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Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
A while back, I believe it was I are Baboon or Binary Visions that posted a thread warning people about continued tagging of people's threads with what is meant to be non subject matter tags for purpose of harassment and the post read that the Mods could easily see who it is posting them. The threat was made that if people continue to do this they would face serious infractions. If I recall correctly, the post finished stating to the effect that if the tags are meant to harass or demean the poster, and had no true benefit to the thread subject matter for those looking to find info on Ridemonkey, that those responsible, moderators would start passing out serious infractions.

So far, from the constant tags I see on any new threads I create, and the fact it's always the same exact type of slight, I believe it's by the same person doing so and the fact that it's continuing says to me that either the mods of this site are allowing it, or friends of those doing so and not making good on their threat to pass out these infractions.

While I understand people's posts are sarcastic and meant to be funny and I enjoy reading them sometimes for a good chuckle, some are down right attacking and deliberately nasty. But with threads, at least you know who is posting it and can say something to them in a private message to discuss it with them. But the tags are blind and they should be related to the post subject matter and helpful to people who come on the site and seek info to help them with biking. I feel the situation is so out of hand, that trying to find info on a bike subject, the search engine would be completely useless with tags like Fail at this or fail at that. I doubt that helps you find out how to change out brake pads.

I think it's time to change some software on this website to end what I see as protected harassment. I suggest changing this site so that if you see a tag on a thread, the tag would be, well... TAGGED physically with the person that did the tagging so that if one clicks on the tag, it brings you to the page of the person who wrote it. This would not only allow the person's post being attacked to see who it is doing the attacking, but it would end the harassment by showing the identity of those that do it. IMO

I can't help but think if the corporate sponsors that pay money to run this site through money donated through advertising, what would they think if the company presidents were to find out this site has mods that allow members to harass other members and cyber bully so easily.

Let the comments stay the same. People can duke it out back and forth. Usually that get's a thread closed. But the fact that tags are blind to all but the mods, that's allowing anyone to harass any other member without threat of banning or retribution on the part of those that continue to see the same exact tags on their threads. I say enough is enough. The webmaster of this site should attach a I.D. tag to anyone tagging a post that would allow the person clicking on that thread to see the I.D. of the user that posted the tag. This will no doubt end the problem. Or in the least, allow those being attacked the ability to defend themselves from the childish idiot.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
no, I'm dead serious. I received an infraction once for telling someone off. It said, "Insulting other members." What is constantly tagging someone's threads with the same tag over and over and over. It gets old and the person is being continually childish. Tags should be I.D. marked so that anyone can see who wrote it. That way it would end the problem.

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
Why you gotta warn people like that. Now you'll never find out who'z trying to get your goat. Shoulda PM'd JBP about it and found out who the culprit(s) is(are) before announcing to RM that someone indeed got your goat.



Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
I can laugh at some posts, even like the massengil above. I laugh at that. But when the same person keeps doing it over and over to my posts all the time, it not only gets old, it becomes a nuisance. It would be one thing if I had the ability to know who it is so I could throw it back. But the fact that you can not see who is doing it, doesn't allow me even to defend myself against the childish idiot! That's why all tags should be tagged with the I.D. of the member that posted it. And BTW, they're not going to tell me who it is because I'll call the muther fxcker out right here on RM in front of everybody! Of course, then the mods would give me an infraction for "insulting other members."

I think it's time the mods who made the threat to do something about it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! There have been many people on RM who in the past have contacted me through PM and told me they feel the same but never ever make comments because of the same few that will attack their posts etc. Imagine if a corporate sponsor CEO that funds RM through advertising on here would find out this site allows that type of cyber bullying to go on. Do you think they'd continue advertising on here, or pull those dollars and go somewhere else where they delete such comments and tags and ban those making them?

Tags should be linked to the poster that made them. That will end the problem. If the problem continues it fairly allows the person being harassed to fight back.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I am the manager of the site, dude. Your message here is directed at me, same as your PM.

Not only that, but you didn't even give me one hour to respond to your PM before posting public threads directed at the powers that be, or copying other mods on your message - unnecessarily, since all of us talk to each other and if a decision needs to be made, we will make it.

All of this is over the very minor issue of a problem with thread tags, seemingly pretty harmless thread tags, which I haven't even been able to look at closely enough to find out if you've got a valid complaint. It's not like this is worthy of tying up the time of several mods and the rest of the board - any one of us is perfectly capable of quietly looking into it and finding out what the problem is.

I would have been happy to talk to you about this in private, but I was doing things like going to the grocery store and cooking dinner after working all day. I don't sit here waiting for PMs all day.

Have some patience and maybe we can discuss it.


triple nubby
Jan 7, 2011
hopkinton ma
no offense bro but its the internet its in no way serious. to add to that this is ridemonkey its not some where people look for information you will get alot more of that on mtbr. not only because they are more serious posters there, theres also alot more, theres what like 200 active posters hear if that. in short if you dont like it leave the forum and go somewhere else. i dont think i speak for my self on this but i find the way the forum is run currently very fun and entertaining.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
So far, from the constant tags I see on any new threads I create, and the fact it's always the same exact type of slight, I believe it's by the same person doing so and the fact that it's continuing says to me that either the mods of this site are allowing it, or friends of those doing so and not making good on their threat to pass out these infractions.
It actually sounds to me like the thread tags are being used exactly as they are intended. This way someone can search whatever tag it is that keeps getting added and find every single thread that you started. Convenient, no? :thumb:


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Why you gotta warn people like that. Now you'll never find out who'z trying to get your goat. Shoulda PM'd JBP about it and found out who the culprit(s) is(are) before announcing to RM that someone indeed got your goat.
This. Don't bother with BV or MBC, or IAB, as they're reasonable, thoughtful people who actually stop and think about the issue at hand. JBP is far more likely to see something like Tallahassee Dump Truck and swing the banhammer / edit post option before even bothering to see whether it's a sexual term or a gravel company in Florida...

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