

bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I bet shes smarter too.

PHOENIX — Arizona Sen. John McCain is taking to Twitter to slam President Barack Obama, this time in an exchange with a star from MTV's hit reality series "Jersey Shore."

In a preview for the show's next season, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi laments that she doesn't use tanning beds anymore because "Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning."

She says, "McCain would never put a 10 percent tax on tanning, because he's pale and he would probably want to be tan."

McCain, a skin cancer survivor, replied Wednesday on Twitter, saying "u r right, I would never tax your tanning bed! Pres Obama's tax/spend policy is quite The Situation. but I do rec wearing sunscreen!"

Snooki replied: "Haha Yes!!"

The federal health care overhaul championed by Obama is funded in part with a 10 percent tax on tanning-bed services.
Aaaannnnd......this is why the rest of the world hates us.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i thought this was going to be a thread about john w. kern, wm jennings bryan's running mate

cross of gold...........anyone............bueller....

JBP would appreciate that, as he canvassed for him across the dustbowl when he was delivering mail


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I think it is funny that people consider Biden is an idiot and that Palin would have made a great VP.

Here is the biggest attack interview during the 2008 campaign with a newscaster married to a Republican pollster. No "what newspapers do you read?" here.

I noticed no hesitancy by Biden and he had good answers to all the questions:



Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
"blablabla... a socialist country, just like sweden...blablabla..."

so, let's see how these snuss chewing, pr0n producing commies pass on a worldwide scale...

International rankings Year Place out of

Global Peace Index 2009 6th 144
Enabling Trade Index ranking 2008 3rd 118
Environmental Performance Index 2008 3rd 149
List of patents by country 2007 11th 172
Save the Children – Mother's Index Rank 2007 1st 141
Save the Children – Women's Index Rank 2007 1st 141
Save the Children – Children's Index Rank 2007 4th 141
Human Development Index 2007 6th 177
Global Competitiveness Report 2007 4th 131
The Global Gender Gap Report 2007 2007 1st 128
Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2007 5th 169
Corruption Perceptions Index 2009 3rd 180
Index of Democracy 2007 1st 167
Quality-of-life index 2005 5th 111
(source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden#International_rankings)

see??? these socialist scumbags suck the blood out of their poor, opressed people and make them suffer! we should go and liberate them like the free world did in irak and afghanistan!!!!
