you forgot the 'not.' :) That totally changes the meaning of the sentence. *LOL*

Zonic Man

Originally posted by narlus

is it inconsistent to agree w/ darwin's (et al) theories and be Christian, or do you need to have a strict interpretation of Genesis and believe in creationism?
You'd have to be a complete dil to NOT believe in evolution.

For some reason or another, people have lost all semblance of what a "metaphor" is......


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Zonic Man
You'd have to be a complete dil to NOT believe in evolution.

For some reason or another, people have lost all semblance of what a "metaphor" is......
It's because they capitalize incorrectly. :eek: :D

You Christians above who are trying to justify your faith by "proving" that the Bible is not all made up (by verifying facts) seem to be misguided. Matters of faith are just that. Furthermore, I believe it is impossible for a rational human being to accept everything in the Bible as being true at face value -- but anything I say won't convince you, so I won't waste my breath, er, hand strength.


Sponsor Whore
Feb 9, 2002
here and there, sometimes
Originally posted by fourgivn1

Thanks *L* I could NOT find the words for that, for some reason; thankfully someone else did. But last week was a LONG week for me. I would like to clarify 2 things though. First, if I'm not mistaken, the Bible is THE most backed up documents ever written in classical literature. I think Plato comes in at a distant 2nd with like 600 original manuscripts (to the Bible's 24000 or so). I could be wrong; Josh McDowell wrote the exact numbers in his books.

Second, I think you sort of misspoke. You put "if we can show......then we have no reason to at least put our faith...." and so on. I think you forgot the 'not.' :) That totally changes the meaning of the sentence. *LOL*

Thanks, i edited it. And its not plato, its Homer's Illiad in a distant second.
Originally posted by Toshi

It's because they capitalize incorrectly. :eek: :D

You Christians above who are trying to justify your faith by "proving" that the Bible is not all made up (by verifying facts) seem to be misguided. Matters of faith are just that. Furthermore, I believe it is impossible for a rational human being to accept everything in the Bible as being true at face value -- but anything I say won't convince you, so I won't waste my breath, er, hand strength.
Gee, we Christians have this same problem when speaking to people about our beliefs/faith who are unwilling to listen (wasting our breath). :p

I'm confused here. It's okay to use concrete, physical proof for evolution (EVEN though - just like Christianity - there is not 100% proof for evolution; I think it's safe to say that belief in evolution requires faith as well). But when I try to back up my faith in Christ/the validity of the Bible/etc. with facts, I'm misguided, because this is only a 'matter of faith?' How else would a 'rational' human being 'rationalize' his belief in Christ? (Although most people just assume we Christians are irrational simply due to what we believe anyways.) I'm dead sure that there could be 100% proof of EVERYTHING in the Bible, and people would STILL refuse to believe it. It's almost like as long as there is NOT 100% proof (and there will NEVER be - until the end), people will shake their heads at how 'misguided' we silly Christians our.....despite the mountains of physical, concrete, hard evidence.

And NO I'm not going to list it all. *L* I don't have that much time on my hands. :D


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Everything else aside, there is nothing that would prove the Resurrection to me. A missing corpse and some stories do not constitute proof. Furthermore, I believe my skepticism is justified (and with two Catholic parents and 4 years of Jesuits at the blackboard the alternative view has been presented many times), so perhaps you are wasting your breath. Of course, in the sense that my skepticism and denial is based on measured thought of my own rather than pigheaded stubborness as you seem to imply, you are incorrect.

Just in case it's unclear from the above, the veracity of the Bible in its incidental facts does not validate the entire work, imo. It just proves that it was written in the period that it claims to have been written, and that the authors did not fabricate historical events.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by Toshi
Everything else aside, there is nothing that would prove the Resurrection to me. A missing corpse and some stories do not constitute proof. Furthermore, I believe my skepticism is justified (and with two Catholic parents and 4 years of Jesuits at the blackboard the alternative view has been presented many times), so perhaps you are wasting your breath. Of course, in the sense that my skepticism and denial is based on measured thought of my own rather than pigheaded stubborness as you seem to imply, you are incorrect.

Just in case it's unclear from the above, the veracity of the Bible in its incidental facts does not validate the entire work, imo. It just proves that it was written in the period that it claims to have been written, and that the authors did not fabricate historical events.
hmm...I'm beginning to really like Toshi!


Sponsor Whore
Feb 9, 2002
here and there, sometimes
Originally posted by Toshi
Everything else aside, there is nothing that would prove the Resurrection to me. A missing corpse and some stories do not constitute proof. Furthermore, I believe my skepticism is justified (and with two Catholic parents and 4 years of Jesuits at the blackboard the alternative view has been presented many times), so perhaps you are wasting your breath. Of course, in the sense that my skepticism and denial is based on measured thought of my own rather than pigheaded stubborness as you seem to imply, you are incorrect.

Just in case it's unclear from the above, the veracity of the Bible in its incidental facts does not validate the entire work, imo. It just proves that it was written in the period that it claims to have been written, and that the authors did not fabricate historical events.

Ouch! remind me to allow you to sit on a jury where my life is on the line. Furthermore, from my post, what makes you assume I am a Christian. In my original post I was simply pointing out how there can be ignorance on both sides of this issue. I never waste my breath on anyone, I really have no concern of your eternal condition. You know the sides, you've made your decision, fair enough. If I am to believe the Bible, it clearly states that many people will not believe.:nope: All other issues aside though, from your posts it is very evident that, despite your schooling which obviously exceeds many, you have never spent the time to delve into the validity of the Bible. But as long as you are confident in your "measured thought" (I loved that line) than I am pleased as well. I'm Air Sven, and I'm out.
I feel there is a difference between actual physical proof i.e. bones of our ancestors that date back hundreds of thousands of years than words written on a piece of paper. I don't know, call me a "doubting Thomas" ;) but there hasn't been any "proof" out there that I have seen that could substatiate anything that has been written in the Bible, other than these people lived during that time. Example: the plagues of Egypt. The Egyptians were probably the most thorough civilization when it came to recording events, and yet no where is it written that these horrible plagues happened. Don't you think if the son of the Pharoh died, it would be recorded SOMEWHERE? And Toshi is right about the Resurrection--that is the basis of all Christianity. How do you "prove" that one?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001

I actually was responding to fourgivn1's "wasting your breath" comment. You are right about my not having delved into the validity of the Bible, tho; maybe later in life I'll have the time and inclination to do so. As for now, I'm still young and arrogant ;) enough to hold my current beliefs.
Originally posted by Toshi
Everything else aside, there is nothing that would prove the Resurrection to me. A missing corpse and some stories do not constitute proof. Furthermore, I believe my skepticism is justified (and with two Catholic parents and 4 years of Jesuits at the blackboard the alternative view has been presented many times), so perhaps you are wasting your breath. Of course, in the sense that my skepticism and denial is based on measured thought of my own rather than pigheaded stubborness as you seem to imply, you are incorrect.

Just in case it's unclear from the above, the veracity of the Bible in its incidental facts does not validate the entire work, imo. It just proves that it was written in the period that it claims to have been written, and that the authors did not fabricate historical events.
This is sort of my point. One, I don't recall saying a missing corpse and some stories constituted proof. By proof I do not mean stories. I mean proof that would be admissible in any court of law. Two, I also do not recall saying "There could be100% proof and TOSHI would not believe." This is why I used the word 'people.' Every DAY I encounter people who automatically throw up a wall to anything I say, once they learn what I believe, and no amount of 'proof' will do anything to tear that wall down.

Three, if incidental facts, when put together, do not prove the overall validity of the Bible (or, put another way, considering there's not 100% proof and never will be, if the amount of evidence proving people in the Bible existed, that the events occurred, etc. does not contribute to the overall validity of the Bible) then what would they prove? ONLY those events/people that they pertain to? If I'm not mistaken, courts take evidence, weigh it, and make a decision based upon that evidence, and if they do not have 100% proof, then the amount of evidence they do have is used to validate the overall story (or not) of the person on trial.

As you have said previously, anything I say won't convince you, so I won't waste any more hand strength. (On the keyboard, that is. *LOL*) Wait, that sounded bad. Ah, never mind....:p
Originally posted by LeatherFace
I feel there is a difference between actual physical proof i.e. bones of our ancestors that date back hundreds of thousands of years than words written on a piece of paper. I don't know, call me a "doubting Thomas" ;) but there hasn't been any "proof" out there that I have seen that could substatiate anything that has been written in the Bible, other than these people lived during that time. Example: the plagues of Egypt. The Egyptians were probably the most thorough civilization when it came to recording events, and yet no where is it written that these horrible plagues happened. Don't you think if the son of the Pharoh died, it would be recorded SOMEWHERE? And Toshi is right about the Resurrection--that is the basis of all Christianity. How do you "prove" that one?
I do not say this to be rude or mean at all, but have you really sat down and done any research as far as finds that have substantiated stories/people in the Bible? Again, I do not say this to be rude; I say it because I'm ALWAYS hearing about this find or that find that validates a person/place/event in the Bible. There are so many archaeological finds that have validated a particular person/place/thing in the Bible, and not one of them has contradicted anything the Bible says. Yet I keep hearing this. (I say again, please don't take this wrong. *L*)

A perfect example is David. For THE longest time, non-Christian scholars kept asking 'Where is proof that David was not a figment of someone's imagination, or a fairy tale?' and sort of used that as one of the many examples of how we couldn't really find proof to substantiate anything in the Bible. (And yes, there IS plenty of concrete proof.) Christian scholars were getting tired of being asked how come there wasn't anything found mentioning David, one of the most famous 'characters' in the Bible.

About 6 months ago I read about an archaeological find that contained, among other things, references to David/David's kingdom, etc. (I'd have to go look it up to find exactly what it referred to.)

This is just one example. If you really do want to get an idea of what kind of proof is out there, again, go read Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell. Yes, he may be Christian, but before that, he was atheistic, and all of the information contained within was found during his research. It is NOT light reading..it's set up in outline form.

OK, so I lied...it wasn't my last post. *L* I guess I will revise my statement in the reply to Toshi's post, and say it was my last post intended to convince anyone about the validity of the Bible. This post wasn't really pertaining to that...more to convincing that there is, in fact, evidence supporting the Bible...not actually trying to convince anyone of the actual validity itself.


Sponsor Whore
Feb 9, 2002
here and there, sometimes
Originally posted by LeatherFace
I feel there is a difference between actual physical proof i.e. bones of our ancestors that date back hundreds of thousands of years than words written on a piece of paper. I don't know, call me a "doubting Thomas" ;) but there hasn't been any "proof" out there that I have seen that could substatiate anything that has been written in the Bible, other than these people lived during that time. Example: the plagues of Egypt. The Egyptians were probably the most thorough civilization when it came to recording events, and yet no where is it written that these horrible plagues happened. Don't you think if the son of the Pharoh died, it would be recorded SOMEWHERE? And Toshi is right about the Resurrection--that is the basis of all Christianity. How do you "prove" that one?
OK, first off, better make sure that your dating methods are correct if you want to base your decisions about eternity on them. That's all I'm gonna say of this issue, because the ignorance on this issue is so deep and cavernous, even Air Sven wouldn't attempt to jump that gap. But, if you believe everything you were taught in school no matter what, then don't bother pursuing this issue at all. Second, you made a very safe statement when you said "there hasen't been any proof out there THAT I HAVE SEEN that could substantiate." Obviously you haven't seen the evidence, because if had done so you would have never made such a bold and ignorant remark. In my own life, I figured I owed to myself to find out about these types of issues, WEIGH THE EVIDENCE, and make a decision on them, knowing that there was a lot of information I wasn't given at school. I really don't care what decision you make (still working on loving and caring about others spiritual well-being) but I find it odd that anyone could make a decision on something they have not weighed the evidence for. Its like missing half of a trial and still sitting on the jury and attempting to make a decision. The Judge wouldn't have it. You make a couple of other staemenst i could expound on, like the "Bones of our ancestors", (that was cute), But I'd only like to answer the question at the end "How do you prove that one?" Well, simple, haven't you ever sat on a jury? There are two types of evidence you use, Legal, and Historical. You can also use a small amount of physical evidence, but nothing that really clinches the deal. On that note, what forms of evidence do you think you would use to prove Evolution? Obviously you feel physical evidence is one, are there any others? Are you confident with the physical evidence, or lack thereof, for evolution to base such a weighty decision around? What pieces of evidence have helped you make that decision?


Sponsor Whore
Feb 9, 2002
here and there, sometimes
Originally posted by Toshi

I actually was responding to fourgivn1's "wasting your breath" comment. You are right about my not having delved into the validity of the Bible, tho; maybe later in life I'll have the time and inclination to do so. As for now, I'm still young and arrogant ;) enough to hold my current beliefs.
thank you for your honesty, you may now be seated. I will not hold your current beliefs against you, unless you think I'm a lousy rider, then I get offended.
Originally posted by fourgivn1

I do not say this to be rude or mean at all, but have you really sat down and done any research as far as finds that have substantiated stories/people in the Bible? Again, I do not say this to be rude; I say it because I'm ALWAYS hearing about this find or that find that validates a person/place/event in the Bible. There are so many archaeological finds that have validated a particular person/place/thing in the Bible, and not one of them has contradicted anything the Bible says. Yet I keep hearing this. (I say again, please don't take this wrong. *L*)

A perfect example is David. For THE longest time, non-Christian scholars kept asking 'Where is proof that David was not a figment of someone's imagination, or a fairy tale?' and sort of used that as one of the many examples of how we couldn't really find proof to substantiate anything in the Bible. (And yes, there IS plenty of concrete proof.) Christian scholars were getting tired of being asked how come there wasn't anything found mentioning David, one of the most famous 'characters' in the Bible.

About 6 months ago I read about an archaeological find that contained, among other things, references to David/David's kingdom, etc. (I'd have to go look it up to find exactly what it referred to.)

This is just one example. If you really do want to get an idea of what kind of proof is out there, again, go read Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell. Yes, he may be Christian, but before that, he was atheistic, and all of the information contained within was found during his research. It is NOT light reading..it's set up in outline form.

OK, so I lied...it wasn't my last post. *L* I guess I will revise my statement in the reply to Toshi's post, and say it was my last post intended to convince anyone about the validity of the Bible. This post wasn't really pertaining to that...more to convincing that there is, in fact, evidence supporting the Bible...not actually trying to convince anyone of the actual validity itself.
Actually, I know a lot about the Bible. I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for 12 years which meant Mass twice a week and religion class every school year. I am baptised and confirmed (my confirmation name is Anastasia :p ) and have done the sacrament of reconciliation and communion more times than I can count. I have read the Bible extensively, and have taken it both literally and figuratively. When I was raised with religion, I believed everything that was written about God, Jesus, and everything else that happened in the Bible. I reiterate: I BELIEVED IT ALL. But as I grew older and had more questions that my religious mentors could not answer, that is when I stopped going to communion, doing reconciliation, etc because I felt like I was lying if I went through the motions.

That said...I don't feel that an archaeological fing validates a "story" in the Bible. I am not denying that David or Jesus or whomever existed, I'm just saying that the whole basis of Christianity is centered upon what these people said, passed on by oral traditon until it was finally written down, and I think too much importance is placed on words on a page. That is where the proof is lacking for me. What other proof do we have of the lives and times of the people in the Bible other than what has been WRITTEN about them? How do we know that is what they really did, what they really said?

And I have done my own research regarding the Bible, particularly because it supposedly "condemns" my lifestyle, so I'm not just some joe-blow who doesn't have any background info about the Bible. The difference is now instead of taking it literally, like I did for 18 years of my life, I look at it as a work of fiction.
Originally posted by SVEN

On that note, what forms of evidence do you think you would use to prove Evolution? Obviously you feel physical evidence is one, are there any others? Are you confident with the physical evidence, or lack thereof, for evolution to base such a weighty decision around? What pieces of evidence have helped you make that decision?
At its most basic, evolution refers to the change in the gene pool of a population over time or descent with modification. Evolution is also frequently used to refer to common descent, the idea that all living beings are descended from a common ancestor. This is sometimes called the general theory of evolution. In addition, evolution can also refer to the theories about the mechanisms of change, that is the mechanisms by which change in populations of living organisms take place. If all living creatures must have a living parent, if living creatures are different, and if simpler forms were around before the more complex forms, then the more complex forms must have come from the simpler forms (e.g., vertebrates from invertebrates). There is simply no other way of dealing reasonably with the evidence we have.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by SVEN
There are two types of evidence you use, Legal, and Historical. You can also use a small amount of physical evidence, but nothing that really clinches the deal.
Doesn't that really depend on the type of trial? In a criminal trial, such as a murder case, I was under the impression that physical evidence is the single most important component of the case. Especially now that we have reliable DNA testing methods.

Come to think of it, forensics, evolutionary biology, and archeology are all very similar in practice.