


Jul 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
I'm buying some brakes soon for a bullit that i'm building up. and i need some help. I was going to get some of the new Hayes HFX-9 HD (off of Jensonusa), but i just looked at a few reviews on mtbr (http://www.mtbreview.com/reviews/disc_brake_system/product_122104.shtml) and alot of people seem to be having problems with them.

Now i'm a little hesitant about getting these, because everyone seems to be having alot of the same problems. I don't really want to spend more than $100 each, so should i take my chances with these and hope that they won't break on me...or should i get Avid mechanicals?

what do you guys think?


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
I would go with Avid mechanicals if you can't afford to get Hayes Mags....or :shameless plug:you could wait and I will have a set of Hope Mini's w/ 185 rotors($250)for sale in about a week;):/shameless plug:


Apr 22, 2003
Don't call it a come back
I run Hayes nines on the Bullit. So far so good only lever adjusting for every ride. Lots of power on 8" rotors.

The Avids on my XC bike are flawless. Change the pads to EBC Red for near perfection. Near cause the Red pads wear fast. 6" rotor has plenty of power. 8" must be insane. No failures ever , never left me stranded. Same as Hayes must set the lever with the pad dials every ride.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I think that, for the most part, the issues were the fault of the installer. The first time I installed a pair of HFX 9's I was annoyed (I have worked on almist every kind of disc ever made). I went at it like they were a set of Mag's. Once I READ THE OWNERS MANUAL, they were easy to work with (I actually had Scott Boyd from Hayes explain it to me at Snowshoe. It only took about 30 second for him to explain the differences). They have the same adjustment as the Mag's do. And as far as the kid with the bent lever and rotor goes, to him I say "Soft dirt my ass!". The HFX 9 lever material is deffinately harder/heavier than the Mag lever blade material. And the rotors are all the same.
I have done full bleeds on them and a fair amount of other work, including the installation of new hardware when I shortened the lines. They came stock on my gf's SGS Pro. The bike has 5 weekends of racing/riding on it, including 2 nationals. As soon as I got the info on how to work on them, they were just as easy as any other Hayes.
I am just as guilty as many of the people on MTBR for rushing into things with the HFX 9's. Its too easy to do. They work slightly differently. Its enough to give you a major headache if you don't know exactly what to do, or if you spend 5 minutes with the owners manual, you should be fine.
One thing that I hate about on-line product reviews is that they tend to attract the people who are pissed off about a product. People who are pissed off or frusterated seem to be much more likely to want to share their feelings with the world.

Other people have commented on Avid mechs. They work well, but for long-term durability and consistent performance, you can't beat hydro.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I have HFX 9 HDs that came on my KHS FR 1500, which I then put on my Trail bike HT. I've had them over a year, and have never bled them. My rear is starting to feel like it needs to be bled, but besides that, I have had zero problems with them. The only reason I didnt put them on my new DH/FR rig is because the front hose wasnt long enough because it had been pre cut for the other bike. So I picked up a set of HFX comps for it


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Perhaps they fixed this issue on the newest HFX-9s, but the ones I've seen had a friction-fit master cylinder plug, leading them to all take a dump at one point or another. Some people rode theirs with duct tape on them to keep the plug in. I realize lower price=shortcuts, but that's a pretty inexcusable design flaw on a brake at any pricepoint.

I liked my Avids; you have to learn to actually de-tune them from full power so they don't come on too strong, but mine stopped holding an adjustment after a few months of hard riding (the pad adjusters just backed off as you rode), and one of the red adjuster knobs shook loose (the inside one...it sure wasn't sheared off by any sort of impact...). The pad adjustment problem happened to another friend of mine (Darryl), so it's not totally unique.

Edit: If I was looking for cheap brakes, I'd try to hunt out some Shimano Deores if a 6" rotor fit my application...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I've not had any significant problems with my Avids in over a year. Far fewer problems than people seem to be having with their hayes or hopes for that matter. Maybe I don't ride as much as other people here and on other boards but for the amount of riding I do Avid's are more than adequate. For the price I just couldn't justify buying anything else.

Of course you'll find lovers and haters of any product so just jump in and hope you'll get lucky with something that doesn't cause you problems.


Oct 17, 2001
Boston, MA
I've seen Shimano XT 4 pots for $99 an end somewhere. Can't remember where though. I know it included lines as well.

[shameless plug]I'll sell my Hayes mags (G1 calipers) with RazorRock levers for $200. PM me if interested.[/shameless plug]


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
i have owned both, i ran HFX9 last year in my norco rampage. i have happy with them they provied good power aswell as being able to control it, will i could, i didn't have much problem with the socalled "on/off" feel. i also rode onely one finger(not uncommon). the levers/lever body are pretty tough and hit mally trees with'em and where ok. but you should tape the little (stupid) bleed cap onto you lever.

the reason i didn't go back to them was, i did want try try something new (everyone and their dogs run hayes). but i did have problem with my hose ripping, not a big problem, but for some reaon it took forever to order new ones, probably my boss gorgot to order or something dumb like that. i just wanted the most idiot proof brake i could get. and i wanted to be able spin my bars more and not be out 40buck when my cable fails.

as for my mechanical, they sucked and scared me the first time i tryed them (granted it was the first time i used these brakes and bike, it was all new to me) and i had power somewhat and crashed so first try with them was... blah(did i make a mistake and wait a bunch of money???!!???) NO! now they work awsomely! just as powerfu as my hayse simlar feelas far as modulation and lock up power. they feel great i never feel like i'm out of brakeing power. i'm happy!

if you do get shimano deore hydro brakes replace the rotor, it help with the brake fade.


Jul 27, 2003
Asheville, NC
i'm leaning toward the Hayes hydro's right now, but i'm still a little unsure...

i will make sure that whatever brake that i'm gonna get is set up exactly the way it's supposed to be, so messing up the hydro's that way is not a problem. haha, and having the cable fail because of spinning the bars won't be a problen either cuz i'll have a super t on the bullit...


Jun 26, 2004
Seattle, WA
9's came stock on my sgs pro and I too had all the same problems as the people who reviewed it on that link u posted. They were very difficult to get dialed in. Disc drag from day one. I spent HOURS trying to adjust them myself and even incorporated the help of my LBS who finally convinced me to just bite the bullet and buy mags= Problems solved. I'd say get AVID mech's or spend the extra $100 upfront and buy mags and save yourself a LOT of time and frustration!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 6, 2001
Sydney, Australia
Personally I'd rather Avid mechs, Shimano Deores, and then any other brake on the market over the Nines. I've worked on a few 9's, seen a few problems with them that really put me off. Hayes has tarnished their name with that product IMO.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
I heard that last year's HFX-9 brakes were made overseas and there was a problem with assembly/manufacturing. This year that should be sorted out. I don't know, I doubt Hayes would leave a set of brakes on the market 2 years in a row without addressing the problems.