
Broken Seat = Need For A Seat That Wont Put Me In The Hospital Again


May 1, 2007
Carnation/Spokane, WA, USA
I need a new seat. Does anyone know of any seats that have a unique rail system (other than ibeam)? Maybe something where the rails curl in at the ends/loop together to protect the rider in case the rails break away from the seat?

If I can't find anything I think is suitable, I will be looking at the Chromag Overture or Trailmaster DT. I ride mostly FR/SS stuff, but also do DJs and AM rides on my Transition Bottlerocket, so I need an appropriate seat.

Background info:
Within the last year and a half, I have broken two seats from hard landings on them (no feet, just seat landings), and both times I had to go to the hospital. One of the seats nearly killed me, and both nearly caused permanent damage to my man parts. After 25 staples, 14+ stitches, 3 months on blood thinners, cardiovascular surgery in my leg, and over $100k in medical bills (thank god for good insurance), I am ready for a seat that wont break on me.

On my Bontrager seat, the rails ripped through the leather top and impaled me. My transition seat simply had a rail pop out when the rails bent (a much more desirable mode of failure imho) that cut me.
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Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
damn. Sounds more like you need new pedals and shoes than a new seat?

Why not rock an ibeam if you keep getting stabbed by rails?


May 1, 2007
Carnation/Spokane, WA, USA
I missed my pedals on no footed tricks - trust me, shoes and pedals are not part of the problem :thumb:

I am not really a fan of the ibeam seats. A friend had one and either was always slipping or creaking. But I will look into it again - it couldn't hurt....


Jun 16, 2009
Rochester, NY
i was watching pro qualifying last year at whiteface and i saw my buddy alex m. go by without a seat so he must have crashed and broke it off. and he kept going to the finish! good on ya mate! maybe i'm an old man now but that takes balls. i turned to my brother and was like..."if my seat comes off...i'm stopping. f*ck that." but you know what...in the middle of a run, you never know...you really stop thinking.

get a bmx seat! like an old primo hemorrhoid!
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Sep 28, 2004
My buddy broke an I-beam seat, and tore his nutsack open.

My suggestion, get a DJ seat with burly rails and a welded brace. The brace makes it way harder to bend rails, and makes it really hard to pop out of the plastic.

My other suggestion is put your seat down more, so if you miss pedals, your feet hit the ground before your balls hit the seat.

Last suggestion is keep your feet on the pedals
My buddy broke an I-beam seat, and tore his nutsack open.

My suggestion, get a DJ seat with burly rails and a welded brace. The brace makes it way harder to bend rails, and makes it really hard to pop out of the plastic.

My other suggestion is put your seat down more, so if you miss pedals, your feet hit the ground before your balls hit the seat.

Last suggestion is keep your feet on the pedals

For some reason i like I-Beam but twice on wild landings i hit the seat so hard the seats broke off and came really close to impaling my manliness:eek:
A stout DJ seat is not going to do that


Jan 25, 2009
Somewhere in KANURDUR
The new i beams (with the aluminum insert running down the bottom of the beam) are looking really good they have also added a cut out to allow the seat to flex so that they are less prone to cracking. Otherwise you have to run a brick as a saddle.


May 1, 2007
Carnation/Spokane, WA, USA
I think you should pick up some clipless pedals instead of a new seat.
Thats exactly what I wont do. That brings about a whole new set of problems when riding DH, FR, SS, and DJ. All of my rides tend to incorporate most styles of riding all in one place, and clips are a bad idea for that.

And besides, buying new pedals to replace my straitlines wont exactly fix my problems of STILL HAVING A BROKEN SEAT. The purpose of this thread was to see if anyone knew about other seat options, not to throw in irrelevant advice (I made the mistake of asking the pinkbike forums earlier - I should have known better haha).


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Thats exactly what I wont do. That brings about a whole new set of problems when riding DH, FR, SS, and DJ. All of my rides tend to incorporate most styles of riding all in one place, and clips are a bad idea for that.

I know, I was j/k. Wish I had something better to add but I've never punctured my sh1t with a seat [knocks loudly on wood].


May 1, 2007
Carnation/Spokane, WA, USA
I know, I was j/k. Wish I had something better to add but I've never punctured my sh1t with a seat [knocks loudly on wood].
I sure hope you never do! I knocked on wood for you too :thumb:
I have never been injured in my ~6 years of dh and freeriding except for these two instances, aside from the typical scrapes and bruises (...still knocking on wood).


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
I don't think buying the most expensive seat in the world will save you from the hospital. The solution is to not crash anymore. But, I wouldn't hold it against you if you walked into a shop and told the extra interested employees exactly how you crashed and now you are looking for a crash proof seat. Their suggestion: "We will have to order you a brooks saddle. If you don't have a brooks, then that is probably why you are crashing all the time. Please, just give us your debit card and we will make the physical pain as well as the mental pain of thinking logically go away forever."


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
I missed my pedals on no footed tricks - trust me, shoes and pedals are not part of the problem :thumb:

I am not really a fan of the ibeam seats. A friend had one and either was always slipping or creaking. But I will look into it again - it couldn't hurt....
At least not as much as an 8mm metal rod being shoved into your groin. Repeatedly apparently. :eek:

Have you tried any of those old Azonic seats whith uber-pading?
Love-seat; big drop etc.
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fork ways
Jul 31, 2007
hhuuuuuuh. I have a bontrager seat. I always think of it as pretty hardy....now I'm a bit freaked out, maybe I should go look at different seats.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
How long are the seats your breaking, if you get a shorter (nose to tail) seat there will be less leverage when you crash, maybe they wont break?

Few ideas for you.

1. Odyssey junior-super small, doubt you could get the leverage to break it, i have run 1 for a long time, good seat, downsides. its SUPER tiny, palm of your hand tiny.

2. azonic loveseat-bombproof, doubt you will break it, plus it looks super comfy

3. pivotal-never had 1, but the bmx'rs love them!


May 29, 2008
pivotal bmx seat... I've personally never seen one broken. No chance of breaking unless you snap the massive bolt in it.
how long are the seats your breaking, if you get a shorter (nose to tail) seat there will be less leverage when you crash, maybe they wont break?

Few ideas for you.

1. Odyssey junior-super small, doubt you could get the leverage to break it, i have run 1 for a long time, good seat, downsides. Its super tiny, palm of your hand tiny.

2. Azonic loveseat-bombproof, doubt you will break it, plus it looks super comfy

3. Pivotal-never had 1, but the bmx'rs love them!
2 and 3 in that order!!!


May 1, 2007
Carnation/Spokane, WA, USA
hhuuuuuuh. I have a bontrager seat. I always think of it as pretty hardy....now I'm a bit freaked out, maybe I should go look at different seats.
Yeah, I will never run one of those EVER again and none of my friends want anything to do with them either. Here are the pics of what happened to it and me (first accident): http://klopp.pinkbike.com/album/OUCH/

I will definitely look into pivotals too - I always seem to forget about those. And that azonic seat is an absolute beast! Its like a couch on a bike - I'm not THAT lazy yet.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Just throwin it out there- back in the hucks to flat days, I tried a pivotal seat, and hit hard enough off the back of the seat to strip out the teeth in it causing the front of the seat to swing upwards and bash me in my nuts, kinda like a big ol nut bashing trebuchet. Probably better then getting a piece of seat rail shishkabobing your balls, but still not that great.


Jun 14, 2003
renton, WA
hey man hope your healing up quick from the last wreck,

My vote goes to the Pivotal, I have had issues with seats but luckuly I just snap them. Using a braced BMX seat is an option, or run with the seat all the way forward on the post.



Apr 24, 2005
If you are hitting the seat that hard a pivotal isn't going to help. Unless they are making them stronger...they are just plastic and will break. Or on top of that the splines can and will slip and strip in return moving the seat. There is no easy way to solve your problem besides not doing said tricks or getting them dialed on foam first. I would step back and take a look at your riding. Sounds like you go hard, parts aren't necessarily going to be up to taking such hits. Plus if the seat doesn't break under such stress the results may be just as bad.



May 8, 2010
Here's images he's linking to:

Dude that's frigging scary. I would take up another hobby...like knitting or something


Sep 19, 2010
Did one of those incidents happen at Duthie? I heard about something similar.

Now I want a strong seat too. I don't do no-footers (on purpose) but **** happens...


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
I ordered a 30.9mm Pivotal post and saddle for my frame after checking the Nicolai site for post dia, my frame is 29.8mm and I can't find a Pivotal post to fit.

I have killed a couple of Selle Italia saddles and a couple of Velo's on two I snapped the rails but never had them take revenge on my nuts, I'm so glad I don't need insurance to pay for incidents like that.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
KORE had a metal I-beam saddle for a while. That might reduce creaking/cracking....sure looked cool in anno colors too.

Also, you may want to consider buying a higher quality seat, or even an FR specific one. It might be simply that your cheap-ass saddles were the problem, and not the 100 year old rail system. I can certainly understand your plight, so go with what makes you feel safe.

Big J

Jul 18, 2005
During my time as an intermediate DH'r I ended up in Immediate Care twice for puncture wounds due to seats separating from the rails during crashes.

After the 2nd set of stitches, dangerously close to my junk, I switched to SDG I-beam and haven't had an issue since. Also, learning to ride much smoother and faster while in a more neutral position has kept me from slamming in to the back of seat during crashes.

This is just my experience while learning to race DH........



PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
If you want the strongest seat around, you can go old school to the over-built bmx days. It's heavy, but it actually still looks good- Primo Hemerrhoid. NOS should be available if you look around. You could even get them with a kevlar top, if I remember right.
Oversized rails, so you'll have to find a post that works, or an older bmx post shimmed to fit your frame (what I would do).
Sure it's heavy, but if you want burly (and not too ugly) here you go:



PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Looks like there's some on ebay, also the primo pentagon, but I never liked it as much since it's kind of big. But if you're into being able to pinch the seat for no hand tricks, the pentagon may be the way to go.