
The afterlife.....


Flexmaster Flexy Flex
Sep 24, 2001
Lost in the woods...
Is it our next step, or do we cease to exist when our brain no longer transmits electrical signals?

This is a serious question :monkey: s. I was reading a book about the subject, and it became almost comedic how many iterrations of the theme there are out there.

It got me to thinking, is it that we as humans need so desperately to believe that we are actually immortal to asuage our fear of death (and the perceived pain associated), or is it that indeed there another plain of existance beyond our physical world? And if so, how do we know about it?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by eric strt6
my view [Readers Digest version] your are born, you live, you die, you rot.
Yep. Altho really none of us knows whether this is true, there is no evidence (that is credible to me at least :rolleyes: so no preaching) that there is anything more. Sure, one can live a full and rewarding life not just on the material plane, but that's a far leap away from believing that death is not final.
Credible to you? What if it is credible to millions of other people? Charles Manson is insane, and if something isn't credible to HIM, it doesn't necessarily render all the evidence useless. :D

Not that I'm insinuating you're insane. Although I sort of thought ALL of us monkies here were a little insane.


Flexmaster Flexy Flex
Sep 24, 2001
Lost in the woods...
Ahhhh, the twisted beauty of personal beliafe! To me, that is one of the other great mysteries of humanity...the ability to have faith! That funny little thing called abstract thought, that allows us to each create some sort of survival startegy (read: religion! ) and other various coping mechanisms.

Personally, I do not believe that god is a bearded white guy on a throne in heaven doling out some sort of outdated and predjudiced form of justice, but I DO believe in a spirit existance, where there is a higher power than the human animal...when I die, I do not hink that I just rot, but I also do not think I go into some sort of (humanly) concievable utopia called "heaven."
Originally posted by VTinCT
Ahhhh, the twisted beauty of personal beliafe! To me, that is one of the other great mysteries of humanity...the ability to have faith! That funny little thing called abstract thought, that allows us to each create some sort of survival startegy (read: religion ) and other various coping mechanisms.
I'm 'fairly sure' (the quotes denote subtle sarcasm) that there's a bit more to the religion I adhere to than a past fueled only by abstract thought and an intense desire to survive.

Originally posted by VTinCT
Personally, I do not believe that god is a bearded white guy on a throne in heaven doling out some sort of outdated and predjudiced form of justice, but I DO believe in a spirit existance, where there is a higher power than the human animal...when I die, I do not hink that I just rot, but I also do not think I go into some sort of (humanly) concievable utopia called "heaven."
I don't believe that God is a bearded white guy on a throne in heaven either, but as far as doling out some sort of outdated and predjudiced form of justice, if there's not a set-in-stone group of rules/laws and such that can't be changed over time, that means that our rules/laws will change 'with society.' The problem with that is that when (or as) the society becomes more corrupt, so can the rules/laws.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
There is no proof of afterlife. There is only a great mystery of what lies beyond, if anything. Now is the only thing that is real. I personally believe in afterlife, and a creator, but i have no scientific proof whatsoever. The one thing we all have for certain is an opportunity to find out for ourselves. I've been grateful for the gift of life regardless.