

<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Right now I am on this whole running/eating right/not consuming like the last of the Roman Emperors sort of thing. Down 20 pounds in 2 months, 35 more to go.

But I like to drink.
No, scratch that, I love drinking. It makes me sleep better. Couple drinks and I am out like a baby with a tit in his mouth.

I've been on a kick with Wild Turkey Rare Breed and soda. Simple, tasty, and gets me where I need to be as a drunk at my house with a lot of channels on cable.

Now here's where I know I failed my college nutrition class. (I made my wife, then girlfriend, take all the test so I could could graduate)...

A MGD light has 64 calories.
A shot of Wild Turkey has 90 calories.

I know I can get more ripped on the Turkey.

But will I get thinner on MGD's assuming I am going for the same buzz?

Insert all of the "Dirt's a Drunk" tags you want, but for those of you know who might know tom, dick or harry about calories, I am being serious.

Yes, I know this belongs in nutrition, but I like the Lounge better. The Lounge reminds me of a place I'd drink, so this just fits.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Just do the math.

Proof / 2 = % alcohol (roughly)

% alcohol * # ounces = ounces of alcohol per serving.

If 1.5 * (# ounces alcohol/serving of MGD) > (# ounces alcohol/serving of turkey) then you're getting more booze per calorie from the MGD.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Just do the math.

Proof / 2 = % alcohol (roughly)

% alcohol * # ounces = ounces of alcohol per serving.

If 1.5 * (# ounces alcohol/serving of MGD) > (# ounces alcohol/serving of turkey) then you're getting more booze per calorie from the MGD.
Ok, MGD light is 4.2%.

Its 12oz.

My Wild Turkey is 101 proof which means 50.1% booze
So 50.1 *1.5 = 75.15

Someone do the math for me, I just got lost.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Are you drunk? :p

4.2% * 12oz = 0.504 oz of alcohol per can.

50.1% * 1.5oz = 0.7515 oz of alcohol per shot.

The Wild Turkey has 1.5 times the amount of calories, so multiply the first measurement by 1.5 and you'll find that the two have exactly the same amount of alcohol per calorie (or, at least, within a couple calories). So pick the one you like better.


Jan 18, 2004
SouthEastern Massachusetts
BV has it except it depends on what you mean by "soda" (Wild Turkey & Soda). I'm from New England, and a soda could be a soft drink...So, is it club soda (no calories) or is it a soft-drink like coke/pepsi etc?


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Good math, bad numbers.

Miller Genuine Draft "64" Has 2.8% alc with 64 calories,
MGD light has 4.2% alc with 110 calories.

"1 1/2 ounces liquor (80 proof or 40% alcohol) = 97 calories and 14 grams alcohol" from dietitian.net

http://www.drinksmixer.com/desc553.html suggest 69 cals/oz, or 104 cals per 1.5oz shot.

Your best bet is the shot, otherwise you're going to have to go to a richer beer. All of the super low-calorie beers are extremely low in alcohol. Becks premier light is like 3.2, MGD 64 is 2.8, a few of the other ones are the same. AFAIK, the best bet for light beer is miller light at 96 calories and 4.2, plus it tastes like something, unlike mich ultra.

Hope that kind of helps. Get drunk off booze. Wash it down with diet or club soda.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I am cutting it with just plain old club soda. Its good stuff.

And I don't need AA. AA is for quitters. I'm just a drunk.

So sticking with shots. I think also the drunk : pee ratio is also in my favor that route.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Drink whatever speed's up the Cirrhosis. And I would suggest a handful of dilaudids & a loooooong nap.